Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Cute idea Astrid!!! Glad you were able to deliver your tshirt to Michael :) Have a great time at your next concert!!!!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I agree. Everyone enjoy their next show that's for sure. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hi Kathy,

the t-shirt was Christine's idea. She created it with so much love and put a lot of time in it. And she was the one to deliver it, after we all put our signature on it while meeting each other for the first time in that café. Just made the photo, because I was busy with something else ... LOL

Have a great time too - also Robin and everyone else.

Good night (00.40h am, sleepless in a German hotel/Stuttgart....LOL)


Hey Astrid, thinking of you and the girls and wish you a memorable time and looking forward to your reviews, take care. Big hugs to you all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

I am late here but I hope al went FANTABULOUS at your concert Astrid!!! With everyone working together what a great outcome!!! Lots of good memories created :)

kathy and LAFD Bob

Oh, Thank You Astrid for these videos...I LOOOVE them!!!!

Jaana...from Finland xx

Thank You Sylvia!


Jaana...from Finland xx

Thank You Sylvie for these link's! I really enjoy these...cause I was there too, ll!


Jaana...from Finland xx

Jaana! It's so good to have you back here! I really missed you and your wonderful reviews sweetie! I hope you'll be able to share at least another one with us... :D It's really good to have you back sweetie and hope it's for good! Take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

Thank You Sylvie, Ive missed You too, all of You, a lot!!!

I've read sometimes, some posts from the forum too, but usually use fb, in these days more, to share everything about's so easy there,  found it much easier for me to use! Like now I have added a lot of picks already from my MB 'tour-trip',..Dresden, Antwerpen and Berlin..., I have tried to make albums here too, but for some reason I wasn't able to do it here anymore, so now I haven't even tryed (cause it's driving me nuts if I can't do something what I wanna do with this D..n computer, lol!)!!

I hope You all have understood the reason for 'my silence'! Not my fault, but the truth is, that I had 3 different operations for my legs last winter, between 7.12.-28.2. and unfortunately, the first one for my right heel went so badly wrong, that I again suffered the most horrified pains more than 3 weeks after that...and You know, when something starts to go wrong way, it continues and continues :( Thank God, I had Florin here, in Finland, with me, without his help, I really do not know, how would I survived, cause I needed to stay in bed months after months again! Thank You, Florin, again!! He was so kind and nice for me...ordered those 3 concert tickets, all to the first row, and all the other nice surprices about MB...for me..he really wanted to get me better again soon...and he knows that Michael and his music is THE BEST MEDICINE for me!! Still couple of weeks ago, one of my doctor´s told me...'do not take a single step with your legs, use your wheelchair!' I told him I had to walk because I got those 3 concert tickets to the MB's concerts in Europa, he said: *Yes Jaana, I know, but unfortunately this time somebody need to carry You in GO, cause You NEED all the HELP, You can get, now!* So, it's's know...what 'The Healing Power of the Music' can do and specially for me!! You maybe have already realised, I went to those concert's...didn't follow my doctor's order...I walked...I know, much too much for me...cause I travelled alone...but again...I DID IT!!! Thank You Michael...You made me feel so ALIVE again...I got the all that 'willpover', from Your music and shows, what I'm going to need again, a lot, during this future 'healing-process' of mine! I'm so happy I found Your 'Voice' and music, when I most needed help!! It has helped me ever since.........I'm going to love you forever, because of that, Michael...You gave my life back to me!!!!

Okey, I got to tell You one other thing too, why I haven't post a lot here! I have allready told it to You, other fans of Michael's, but I think many of You really understood what I meant then, after I had that marvellous opportunity to enjoy MB's press-conference in Romania last summer! You've seen videos from there...about 'blackberries' ringing!!! So, I did realixed there, that this forum is created in a way, that MB really have the opportunity to read all those messages You write here!! It is true!! As he told there, everytime You 'click' Add Reply-button, the message immediatly goes to one of Michael's 'Blackberry' (1 of those, I think that is the reason, why he got more than 1 of those...he gets so many messages from You, lol!), it's 'ringing'...and he CAN READ what You just wrote to his forum (if he wants and got the time to do so!)..(look the video!!)..anyway, that's what I understood about his explanisition's there, when those 'Blackberries' of his were ringing in the middle of the press-conference (I thought he has been in a hurry to get there and forgot to close those!)!! So...I was thinking in my mind...all those stupid things I had wrote here before, like how he 'murder's my heart, etc. (LOL)...and felt so ashamed!!! I started to think..I 'm not going to write anything silly like that in this forum (cause I don't want him to know how stupid I am, lol!)...but as You can see, here I am again...continue writing...but I think that at the moment (and hope), MB hasn't got a time to read the post's, as he's busy in travelling in Europe!!

Heh, as I'm so 'talkative', silly I can't even myself remember what i just now have wrote here...but think this is enough now, lol! But Sylvie, I'll try to start writing more here now!! I had absolutely GREAT so much to tell You, so many pic's and videos...but unfortunately, even that I have tried really hard (have only slept 2-3 hours in the night) tofix and ad those to everywhere, I haven't got the time to do so! Only have posted my first pic's from the Dresden concert to the fb, sorry about that!! But, wait, I will do so, later, here too, but need to get someone to help me to do so, as I didn' manage to do so last time (GRRR!), stupid me!!!

Lots of Hugs to all of You, my friends here..

Jaana...from Finland xx

Oh Jaana thank you so much for coming in here and telling us your story - you are one crazy lady but the best of !! :)  You know too I am absolutely thrilled for you that you got to the concerts and met Michael and as you say life is for living because we do not know which second is going to be our last and there sure is absolutely no use sitting on our butts/bums thinking of what might have been - get out there and make it happen, as you sure have, by your strength of character and the love in your heart for the MAN and his MUSIC - you are a wonderful example to follow and I sure wish you all the best Jaana and may there be many more concerts of Michael's that you get to see and wait until I win that European Lottery for I promise, first thing on the agenda, is arranging that private concert for all of us - get ready to board that jet girls !! :)   

Nice idea and thought about the phones Jaana but I am pretty sure by now, if that ever was the case for their ringing incessantly, Michael will have disconnected them all ......the man wants to stay sane Jaana not get as crazy as all of us !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Oh Jaana, you are very welcome! Sweetie, thanks for bringing me up to date because I’m not on Facebook and I had no idea about your operations. I’m really sorry to hear about all the tough times you’ve had and God bless Florin for being such a good friend! I thought he was in Finland for his work... I’m sorry you’ve had so much trouble with photo albums too and hope you get help. OMG Jaana, God bless you for traveling alone in your condition sweetheart… You’re a very strong person and I truly admire you! Sweetie, I doubt that Michael would have enough time to read everything on this forum, but I know someone should definitely forward him your post! :D Oh Jaana, we all get silly at times and I’ve written one or two things that could be embarrassing, but I’m sure that if Michael reads our posts, he understands where it’s coming from so don’t worry! Jaana, I am very much looking forward to reading you again, especially if you have time to write reviews: you are so much fun to read and I really have missed you a lot… Please do take care of yourself, get some rest and listen to “Gems” to speed up the recovery process! And please, give Florin a big bear hug for me, okay? You’re very fortunate to have such a good friend and his wife is blessed. Take care Jaana. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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