I can't wait............I get to see Michael in my favorite city!!!!!!   Love Michael and love Nashville!!!!!!    Only 66 more days ....WOOHOO.  So is anyone else going to this show....hope to be able to meet up with anyone down there!!!!!

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Hi Rhonda and welcome to the forum
You sound like one happy lady here's wishing you a fanastic concert enjoy it and let us know how it all goes!
I wish I could say I was going but alas I live on the other side of the world
All the best
Thanks Dianna...for the welcome. Yeah I guess I am happy when it comes to see seeing Michael. I will try to put some pictures up that I have taken. How many times have you been lucky enough to see Michael?
Hi Rhonda, Welcome to the forum. Have a fun time at your show..
Robin :)
Thanks.......for the welcome. An I'm sure I will have fun...It's a Michael Bolton show ...how can I go wrong!!!!
Hi Rhonda and welcome to the forum. Yes, I am going to the concert in Nashville. Where are you sitting? Did you get the meet and greet tickets? Looking forward to the concert!! Maybe we could meet up! I will be coming in from Memphis that morning. I see you are in Ohio, when are you coming to Nashville?
Kerie, Thanks for the welcome......we are at table 10 and yes we did get the tickets with the M&G. Just found out from the Wild Horse that the only camera you are allowed to have are the disposable kind...which kinda sucks...was hoping to get some great shots being that close!!!!! Did you get the M&G tickets and where are you seating at? Yeah we are coming in from Ohio and will probably be there early afternoon (Thursday) staying till Sunday!!!...it's a five hour drive for us!!!! I would like to meet up....let me know. Rhonda
Hey there Rhonda, yeah, I did get the meet and greet tickets, I am at table 3, seat 1. Did you ask Wild Horse if you get something else for the M&G other than the ticket that said how they do their M&G? In the mail, I only got the ticket for the concert that said what they were, I was going to email them but have not had the chance to.. I will be by myself as my daughter is coming, but did not get her the expensive ticket!! I know people who have been to Wild Horse and they took in cameras that were digital and did not use a flash!! Who knows, I will try any way. I know they have a professional take pictures at the M&G and then you can get a picture from them. I am excited as I will go to Nashville in Aug, then Tunica and Branson in Oct!!! Nashville so far is the only M&G of these concerts!! Hopefully we can meet up there, I will be leaving on Friday to come back home...It is only 3 hours up there.. Where are you staying?
Hey Kerie They said to get there before 7;00 the DJ will let us know where and when the M&G will be. I know I can't believe that they changed the camera policy.....they said it was a new policy that no camera's for the bigger shows. We are staying at the Embassy Suites out by the airport. I would have liked to stay downtown but my girlfriend that is coming, got a deal on that hotel...so it's really no big deal. So how many times have you seen Michael? Well I hope that we can meet up down there...it will be fun!!!! Where are you staying at?
Honestly, don't have a hotel yet, will work on that soon!! My other daughter has been living up there, but will be moving the end of July!! I usually stay out around Opry Mills, but since the flooding, probably find somewhere closer into town. Just looked at their website and that camera policy is new!! That is the pits!!! I did see they open the doors at 6:00. so I will be there then and look for the dj!! I have seen Michael in concert more times than I can count!! Been going to see him since 1990!!! I have 3 photo albums in the gallery of some of the most recent concerts. I have only gotten to meet him 3 times, this will be the 4th!! I met him this past March up in Connecticut at the concert and once at This Close fundraisers and at a cocktail party in Arkansas!! Most of these have been meet and greets that you get a picture and a quick hello! I love going to see him as much as I can!!! I have a ton of pictures from all the concerts, so maybe this one I can just enjoy...I will make you a friend and send you an email so we can meet up if you like.
That sounds good ......make me a friend......so we can meet up. At the M&G can you get him to sign anything? I know I've seen him lot as well but this will only be my 2nd M&G. I can't wait...should be a good time. You should check out the Embassy Suites that's where we are staying.........Well hope to talk to you soon. Thanks for sending me the email


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