I was so devasted that by the time I saw anything to do with the fact that Michael had a tour of Australia it was all sold out in Sydney. I saw him when he was here 16 and half years ago. Loved every minute of the concert and would go again no matter how far apart his visits are. I actually won tickets to his next tour here but it was canceled and they offered The Corrs tickets in place of Michael. I graciously refused them as I was so upset over his cancellation. Then this time I find out he's here in Australia and due in concert 4 days later. All sold out!!! He also had a new cd and I knew nothing about that. No I had not come to this web site before and maybe if I had I would have found out all this news and been able to get tickets. I have since downloaded the cd via iTunes (due to the fact that I cannot find it anywhere else for sale) and played it to the point of nearly wearing it out. I hope that now I have joined here I will be kept up to date on Michael.
Next time!!