For those of us old enough to remember-Davy Jones of 'The Monkees' has died.

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I know I saw that today. Sad. He was a part of the MBC Charity Event in 2009 in Ct. I was there and he did a great job. Was fun watching him do his hits and then jam out on stage with Michael Bolton's band..I also remember him on The Brady Bunch.. We all laughed that weekend about that..

Another one gone too soon. RIP Davey Jones!

Robin in MD :)

Thanks for starting this thread Joanne and it is indeed sad to hear of Davy's untimely death and once again makes me very aware of how mortal I am and I am glad I don't know what is round the corner.   Have brought over from FB a few words that Mike Naismith has posted on hearing of Davy's death that I thought appropriate to share.....


"All the lovely people.  Where do they all come from?
So many lovely and heartfelt messages of condolence and sympathy, I don’t know what to say, except my sincere thank you to all. I share and appreciate your feelings. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. While it is jarring, and sometimes seems unjust, or strange, this transition we call dying and death is a constant in the mortal exp...erience that we know almost nothing about. I am of the mind that it is a transition and I carry with me a certainty of the continuity of existence. While I don’t exactly know what happens in these times, there is an ongoing sense of life that reaches in my mind out far beyond the near horizons of mortality and into the reaches of infinity. That David has stepped beyond my view causes me the sadness that it does many of you. I will miss him, but I won’t abandon him to mortality. I will think of him as existing within the animating life that insures existence. I will think of him and his family with that gentle regard in spite of all the contrary appearances on the mortal plane. David’s spirit and soul live well in my heart, among all the lovely people, who remember with me the good times, and the healing times, that were created for so many, including us.
I have fond memories. I wish him safe travels."
Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

The Monkees were so much a part of my childhood.  My parents bought me a record player one birhday, supposedly a "portable" because you could screw the turntable down, and the case had a handle!  My first LPs were The Monkees, and More of The Monkees, one each from my sisters - I still have them.  "I Wanna Be Free" was Davy's incredible solo and I can hear that haunting melody now, his voice was so distinctive.

So, thank you, Davy, for sharing your talent,  for all the magic and the laughter.  You were a gem, and you will be sorely missed.

Margaret in Kent.

My daughter told me about this, she remembered me telling her about him, and how I use to have a bit of a crush on him when I was very young, and "The Monkey's" had there TV Show! RIP Davy, and Thanks for everything...!!!

Mary (Meg's mom)!


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