American Idol 2012-2013 (Season #11 & Season #12)

AMERICAN IDOL 2012 & 2013

Welcome anyone watching Idol who would like to talk about it.

We are continuing this discussion with the current season #12

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Hi everyone,

I think enough of us are watching American Idol (AI) to make this thread worthwhile. So I am taking Sylvie from Canada's suggestion to move it from New Tour Reviews 2011 and give it it's own thread here in Off Topic. Since tonight starts the top 11 voting, it's getting interesting and a good time to start talking about it.

I have been a fan since it started 10 years ago. Hard to believe it's been on that long, not many TV shows last that long. So to anyone watching: "who is your favorite?"


from the Jersey Shore


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Heehee, thanks for taking the time to describe Joy, take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

LOL Joy:)! You know what they say, if your gonna dream, Dream BIg! Loved the pix. now somebody go get Michael for Us:)!

Mary (M&M's)!

Hey Joy, This will be All of Us when he is on 2 and a half men...LMBO! Except I don't need the remote:)!

Mary (M&M's)!

Hey Mary, I would have given him the title the first time I heard him! I wasn't sure it was the best song choice though but it worked. I really enjoyed the song John sang though: I can't think of the original artist but it was really a great song. As far as looking forward to music, if you're talking about competitions, "The X Factor" should be coming in early fall, shouldn't it? Besides, it's only a few more weeks until our Michael's CD so don't despair girl! :D Take care Mary. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey Sylvie, I missed something, did you say Michael has a new cd coming out soon? What's the title? And when do we get to buyit?I really liked the song John & Jennifer sang too, the water works were on:)! He has a great voice as well!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hi Mary, left you a message on your page girl, take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada <3

Well it's official today, Mariah is one of the new Idol judges.  At 12 to 17 Million for one season I'd say they could get pretty much any one they want! So maybe they are not going for the younger judge idea after all.  Hmmmmm........ Michael could take some time off touring, we'd be OK with that wouldn't we ladies? 

Hey Joy, Thanks for that info. she should be very helpful to those contestants:)! But when she gets to hear the 1st ones, I can't wait to see her reaction!!!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hey Joy, thanks for that info: will wonders never cease... Well I know that if Randy stays on, that should be very interesting because they've both worked together before. I'm sorry but I can't help feeling a bit disgusted about the amount of money involved: honestly, is that necessary? Well, this should be interesting. Thanks again Joy, much appreciated, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey All of you:)! I just wanted to tell you All that there is a new music talent show beginning tonite! It's called "The Next"! It's on CMT (Country Music Television)! It sounds like it might be worth checking out, I know I will! I just thought I'd pass it on to you All...It aires at 9:00 here in Ky.!

Mary (M&m's)!

Thanks Mary but I'm on an Elvis marathon today: I got up at 6:00 for "It happened at the world's fair", taking a break during "Kissing cousins" that I have on DVD, then it's girl happy", "Harem scarem" and more! lol Besides, I think I could use a little break from talent shows before I tentatively check out "The X factor" in September because I'm not sure I'll appreciate the new judges... Thanks for letting us know though. Take care sweetie and report back on what you thought of it, have a great day girl! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

Hey all of you:)! Did anyone get a chance to watch The Voice it started was pretty will be on for the next 2 nights! I know it's not AI, but it's Music:)! LOL!

Have a Great Day All of You:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!


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