Hi all.  I'm sure there is a thread like this somwhere, but since I'm newish to the group I thought we should have another round. :)

I was currious what song got you all hooked on Michael.  Was it one inparticular song, a series of hits or just his voice in general?


For me, it was hearing the song "How Can We Be Lovers."  on the radio in 1990.  I was 10 and a half years old.  The song was awesome, but that voice hooked me right off the bat.  Most of the songs my parents played around the house were classical music or ultra easy listening Barry Mannilo stuff so this voice was such a departure to anything I've heard before.....or since, really :).


I would listen to the radio station for hours waiting to hear that song....then my parents bought be my first tape player/recorder and I recorded that song and his future singles from that same local radio station.  I was hooked.  I would stay awake late at night and listen to Cacey Kasum top 40 and then Rick Dees weekly top 40 and get so excited when I saw how much his song had climbed and wait for interviews with him and record them on my tape player :)


I saved up my lunch money from school to buy "Soul Provider," because his music fed my soul more then lunch.  My soul food so to speak. :). Soon enough "Time Love and Tenderness" came out and my parents bought me this one so I wouldn't skip lunch :).  My best friend, who conviently lived next door to me, would come over and listen to the album over and over.  So much infact, that our mutual neighbor offered to pay us to stop playing it :).  No deal made. 


We were now both hooked and wanted to join the fanclub listed on the album so we BOTH saved our lunch money up and signed up :) I still have the giant button that came in the mail somplace....maybe she took posession,  I don't remember.  :)  Those were the days :). Those days turned into years.....20 and still counting. 


His voice today still has that "it" factor about it and he still writes those songs that move me.....His latest album is getting just as much play time as "Time Love and Tenderness" did, and the new neighors arn't knocking my door down, so maybe I've converted a new fan. 





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Great idea Payten. Wow, I was driving to a job about 40 minutes away in the fall of 1991 and kept hearing How Can We Be Lovers (which since became my all time favorite concert song) and Soul Provider and Time, Love and Tenderness on the radio constantly. I loved his voice. Then I saw him on a TV program and was hooked, got all the cassette tapes I could find at the time (No CD player yet), then later on after that the Tape This Is Michael Bolton etc.. By the time 1993 came around I had a neighbor that had a horse and I did and we rode together. Her brother had met MB at the first President Clinton Inauguration as he was a paramedic working backstage-he told her how cool and nice Michael was. She was a fan too, so we talked and decided to join the then Gold Club fan club. Sent away for that off a cassette tape I had I think.. Got that packet and in March of 1994 called the hotline # and got tickets to go to a show in CT, MB's home state. A 3rd friend was also interested and she and the two of us and 1 other girl went. We made a road trip to CT and had balcony seats, we didn't care. After that we were totally hooked and the rest is history.. I've been traveling to see MB ever since to concerts, charity events, his and other's he's participated in, softball games, golf tournaments, in-store appearances, etc.
I have enjoyed every minute of it. Collected lots of memoribillia over the years as well and been lucky to meet Michael on my journey as a fan on multiple occasions. He's the best...I've been a fan for about 19 years now and traveled to see him for 16 and still counting as well.....He truly is amazing as a songwriter, performer and a great human being!

Robin :)
What a lovely story Robin, thank you for sharing it with us.

I would love to have a look at all of your memoribilia. I bet we've all got some items that are the same, but at the same time, I bet we all have lots of different items too.

I would truly have loved to see Michael play softball. That must surely have been a real treat.

Thank you again for sharing it with us.

This is an excellant topic, what a great idea Payten.

Love Jennifer XX
Speaking of softball games, I went to one&though I couldn't see the score board&when the MC was describing the games, the people beside me at the games couldn't believe how I kept track of the score. Love soft ball. Off topic a little, there's what they call beep ball for blind people to play&there are tournaments but I never got to participate though I've participated in local charity events in bee ball as they call it.
Well, it sort of hit me in 1988 when I heard "That's What Love is All About." My friend had the 45. You know, those flat things with sort of a big hole in it? :) I said, "who in the **** is this?"& I ain't been right since. Due to lack of transportation back then, I never got to see him until 1992&wow! That song is one of my ultimate favorites&the first time I met Michael though is was 40 seconds was in 1994.
Hey Robin, I like hearing again your meeting Michael story at the softball game Robin, thanks for sharing it here.

And YES I remember the 45 records and LP's too. LOL I have some old ones of Michael's here autographed from the Michael Bolotin days even.. Fun stuff!!! I know I was thinking the same thing when I kept hearing him on the radio back in the fall of 1991 in the car and at my office at that time. I had to find out who this person was behind that amazing singing voice!! Wow!!!

Robin in Maryland
Hope I'm doing this right. This is just totallyawesome. I'm loving this&though I'm torturing my hand, hope I'm responding on here right. I could go on&on&on about MB though. Softball music&the like.
Robin you are doing just fine! Hand and all!!
Robin in Maryland
Oh wow, I can imagine you as a rock chick Juliet.

31 years as a fan, wow!! Thats a long long time!!

Love Jennifer XXX
Thanks for sharing Juliet, I meant to comment on this before, I wish I had been able to see Michael perform just once in the rocker days. It had to be amazing!! I like that side to him, he still has a little of that edge and it adds to his shows!!!

Robin :)
When I first heard "That's What Love Is All About," I had to get used to the rocked up music. One of the main rockers I love is "Back In My Arm Again." It really rocks. I'd love to hear him do that but I know it would tear his voice up. In certain songs, love the growls. I was speaking with 2 people about or several people about them&I love it. I love his raspiness&huskiness in his voice. I could go on&on&on. :)

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA :)
I was about 12/13 on holiday in Cyprus, I remember at the bus station there was a corner shop that sold music cassettes (Turkish originals & English copies!!) for a couple of pounds, my cousin and I used to buy one every few days so we would have something different to listen to at the beach. I bought Michael's Souls Provider not having heard any of the songs but thought I recognised the title to one. When I listened to them I sang along to all of them which really spooked me because I thought I had not heard them before. Back then I loved listening to Capital Radios mellow madness which I am sure used to play Michael's music, also I had heard "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" on Knots Landing too! This is how I think I knew them to sing along.

I loved the album instantly, and on my return to the UK I bought the original cassette of Soul Provider, and ordered The Hunger. I have all the albums on cassette and the VHS releases too. Like Payten in my early teens it meant a lot of saving up the pennies to get he albums which made them all the more valuable. Only recently I have bought again all the albums on CD!!

My first ever live concert was seeing MB at Wembley Arena in my teens, then in my twenties, and recently in my Thirties!!!! I guess for me what really had me hooked was seeing MB live, I couldn't believe that some one could sing better live than on a pre-recorded album, the concerts were fantastic, without a doubt they always are!

I love hearing these types of stories. We had a prior thread similar to this one some time ago. Fun stuff!
Robin :)


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