Just to clear things up. Michael Bolton is not in the movie dune. It was rumored that he is a drummer boy. But he is not! In 1984 Michael Bolton came out with the song everybody's crazy. His hair was black. Not dirty blond like it was shown in the movie. Michael even denied it in an interview here is the linkhttp://blogs.abc.net.au/tasmania/2012/04/michael-bolton-was-not-in-dune.html
You will find that he says it was not him! Please don't think it was. Your Welcome 
Josh Alderfer 

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Hey Joshua, thank you for taking the time to post this here sweetie. Did you know that Michael was in a few other movies though? Let’s see, he did a non-speaking cameo in the movie “Blume in love” in 1975, a cameo in “Meet Wally Sparks in 1997, another one in “Snow Dogs” in 2002 and another one in “The onion movie” in 2008. BTW, the song “Everybody’s crazy” was in the movie “Back to school” in 1985, I believe. Michael wasn’t in it though... A bunch of useless information... :D Take care Joshua, good to read you on here. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

Yes I remember him in snow dogs. How could someone forget about the blue cheese cookies! But I don't know about those other movies. Thankyou 
Josh Alderfer 

I didn't know about any of this...OMG...now I have to watch Snow Dogs, & the others! That's not useless info. to someone like me, who didn't have a clue Sylvie!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hey Mary, well glad you learned something sweetie! :D Most people know about “Snow Dogs” because on Michael’s site at the time, we were all waiting for “Only a woman like you” so anxiously and the movie came out in February, 2 months before the CD. Wow, that was 10 years ago already! Anyway, there are altogether 4 songs in the movie: “Dance with me” near the beginning, the clip of WAMLAW during his cameo:


Then TLT close to the end and finally a slightly different version of “As” in the end credits:


It’s really a cute movie too, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it Mary. :D In “Blume in love”, he’s in a hospital scene, reading a book in a waiting room. I got that off a discography/videography that was included with the MBPlatinum package at the time. In “Meet Wally Sparks”, he’s lips-syncing to “Georgia” for hardly a minute and talks a bit with his buddy Rodney Dangerfield. That one was released in ’97 and filmed just before Michael had his haircut.  In “The onion movie”, he does one of those public announcement plees for a foundation called “What about the children” that provides basic necessities to poor children like plasma TV’s! lol According to Wikipedia, that was released straight to DVD. Somewhere on the “New videos on YouTube” thread, we have a link to the full movie, but quite a while back. I should try and find it sometime. BTW, don’t feel bad about that one because if it weren’t for Wikipedia, I wouldn’t have known myself. Hey, here’s another useless fact: in 2002, Michael was supposed to star in a movie called “High Voltage” that I believe may have been filming but the plug was pulled on that one. Michael had been talking about it in interviews, while he was promoting OAWLY. He was going to play some spoiled rock star and that’s all we knew about it. Well there you go Mary! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada :D

Thanks Joshua and hope all is well with you ??? :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Yes all Is very good! Just need to update my profile pic. That's from 2010

Glad to hear all is well with you Joshua and boy I bet you have changed in the last two years.....can't wait to see your new avatar although must admit I do like the Mr. Cool image and especially those shades in the one you have !! :)  Take care Joshua and stay in touch !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Well I tried to update my picture, but I can't find out how!

Hi Joshua, about changing your picture, you should have a link on your profile page that says “edit appearance” or “customize”,  click on it and it should take you to where you can change your settings. To my knowledge,  there should be a link where it says “change your photo” and if you click on it, it should give you an “edit” option, so you can select your current pic, delete it, then click on “browse” and find on your computer the pic you want to replace it with and don’t forget to save your changes. Now I haven’t attempted doing this in a long while so I hope it still works that way... If you’re having problems, contact Gail, our forum moderator and she can try to help. Either leave a message on her page:


or write to her at: boltoninfo@aol.com and tell her you need help and Sylvie sent you... :D She’s an absolute doll. Well good luck sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Joshua and Sylvie......can see exactly what the problem is for you Joshua as I have gone in and had a look at your page and I remember someone else came up against the same problem as you and for the life of me I cannot remember advice given but it was Gail who came in and told the person exactly what to do so, like Sylvie, I would say to you to send a message to Gail.   It has happened because when you have started your page Joshua, I believe I am right in saying this, but you haven't customized it and you need to "make it your own" before everything pops up and it is the "everything" that you are missing for you should have on the right side of your page a list appearing under your name and the bottom one of that list has a heading of "settings" and that is where you go to to change your profile picture and anything else to do with your page such as "privacy" etc   On that list too appears "friend request"  and I have sent you a "friend request" and did wonder why you had never responded but now I know because you can't see it......what you are MISSING out on Joshua, oh boy .......not being "friends" with all of us ...........ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!! ROFL    But hey, you get in touch with Gail and she will sort you out, so to speak - okay Joshua ??? lol   Take care !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Wow I will watch those films too :) heehee x

Glad Joshua's thread has been of help Suzanne and I hope you enjoy films.....little part in "Snow Dogs" is brilliant for I love the expressions MB does !! :)  Hope you enjoy !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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