Hi everyone a few of us were having a little chat about the good old days and I have some files that I can share with you BUT I KNOW ALOT OF YOU HAVE ALOT MORE so if you can help bring back some great memories to share with us why not and try and bring this forum back alive

Love Dianna xxx



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Ok Folks I have no idea but for the life of me I can't find OCTOBER 2001 I put them away safely I guess so if any of you have them and scan them that would be great :)

I am scanning November's at the moment xx



I realise Sept had some big files I have no idea why they were on my computer like that and when I tried to back them smaller (which I usually can) they were unreadable????? anyway sorry about that


Read them all Dianna....thanks for the journey down memory lane :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I still have more to come Kathy but not too many and I am glad that you are enjoying them :)

Love Dianna xxx

Diane...I am beginning to feel guilty about all your hard work girl!!!!! But THANK YOU :)))))))) Yes I am thoroughly enjoying them especially while we have no new concert reviews to read on the concert review thread!!!! This is certainly a good filler for sure!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Work what work? LOL!!!!

I don't consider this a chore :)

And it's amazing what you find when your looking for things that have been backed away for so many years :)

I am just so glad I kept them we even moved house in 2003 and of cause I never get rid of anything and they got packed up as well :)

They are a good time filler

Love Dianna xxx

Lol....Dianna I probably would find myself reading the great articles and "floating back in time" forgetting to scan or whatever form you are using to share with us!!! I really appreciate all you are doing. I am reading all your newest posts now :) I collect way too many things also but I would NEVER leave behind all my Michael mementos and that includes the online updates. Just need to find the box they are in LOL!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

ciao dianna GRAZIE

cristina italy

It is an early night again for me.....what bedtime reading !!!! :))))))))))))    Thanks Dianna but somehow I don't think you have to apologize because one or two are missing with what you have put in already...good grief woman, no apologies expected but I don't half know what you mean about putting something away in that "safe place" that you will "always remember" !!!!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,


You don't know what I'm Like I am one of those people that this will annoy me for months the fact that I have put some of these somewhere I cannot find them it kind of drives me crazy LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't you worry I will keep looking now and again and you never know the missing months just might turn up because you can bet I would have them. I am surprised that they have held up so well the paper ones I mean after all they really are quite old and they were just printed on a normal printer nothing fancy that many years ago it's a wonder that there not all faded and unable to read.


Love Dianna xxx

Hi Cristina glad you are enjoying them :)

Love Dianna xxx

Is this an officioal magazine?

I don't know this..

But thanks for posting it!


Hmmmmm, may have to restart......!!!!!


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