American Idol 2012-2013 (Season #11 & Season #12)

AMERICAN IDOL 2012 & 2013

Welcome anyone watching Idol who would like to talk about it.

We are continuing this discussion with the current season #12

Join in!



Hi everyone,

I think enough of us are watching American Idol (AI) to make this thread worthwhile. So I am taking Sylvie from Canada's suggestion to move it from New Tour Reviews 2011 and give it it's own thread here in Off Topic. Since tonight starts the top 11 voting, it's getting interesting and a good time to start talking about it.

I have been a fan since it started 10 years ago. Hard to believe it's been on that long, not many TV shows last that long. So to anyone watching: "who is your favorite?"


from the Jersey Shore


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Oh come on now, have fun, play along here..........

you are a young, sexy blonde. Deal with it!

Sylvie B.-Pic of another blonde prisoner just as sexy

in a short prison mini skirt and ball and chain!


Sylvie and Robin CA picture of "Naughty Chair" with some enhancements ....Joy's convict picture put on brick wall and down side of photo have put in words "Too Sexy" and underneath have written "Self Portrait" side of picture and slightly overlapping one of MB's a little pirate smiley face with his hook ready to grab hold of the girl !!! lol

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend who is out of here now with anymore pictures !!! LOL.


Thanks for the morning entertainment girls! lol Some people have a lot of time on their hands, good thing we have A I tonight! lol Thanks for the mental picture... :D Take care girls. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Oh your corner looks Shabby Sheek Sylvia!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Would be okay if a pin a picture of Michael up on the wall to look at while I am sitting there all week ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ROFL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Kathy and LAFD Bob

Joy could my "corner" look like this please ???????? LOL



Sylvie I have taken Joy's picture of my chair in the corner and have added three pictures to the brick walls of Michael and I have written on the back of the chair: "Sylvia's naughty chair" !!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend who adores piZap


lol Sylvia, no comment! lol Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D


Bahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!  Me: "The Icon Queen" You: "The Photoshop Queen"

I know it's not photoshop, but similar!  And you are really great at it!

OK, I guess you will be allowed to leave up your Michael posters. 

As long as you stop escaping so much!

(The Warden!)

Thanks for your permission Warden !!!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish convict who will try to stay in her chair !!!!! LOL


Hey to All of you:)!

    My daughter Meghan is at "Daughtry's" concert as of now, it will probably be over soon....She called me to let me hear some of the show:)!

I wish I could have been there with her....but I had to work instead:(....I'll let you know how her pix. turned out! He has a new album out,,,it's called "Break the Spell"...!!!

Have a Great Day!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hope Meggy had a great time Mary and those mobile phones do really have a good purpose after all !!!!! LOL.

.......and sorry Kathy but he is going to be there till the bitter end !!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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