Michael will start a promo tour in the UK next week to promote the launch of his album The Very Best of/Gems album to be released in the UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gems-The-Very-Best-Of/dp/B00736E7GW/ref=sr_...


BBC breakfast chat 3/12
The Wright Stuff chat 3/14
This Morning chat & performance 3/15
QVC chat & performance 3/16
Loose Women chat & performance 3/19
Also an appearance in Italy
I think it actually airs 3-23
RAI primetime TV show called LYRICS BOARD

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I didn't remember that Top of the Pops clip either Diane and he was stunning in that .....need to check youtube and "Lean on Mean" was a single and it was called a Radio Edit as it was taken from "The One Thing" and the B side was TLAT a live version recorded in Chicago on 26th August, 1992 and the record was released in 1994 by Columbia or at least that is the vynl single I have !! :)

I have put some other pictures on the Photo thread that I took from the telly......do you think I was a wee, wee bit excited about watching that programme......I was up at 6.00 a.m. and the telly was on at 6.03 a.m. and I just about started having kittens, literally, when they started talking about Joan Collins coming on after 9.00 and at that point I hadn't heard a thing about Michael and I thought maybe she was a replacement !!!   Totally off topic but did you see her when she came on......ohhhhhhhhhhhh......think she must be enjoining being married to a younger man a bit toooooooooo much......OMG she has got old and considering you could have scraped the make-up off with a trowel.......okay.....I know..... bitchiness and claws all coming out now !!!!   In all seriousness when I looked back at the telly and saw her I could not believe it for it feels as though it was just a months ago I saw her and she looked fine but not now or whether it was because it was 9.00 in the morning !!!

Roll on Wednesday......can't wait and I promise you all I will try and calm down before then !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


That clip of TotP surprised me Sylvia, but as short as it was, it was very enjoyable ... wished they'd played it in it's entirety ;)


Considering Michael's not doing a UK tour this year, you have every right to enjoy your Michael moments ... and that's what the forum's all about, sharing them!


As for Joan Collins, yep, the claws are coming out there just a little! lol    Btw, forgot to mention in my other post but the start of MB's interviews this week is absolutely spot-on timing ... I'm listening to and looking at Gems - The Very Best Of Michael Bolton :)   Came this morning :)      A definite MB week!


hugs, di xxx

Thanks for the play by play Wee Weporter....lol  Fun reading Sylvia :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Here is the video of his appearance on BBC chat and I can get it in the US so hopefully all of you can get it.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/12698745  Hopefully this gets if for you.

Thank you so much for that Gail.....I could see it clearer on my laptop than on my telly !!!! lol.    I think before Wednesday I had better change some of the tuning on my telly, like the colour, for that jacket looked nothing the same to me although I still love it !!! :)

Diane and anyone else who is interested I am pretty sure I have found out the episode of Top of the Pops that he appeared in when he sang "Lean on Me" and it was from 28th April, 1994 but I cannot play it because I found it on a site for downloading with IMBd but as I don't have mobile phone or anything like that is compatible with I can't play it !!   Believe it was this episode because I found charts for May and June, 1994 when he was mentioned but he was on the way down and that is the next show I can find he actually appeared in.....so if anyone can get link or something to and yet as I suppose as you say Diane the little we see is better than nothing !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Gail & Everyone else!

Thought you might like this!



Thanks so much for that Carol that is quite beautiful and what a wonderful set of pictures to keep from this morning's show....lovely !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Thanks Carol, Lovely pics, I like the jacket!!!!

Robin in MD:)

That's great Carol!!!  Thanks! Gail

Thanks Carol...really like the smile photo!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks so much Gail

What a lovely interview of Michael, you could tell they respected Michael, which is just lovely

Michael I love that jacket very nice

He looks great :)

Thanks again Gail

Love Dianna xxx 


It never loads for me, just says downloading and all I see is the typed description of the show. Where is the video???  I guess it's getting heavy traffic maybe???? shoot.


Robin in MD :(


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