I know it's not the most valid source but wikipedia said that on September 1, 2012 Michael Bolton released an album titled Black Hudson. Anyone know anything about this? I've looked everywhere and found nothing.

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Hi Scott and to our knowledge no album has been released from the "authentic" Michael Bolton on 1st September !!   Michael is working on a motown CD and has done quite a bit of work on it so far and he was hoping to release it some time in September but as we have arrived in the said month and Michael has not, so far announced anything further, believe that now we are possibly looking at October or November and as for a title to the album Michael has never said what the actual title will be so advise you to keep watching this space and can assure you that this website is the place, where if anything is due to be released, it will be published on here long before anywhere else !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you very much. I'm 21 and have been a huge Michael Bolton fan and I was quite shocked to come across an album I missed any form of promotion for so I figured I'd ask.

Hi again Scott and I WELCOME you to the forum and am so glad you did decide to come on and ask your question and below is a link to a thread we have on here in connection with Michael's new CD and I am pretty sure as soon as something else is announced, Gail, our moderator will be on the thread letting us know exactly what has been said so maybe keep your eye on this one - okay ??? :)




Also keep your eye on the main page where blog posts are put in because if Michael does announce something it is likely his admin. team will also place it on there too !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.






I will for sure! Thank you for welcoming me, I'm glad to be among fellow Michael Bolton fans. 

Hi Scott and welcome to the forum. Oh boy, can you ever say that again that Wiki isn’t the most valid sourse! The first info they give you after his birthdate is technically wrong. It says: “years active: 1975–present” and technically, his first record deal and single recorded was in 1969, as part of the band Joy and his father passed away when he was 28, just for starters. The page is terribly incomplete. BTW, I think it’s fabulous that you’re a 21 year old fan! May I ask how and when you’ve discovered Michael? Just curious. Now as far as Wiki goes, I checked out the discography they have on there and they list the alleged album as “Black Husdon” feat Jennifer Husdon, misspelling her name so that might be your first clue. It’s kind of silly too: they list it as an album that hasn’t charted. Well if an album was released 2 days ago, it might not have charted, what do you think? :D  Incidentally, CD albums are released on Tuesdays to my knowledge so it couldn’t have been released on the 1st. Obviously, there’s not even a source for the info on that page so they can’t evenback that up. BTW, if you’d like to check it out, the official discography on this site is here:


It lists Michael’s major releases that are still available, but doesn’t include all compilations, contributions to other albums including movie soundtracks, the Blackjack albums etc. Out of curiosity, I checked out jenniferhudson.com and there was nothing there either. Michael has mentioned earlier this year that he would have 2 duets on his Motown album, but he’s been very secretive about it, compared to “Gems”. Now sometimes info is leaked, like just before “One world one love” came out, “Just one love” and “Murder my heart” were leaked, unfinished on YouTube, but giving value to the Wiki info sounds a bit far-fetched. In any case, if you have other questions Scott, feel free to ask: we’re a friendly bunch here! Do keep an eye on the link Sylvia’s given you and the main page and look around the forum in the meantime and join in the conversations if you’d like. Take care Scott and nice to have you aboard! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

Hey Scott,

Welcome to our Michael Bolton land where we like to share our stories & adventure we have along the way! And I just want you to know that if Sylvie (the Solver) doesn't have your answers...she will find them out for you somehow:)! So go ahead and give it your best shot! LOL! She probably helped   MB with his Book, too! Have fun & Enjoy!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Thank you! I love how welcomed everyone has made me here feel welcome.  Sylvie I will ask anytime I have a question, I definitely always love to learn new things about Michael, I'm studying to be a film maker and I want to make a music video for him one day so the more I know the better. 

What are you doing up so late ???? LOL   I actually read Mary's comment and then yours and went to get this link I will put below for you and only when I have come back did I spot the time.....suppose of course you could be over here in Scotland on holiday and are sitting having breakfast at 9.00 in the morning as I am doing right now !!!! LOL.  Okay, I know, about 12.30 - 1.00 a.m. isn't that late for someone your age but for an old codger like me......well........!!!! LOL.


Above is a link to a thread I think you might just enjoy.....it is quite lengthy so give yourself time to get through but very much worth the read !!

I wish you every success in your chosen field and are you studying at university or are you working somewhere and learning the ropes from the ground up but hey, no matter what, good luck to you Scott !! :)

As I am still having breakfast I am away for my fifth "wee cup of tea" !! LOL.    What was the question you asked ???   Do I love TEA ????   YES !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your "nutty" wee Scottish friend.



Haha We share that in common I love tea as well!... I'm up late working on a project. Yes I study at a University in Seattle. Film makers are very much night owls haha we pull a lot of all nighters. I will definitely be reading it tonight!

Hi again Scott, very cool you’re studying to be a film maker and best of luck to you about working with Michael someday. Our Michael is apparently working on a documentary right now but we have no official details pertaining to it so far,  although I personally think it’s related to the Motown album. The thread Sylvia has given you the link to is something my friend Jeremy started to attempt to complete a comprehensive history of Michael’s early days. Fans have added vintage articles, I’ve added a few sound bites and the most interesting part developed when Marc Friedland joined the forum. If you don’t know his name, he was part of the band Joy when Michael recorded his first single “Bah bah bah” with them at the age of 16. Marc is a lot of fun to read too! :D Well it’ll be a nice start. Scott, do you know about Michael’s upcoming autobiography called “The soul of it all, my life, my music” due to be released November 13?  I’m sure you’ll get a lot of the answers you’re looking for in there. I’m curious to find out what I’ll discover myself... ;D I’m known here as “the solver” as Mary said and also as the forum librarian, lol so if there’s something you’re looking for on the site, I can direct you. I don’t have all the ansers  about Michael but I know a thing or 2... :D Incidentally, if you don’t mind sharing, I’m curious to find out how you’ve discovered Michael since you’ve mentioned having been a huge fan, because most fans your age discovered him through the “Jack Sparrow” digital short, unless they were brought up on his music like my kids.  Well anyway Scott, do enjoy the history thread, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

I am very excited to read "The Soul of it All" Sylvie, I plan to get it on my kindle as soon as its available. That thread is amazingly interesting! It's truly amazing to see all the progression through his years. I'm glad you asked how I discovered Michael. It is true a lot of people my age were introduced through Jack Sparrow. The way I discovered him is an interesting story. I grew up in an all rock and roll music house. Everything was either rock music or metal music. One day, I would say I was about 8 or 9 years old an infomercial came on t.v for a compilation album of greatest love songs. Michael's song "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" Played and I instantly fell in love with the song. I told my parents about what I heard and they wrote it off and discouraged other genres of music. At the age of 9 I found myself singing the chorus to that song over and over again. I adored the song. Then as the internet became more accessible I would listen to his music. That's really when I started listening to my favorite album Michael has "Only A Woman Like You". Around this time Jack Sparrow had come out and I was so happy to see him doing such a fun song. Ever since my girlfriend and I have been looking for all of his albums.

Hi again Scott, sorry, I feel like I’m stalking you this morning! Lol  I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed the history thread. There’s so much crammed into that thread and it boggles the mind that this much activity was contained to only a few years. I usually ask how fans have discovered Michael because we tend to forget that not all fans have been following Michael as long as many of us have and it’s easier to assess our common knowledge. Incidentally, in case you’d like to read how other fans have discovered Michael, we have a couple of threads about it:

*Introduction to Michael thread


*How did you discover Michael


Wow, what an amazing story, I love it! What are the odds? Well God bless you for sticking to what you love: HAISTLWY is a wonderful song, isn’t it? I loved it by Laura Branigan before I even knew Michael. I love the OAWLY album too, it’s gorgeous. Hmm, would you say that your preferred genre is R&B/dance? Michael has covered so many genres during his career: from Rythm & blues, to hard rock, to rock/pop and opera arias to standards,  but I think if you love the voice, it doesn’t matter. May I ask how many albums you’ve managed to get so far? Just curious. Well anyway, if you need help in that department too, let us know. Thanks again for sharing Scott, take care and have a great day. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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