One of my favourite




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Oh, Sylvia even the sculpture? I've never seen that! Thank you!

Well wee one.....and they said Sylvie is the "Problem Solver"!!!  Maybe you girls should team up like Sherlock Holmes and Watson...LOL!!!!



Thank you Wee One....I haven't seen the sculpture before....that I can recall!!!! LOL Your explanation sounds very reasonable to me indeed!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

that Michael "craves success  he thinks he is much more deserving of" is widely documented and even appears as part of  a description of his character in  different internet biographies.As I just now -before I read your entry- asked Jennifer if she could find more information about the years 1996,7,8 this is very helpful for my own understanding.I cannot read the small print,but if you could zoom it and even find the whole article I'd happily translate it. The headline to this one almost sounds like words out of the Michael Jackson song:"give in to me"(where Orianthi by the way did a brilliant acoustic coverversion)..the words I'm thinking of : "I spent a lifetime looking for someone-don't try to understand me just simply do the things I say........the song of course is not a song about craving success,but craving love

Loving these pictures, ladies! 

Dare I say the sculpture is a little strange.  I can't imagine Michael having that in his garden.  Seems odd.

I agree that in the photo of Michael on the floor with the guitar his face just doesn't look right.  Is it too much

make-up or something?  Just doesn't seem right... photo-shopped maybe.

Thanks for sharing all of these!



I will eat my hat again - OMG I am running out of hats !!!! LOL   I found the little picture I had archived and when I looked at rather closely i.e. magnifying glass it was not what I thought because it is a duplicate of the larger one and he does in fact have short hair so still no definite explanation as to why someone should muck about with his head - only my assumption !! :)  Sorry folks !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

LOL Janniche - you do have some expressions and poor girl (I do not know who you mean) if she has "horse teeth" !!!!!!! LOL.  Do you not fancy a little look through the internet, Janniche, to try and find what picture that "head" was taken from - may keep you busy for 2 months or more !!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. LOL. LOL.   OH, I am naughty - sorry Janniche.....only joking !!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Yes that is true Janniche must give you more time and especially too when are not as "young" as you were - you are getting older for you are 20 now, getting older for sure so got to give you more time to do things - I will give you three months instead of two that fair ???? LOL.   I will give myself a year to find it !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Did I make a mistake again or was I just winding you up ??????? LOL.    That *cough* sounds bad Janniche - you should get something for it - a *cough* mixture !!!!  LOL   Yes, and for your cheek, I am going to try and beat you and find that photo first and prove that us "oldies" have still got what it takes and if not I will meet you back here on 20th October !!!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 

Where do you stay in Norway - I'm on my way over to smack you......grandma or granny will do fine but we definitely will have less of the great grandma or was it great, great grandma even .....oh Janniche I am ROFL and I just exploded with laughter when I read your message - you are one bundle of fun girl or maybe you are being serious !!!!! lol.


Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.

Watch this space young blood and you'll find out Granny is still good for some things - yeah, you had better take note for she is reloaded and firing on all cylinders and she is ready for any challenge so you had better not step on her toes, although, on second thoughts : go ahead and make my day, punk !!!!!!!!!


Just call me SLY, Stallone's wee sister and remember  and look round every corner for you don't know where these wee Scottish feet will end up walking .....Stavanger here I come !!!!!!!!

Janniche and Sylvia,

you scare me  - ROFL !



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