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Hey don't take it to heart Dianna for it isn't anybody's "fault" just one of those things and as far as I am concerned how can anyone be at "fault" or anything else when all you were showing was what all of us are capable of and that is in being enthusiastic and supporting Michael......I give you three cheers for doing it and showing it !!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Sylvia
I was enthusiastic alright I was on the internet,yelling Orders to Bill to ring here and ring there ( I am partially deaf and find it hard to hear on the Phone) but I might as well have been I was talking in the background and asking all the questions I could think of LOL!!!!
Poor Bill and everybody else that I was trying to convince to sell me tickets :)
Love Dianna xxx
Hello Dianna,
you must be one of the most happy people on the planet as Michael is going to play so many concerts in Australia soon !?!
It is a sign that he feels in Australia very well !!!!
How many concerts are you going to attend?
Ivana :-))
Hi Ivana
It has been a while I have been so very busy in my life with life itself
Some good and some not so good that is very true
I am hoping for 4 concerts I have started saving the $$$ for the air flights etc
Last time Michael was here he said he enjoyed Australia and didn't understand why he hadn't been back in that long :)
Hopefully he will take some time this time to try and enjoy himself play some golf etc
Love Dianna xxx
Congratulations on your new baby boy Jessi. For a minute there I thought you meant a paternity issue with your son being a Michael Bolton baby!!!! LOL Hope to see you post during nap times :) Enjoy your little one!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Hi Jessi,
Nice to hear from and to talk to you for the first time and I just wanted to say congratulations on your own little bundle for I am sure he is your one and only little gem - congratulations !! :)
How you stop receiving all the e-mails is to go to the foot of this page and where you see the words "stop following", click on that and it will change to "following" and you will receive no more notifications about messages posted works the same way for any page on the probably will still get notifications about blogs and also word too when someone has started a new discussion but unless you come in and leave a comment you should get no e-mails concerning it after the initial one !! Hope that information helps and that I have got my facts right for I am known to get a bit "confused" at times but I am pretty certain that info. is okay !!!!!! LOL.
Good luck and take care Jessi !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Hi Jessi and welcome back sweetie! Funny how I said the same thing that it had been a while when I read your name! Well congratulations on your new blessing, did you name him Michael? ;D Sylvia is right on one part of how to get rid of incoming messages. In all the messages you get from the forum, there’s a link that says: “to stop following this discussion, go to…” and another link that says: “to control which E-mails you receive on Michael Bolton, go to…”. That should be easy enough. Otherwise, you could do it from your profile page. I don’t know how your page is set up, but you should have a “settings” or “change settings” link and from there, go to “E-Mails”. You can check or uncheck what notices you want or don’t want, you can uncheck everything if you want and don’t forget to “save” your changes! I wish you all the best with your new little one and that he sleeps through the night as soon as possible. I love babies, but I don’t miss the waking up in the middle of the night! Take good care of yourself Jessi and hope to read you when you pop by. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi, Dianne
Lol !! Dianne don't blame you, I would have done the same thing...
Take care
Thanks everybody
I will just have to be a little more patient I guess LOL!!!!
And pray I can get some good seats when everything is ready :)
Love Dianna xxx
It is like being a child again when I see dates in Australia honestly it is like christmas and birthdays all rolled into one.
Love Dianna xxx