One of my favourite




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Glad you like my new term for MB's smile! When he smiles with his mouth closed and it goes up on his right side, it's kind of smirky. But smirky means to smile offensively in a self-satisfied manner. I certainly don't mean that! So I just think of it as smirky sexy......

Hello Everybody !!!! I think you are right Joy : His smile is more sexy in this part !!!! But all the body of Michael is sexy, i beleive ..... Have a good day all, particulary You, Michael !

I love it to and have always loved that "smirky" smile even though it carries the definition you have given Joy but I much, much, more prefer your new found expression of "smirky sexy" !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


As we are talking about that hair again here are some more "oldies" where, without doubt, MB looks fantastic and has that hair !! LOL  




Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hello Sylvia, When i known Michael in 1996, date of my first concert by Him, he had these hairs : wonderful !!!! Please, Michael, keep grown up your hairs... But whatelse you want, i love You !!!!!!

Ах, мой кросафчег!:))))

Sorry, ladies, escaped Russian exclamation :))))

American girls, tell me, why do you have such a beautiful and white teeth as at Michael ?? :))

Perhaps you brush your teeth with toothpaste secret ..LOL!

Oh stop with the blue vest series of concerts!!!!!!!!!!! Those were such "hot" concerts back then....LOL I LOVED that look on Michael also and as Donsimoni says...with those hairs!!! That is very cute Donsimoni the way you wrote the sentence with your "accent". I enjoy reading the "non-english speaking as a primary language" fans comments because they always take on a more dramatic meaning than we could have written! Thank you Donsimoni for my smile of the day :)))

LOL Olga...that is funny about our teeth!! Famous people for sure always have great teeth. Americans spend a lot of money on teeth whitening and tooth veneers for a perfect smile :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Olga and as Kathy says anyone can get their teeth whitened and it was always recognized that celebrities did in the States for a  long, long while and then it became available to everyone but now, even in little old Scotland, if you have enough money to pay your dentist you can get it done here.......funnily enough, I haven't got it done yet !!! LOL.


Just for you Kathy another one of those "blue vest" days and I hope you enjoy this one too Bernadette and glad you liked all the others .......................


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.




The arms back then.. WHEW!! Loved those photos with the blue vest. Have quite a few in the collection back here too. Good times ladies!!LOL

Robin in MD :)

LOL...Robin..the arms with NO shirt!!! Only the blue

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Kathy your wish is my command !!! :)     I really am a right wee creep aren't I and I truthfully am only putting them on because I love looking at them too......yeah, this suit business now when he is on stage......get it off Michael and let us see the biceps and the triceps and any other ceps you have !!!!!! LOL.






Know they are on here already....not too sure about top one but know other two are BUT why shouldn't we enjoy again, and again, and again, and again, and...........................................


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hello Sylvia, The truck of ice is necessary commanded for me !!! And for you, Kathy, my birthname is Bernadette !!! Thank's.... Thank's to alls for these wonderful photos of my not favorite but my fondamental man !!!! His name is MICHAEL BOLTON --- Bye I kiss You very tenderly BD


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