HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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Hi dear Robin,

I am glad you had a great night! Thank you so much for your wonderful review!! I enjoyed reading it, thank you Robin!

Warm greetings,

Nicolette xx

PS.  I am looking forward to seeing your pictures! :-)

Hey Robin, you know how you always say that Michael never disappoints? Well, we can say the same about you and your detailed epic reviews! Lol Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful night! Well, you didn’t get to hear the 2 “Gems” in the show but at least you did hear them. I’m so glad to hear the audience was so responsive to Michael and that he was giving it right bac... Cool he endorsed picture taking too! Wow, cool long segment with Kelly but he must have sung “Nessun dorma”, didn’t he? That’s just so wonderful  that  serious BB’s were able to be at the stage during the second half: let him feel the love! :D What else can I say, thank you so much for sharing! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Sylvie. No he did not do Nessun Dorma.. Glad you liked the review..just trying to share the fun!!!

You are very welcome!

Robin in MD :)

I finally had time to read the reviews, and Robin sounds like you had a really great time!!!  Loved the review, felt as though I was there!!  So cool he held so many hands!!!!  Glad you didn't have too much problems going to the stage but with you and the others I know that were there, I don't think security would have had much of a chance!! LOL!!!  Anyway, glad it was wonderful and can hardly wait to see him again!!  Love the pics in the gallery, great job as usual!!!  One of these days you will turn your non Bolton fan into a true Bolton fan LOL!!


Michael may come to Hungary Kiss Magdolna....you never know !!!!! :)    Keep hoping !!!! :)  


Sylvia,.   Your wee Scottish friend.


what is she saying here? Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA wants to know?

Robin CA she was just saying that probably Michael would never go to Hungary but she wanted him to that is why I have answered her the way I have.....that is all she is saying and I answered her because she does occassionally put comments on blogs so wanted to give a little bit of encouragement for her to stay - okay that was all !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


I couldn't understand what the Hungarian girl was saying. Hope he does go there for hers&others sakes. Cool. Wasn't he in Rumania? Of course, I don't know how far Rumania is from Hungary? :) Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

They border each other Robin but they are rather large countries and I don't know how easy it is for the nationals to travel between !!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I thought they were near one another but like you, not know how far apart. Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Hello everyone!  I had the privilege and honor of attending Michael's concerts in Atlantic City on Friday night and in Chester, PA on Saturday night.  What a thrill!  I was especially pleased to meet some of the ladies from the forum.  On Friday night I met Gail, Elaine P., Lee and Joyce F.  On Saturday night I met Robin and got to see Elaine P. and Lee again.  It was so nice to meet all of you and spend some time together at two great concerts!  Thank you!

Am I limited to the number of characters or pages here?!  I hope not!  Here we go:

As Gail has reported Friday night's concert was a good two hours.  Michael sounded fantastic!  He interacted with the audience quite a bit.  He introduced his mother to the crowd.  She stood for the applause.  He also had several cousins there that he named.  He mentioned two that were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.  He talked about the usual "strategically placed" people in the audience that were hollering things out to him.  Audience laughed.  We were in the second row, but we were in the far left section.  Not ideal, but okay.  I had an aisle seat.  I was going to take notes of all the songs, because I realize some of you like a set list.  I have no notes, other than my memory!  Sorry!  I guess I got caught up in the excitement!  He sang Soul Provider; Steel Bars; Time, Love and Tenderness; Dock of the Bay; Nessun Dorma; Said I loved You... But I Lied; Sweet Home Chicago.  Kelly Levesque came out for several duets from Gems.  She is stunning and with a beautiful voice.  They are a perfect combination.  I recall The Prayer and Over the Rainbow.  I may have missed atleast one or two others here.  Michael sang WAMLAW from the middle of the audience, as he does.  The crowd went crazy!  He was given many flowers along the way.  I believe Joyce F. passed some to him!  Earlier in the show two women had made their way actually onto the stage and gave roses to him.  Michael said something about security and seemed to be concerned.  They were fans and were pleased with their accomplishment of getting all the way up to him on the stage without being stopped.  He took the roses and gave them kisses.  A gentlemen, but it probably shouldn't have happened.  After WAMLAW fans started up to the stage.  Elaine and Lee got there before me and Michael was able to the take their hands.  He never came back again far enough over for mine.  Disappointing.  The crowd stayed, no problem with security.  It was great!  We had an encore of two songs; Hallelujah and Pride (In the Name of Love).  Absolutely fabulous!  Great, great show!

I have already read Robin's fantastic review of Saturday night.  I will just add my own personal experience here.  We were in the sixth row, right hand side, aisle seat and next one.  Much smaller venue and considerably smaller stage than AC.  AC holds 1200, Chester was possibly 600 at the most.  Not a typical theatre with raised seating.  Just a one level straight floor.  I wouldn't have wanted to be in the back!  Great voice, great songs, great look!  Just terrific!  So we left our house, much to my husband's surprise with a pirate hat in tow!  My thought was to pass it to Michael when he came down the aisle singing WAMLAW.  Well, it worked!  As Michael was coming down the aisle getting closer to me, I am inching my way out into the aisle more.  I now have a security guard kneeling on the floor at my right knee.  He is saying "ma'am, step back".  I don't think I hear him!  I gently took hold of Michael's left arm and passed the pirate hat to him.  He took my hand and then continued to proceed to the stage.  I know he couldn't tell what I had passed to him, because of the lighting, until he got to the stage.  At that point he looked down at it, showed it to Ryan (guitarist), they both chuckled a bit and Michael put it on the elevated platform where the drummer is.  He didn't receive any flowers.  Only the pirate hat!  So happy to give him a gift!  I am heading to the stage!  I ended up right in the center, at his microphone stand.  Elaine and Lee are to my right.  Robin and friends are to my left.  I introduce myself to Robin!  Great time!  As Robin has said Michael was very willing to hold everyone's hand.  So, so nice!  I got my second hand hold now!  Show continues, music is great, life is good!  Then a hand from behind is reaching over my left shoulder.  Hmmm... an intruder?  My time.  My space.  My experience.  Michael takes her hand.  I see room in that grasp for another hand.  Possibly mine!  I reach my hand in.  Enough of her.  Her hand drops out.  Michael clenches mine with a squeeze.  His beautiful blue eyes are gazing into mine with a smile.  This is when he says "I love you, Diane".  Did anyone else hear that?  I see cupids and angels.  Fairies are encircling his head carrying red hearts.  Beautiful music is playing.  We are alone in the room.  Where did everyone go?  Oh, it was wonderful!  The show comes to an end.  I wait around because surely he'll want to call me back to his dressing room.  This doesn't happen.  We head home.  (Got a nice picture with Michael Lington!)

Today doesn't seem to be happening.  I look around me.  Doesn't everyone realize what I just experienced?  Don't they see me smiling?  What... I have to go grocery shopping?  Clean clothes, homework.  Oh, my.  How can this be?

My first thought is, I hope Michael doesn't come back to this area for a long time.  This experience cannot be topped.  I can't have that though.  I am still in need of a photo with him and a personalized autograph.  Now I hope to see him again very soon!

Thank you all for your time and allowing me to write about my experience here!  Simply wonderful!


Hi Diane, Great review of A City and Chester.  I saw the biggest smile on MB's face singing after he took your pirate hat.. I know he appreciated it a whole lot. Yes that was the only gift I saw him given last night. Was a blast of a time.. Such fun, and yes so glad to meet you too.. It was a rockin time that's for sure.  Don't apologize for the leng of the reviews.. that's what this space if for, SHARING the FUN!!!


Keep them coming ladies.. I love reading them all!!!!

Robin in MD :)


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