I wanted to start a new thread here to keep any promotional tv or other appearances for Michael new book or CD.  So far this is what I have.  They will also be listed on the main page but I will try to remember to bring them over here.  As always, check your local listings for times and stations but most will be NBC.  Times will vary:


Monday, January 28th
-Good Day NY 9:20am

WednesdayJanuary 30th 
-Today Show and performance



Thursday, January 31st (this is actually at 12:30 a.m. EST so definitely check listings on this one)
-Jimmy Fallon 

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Thank you so much Katia, MB and Rita's voices are beautiful together. Love this video!!!!


Kathy T. :-)

ThanksFrancoise, so sweet of MB to stop in the cold to sign autographs!! Gotta love him!

Robin in MD:)


I don't have the player you need to play this but it says Michael's appearance will be there for the next 6 days.

Thanks girls for everything. Love it all. Wow! all that snow it seems there in the UK. Sylvia, is there snow where you are, girl?

It does also say Gail, once you start playing it, that for copyright reasons it is only available in the UK BUT I have recorded the sound onto my computer so will get on here for you all to listen to sometime today....better than nothing and just get your favourite photo of MB and look at that whilst listening to him....how is that for a compromise !!! LOL


Robin CA I just got out for the first time yesterday and even with that I had to dig my car out and still got caught on a bit of snow but thank goodness I have a gear shift car so got her into 2nd and cleared it.  In parts it is totally clear and then there are large areas where it is still lying and of course there are all the huge piles everywhere where people have cleared driveways or snowloughs have been out and it is banked at the side of the roads.  It is still exceptionally bad on the Isle of Arran just over the water from me and on the Kintyre Peninsula for they have had no power since Friday because most of the telegraph poles were snapped and one of the main pylons that carries the electricity up that side of the country was buckled.. a metal, what thirty/forty foot, pylon buckled... and you should see it and it has all happened because the snow was so wet and then it froze and that is how we are not getting a thaw because it is ice and that was how cables have all been brought down because of the weight of the ice on them....Michael said about Alaska but up here it has been more like Siberia and of course that is where it is coming from the east....we generally, at this time of year, get it coming down from the Arctic, from the north and it is not as severe as this.   What is tragic is all the sheep have been caught and this is lambing season and the shepherds are finding there sheep under 6' drifts along with, heartbreakingly, the lambs they have given birth to....terrible seeing it on the news last night and I, needless to say, was in floods of tears and still am and what those farmers are going to find when the thaw does come.......!!!   Mother Nature and we can't change her !!!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi folks and sorry but did mean to say, for those that can access link Gail has put in, Michael doesn't come on until approximately 33.50;  you do see short glimpses of him for they do say during programme who is on and camera goes backstage and you see him and obviously right at beginning is one of those times and then a couple of others after adverts have been on but first one is the longest and worth looking at but others are just glimpses until the actual interview......away to get ready for today's eye candy !!!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Gosh Sylvia, all these problems from all this snow. I'm so sorry. I know when I lived in Maryland, we knew all about snow. Robin can vouge for that. Gosh. Whenever you're able to send the audio edition of the showwould be greatly appreciated.i

hi everyone,don" t know if i am posting in right place but Michael is on tv in U K right  now, channel 5. He is on programme called Wright Stuff,a topical morning show.It debates on  newspaper articles  and items in the news at the moment.He is great on it with his sense  of humour .Michael is also promoting his book ,its uncanny  ,postman just delivered Michael "s audio cd   from amazon, hooray.Hope he sings  and also hoping he tells us he is going to do some shows for us.love to you all    Olly xxxx

Hi Olly and welcome to the forum and you are indeed on the right thread and if you have a little look through you will see we have Michael's schedule detailed here for his Promotional Tour of the UK and I have just watched The Wright Stuff too and he was FANTASTIC;  looking super and on fine, fine form with all his laughter and jokes and his seriousness too when he had to be.      On concerts he pre-recorded yesterday a radio show from Ireland and it was played this morning and on that he was asked about touring and what he said was that it is the pipe line and being worked on right now and he thinks possibly November/December but he did also say that is what HE would prefer not that any dates had been set.

Tomorrow Michael is on Magic 105.4 show about 8.30 and then is doing a live webcast from 9.00 on that show and link is on one of these pages and he is also doing a BBC Radio Scotland interview with Fred MacAulay whose programme starts at 10.30 and then he is on with Steve Wright on Radio 2 and it starts at 14.00......so make sure you tune into those Olly and we might get more information on different things.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


The Wright Stuff

Here is a video of the Wright Stuff...again on for the UK..

Thanks Gail !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Welcome back Olive. I'm praying MB comes to the UK & other places overseas.


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