A few months ago Michael posted about being involved in and Andy Samberg project...well it is being released on May 10th and Michael is featured in a track entitled Jack Sparrow.  Check out more info here:



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I laughed at Michael's crooked mustache Robin!!! lol What a great medley though and super attention for Michael!! Once AGAIN MIchael comes out smelling like a rose from this video!!! WAY TO GO!!!!! I think I laughed as hard as I did when I saw the video on SNL!!!!! Access Hollywood Live showed a sort clip of Michael as Jack from the Emmy's on their show this morning :) So Billy Bush decided to join in the fun and dressed up like a pirate also!!! And the accolades just keep rolling in!!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Yes, very cool and it was funny! The three Lonely Island guys and MB come walking out in the black & white with shades on, looking cool. MB looks very hot as usual but he hangs back at the top of the stage, the camera follows the other 3 guys singing. Then as MB sings "This is the tale of Capt. Jack Sparrow" the camera pans up and you see him in the pirate outift on the top on the ship with guys dressed in skin tight water bead print light blue outfits. It cut very soon after that to the song "Three Way" or something like that. (I am not that familiar with the other songs) Then the song "I Just Had Sex" Then MB and the others came out and all joined for the finale. They all sang their songs, but you could hear MB over most of them as he sang Jack Sparrow and "Giant Squid" a few times.
The audience loved it, the young girl from Glee, Leah Michele who gave the next award said "Nothing we say is gonna be funny now, after that! And pirate Michael Bolton looking good"
Hey Joy, thanks a lot for  the description! Despite the wardrobe malfunctions, he sounded fantastic and I thought that was very cool of Leah michele to say that, I loved it!  You know, I was thinking: Michael performed on the Grammys, the Oscars, and now the Emmys, what's next? Something else to add to the old standard presentation! Well thanks again Joy, take care. Hugs,sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi all,
I found it already! Jennifer S. and anyone in the UK that can't see our TV shows, you can watch this.
Now that I see it again, I see how fast the quick costume change was for Michael out of the tux and into the pirate. His moustache and beard are quite crooked and when he turns around his costume is open in the back! Later when he comes out for the finale, he is all fixed up.

Lonely Island And Michael Bolton Create 80s Pirate Magic At The Emmys

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Andy Samberg‘s comedy group, The Lonely Island, teamed up with Michael Bolton to recreate their popular SNL digital short and thoroughly confuse Bolton fans the world over. They were joined by a troupe of dancers, various funny actors — such as Maya Rudolph channeling Lady Gaga, the 80s and what may very well have been a merkin haphazardly glued onto Bolton’s face.

Better listen to this now so you now what everyone is rambling on about at the office tomorrow.


I know Joy, that was alot to change to so fast..He did great despite the wardrobe not totally cooperating!LOL He then had a longer break so they could fix him..He had wonderful vocals on his parts of the song..Yes the all think he's quite handsome...LOL

Robin in MD :)

Thanks a million Joy for putting that link in as it was tremendous seeing Michael even if his moustache was a wee bit squinty makes no difference to how great "our boy" looks !! :)

Thanks again Joy !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend. 



Lonely Island Recruit Michael Bolton, Akon + More for a 2011 Emmys Medley

Lonely Island

Kevin Winter, Getty Images

Oh, those The Lonely Island boys! Fusing comedy with pop music is their trademark, and they do it on record (‘Turtleneck & Chain’) and on TV (‘SNL’) and on awards shows (the Emmys!)

During this evening’s Emmys ceremony, the trio performed live, wearing spiffy, white jacketed tuxes and kicking off their medley with ‘Jack Sparrow.’ It wouldn’t have been complete without a Michael Bolton guest appearance as Capt’n Jack Sparrow, dressed in full pirate garb and surrounded by nautical, high seas props.

Actors John Stamos, Maya Rudolph and Ed Helms performed the Island’s ‘3-Way (The Golden Rule),’ which was featured on the season finale of ‘SNL’ and was initially performed by Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake and ‘SNL’ star/Lonely Island leader Andy Samberg.

Just when you thought the performance couldn’t get any more studded with star power, singer Akon showed up, singing Lonely Island’s ‘I Just Had Sex.’ The Lonely Island boys also gyrated while hanging around actor William H. Macy.

While the Emmys are much more light-hearted and less self-congratulatory than, say, the Academy Awards, this performance was a welcome and appreciated shot in the arm for an already funny ceremony. The Emmys producers certainly know what they are doing.

Watch the Lonely Island Medley at the 2011 Emmy Awards




Thanks, the links are coming out fast for this one...LOL  MB just posted a backstage pic of all of them on his Facebook page..

Fun stuff!!!

Robin in MD :)

Very cool I loved seeing this tonight

Thanks Gail....boy things really are moving fast!!! I am way behind with just the next day!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Gail,

Michael made my Day:)! After working my 8hr. shift I got home in time to watch this and I can honestly say "I Needed That"...Michael just keeps Going The Distance & Beyond for Us All....And that is why we All Love him:)!  He looked nice in the Tux & Shades, but then when he did Jack Sparrow! OMG:)!

I know what I'll be talking about all next week:)!  Please tell him how grateful we All are that he showed up to do this for Us!!!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Just came down the page and have found your link and it too is super - thanks Gail ......wonderful to be able to see Michael and again how very obviously he is enjoying himself dressed as the Captain - wonderful !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.