One of my favourite




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OMG Gail I do not believe that for whilst you were on here I was sending you a message because I haven't spotted you on the forum for a little while and I just hoped all was well !! :)    Oh that really is funny.....yeah......great minds think a like and I don't THINK we will bother finishing that saying !!!!!!! LOL.

Just for you another "oldie".....hope you all enjoy this one .........


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Michael is very beautiful:))))

In Russia, on such lips say: "bow lips"

То же термин, используемый здесь, Ольга .... лук губами и не они красивы!! :)    Agreeing with Olga about "bow lips"....and aren't those ones beautiful !!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))

Here is another picture where you see those "bow lips" !!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi,  dear Sylvia! Thank you for your reply..

This is interesting :)))

In different countries the same analogy, the same fantasy...:Р

Here Michael is very nice "bow lips". In the Russian Internet about beautiful guys write: "nyashka"(няшка).

lol! Of course, this is humor:) Internet slang.

Thanks for sharing....have seen this before, but it has been a L-O-N-G time ago!




Same here, I have Blackjack the LP and some advertising..Love this old pic of the group and MB of course!!LOL

Thanks for sharing it.

Robin in MD:)

I also have BLACKJACK the LP. 




Thank you Olga from me also :))) I love learning some Russian internet slang!! lol So...nyashka it is!!!  I really do enjoy reading all the posts by fans who speak different languages. I think the creativity that you and others use to make sure we understand your message is very delightful :) Keep writing Olga!!!!

Good ol' Blackjack!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi, dear Kathy!!

Interestingly,that will tell your dad about the word "nyashka"? :))))

"Great and mighty Russian language"-said the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev.


Olga..sadly my dad has passed so I can't tell him but I am sure he is "listening"!! :)  

I agree with Ivan Turgenev....there is no other description for the Russian language!!! I look forward to all your comments about Russia which are a little personal history for me :)))) Thank you!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hi, Ivana, Joy, Sylvia and Janniche

Thanks alot for posting and sharing aaaaaaallll .... these new and old cute pics !!!

Memories ...memories,,, memories ..

Take care


Here is another "oldie" from WAY back in the day which I hope you all enjoy because I certainly had no problem looking at again........LOL.



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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