I wanted to start a new thread here to keep any promotional tv or other appearances for Michael new book or CD.  So far this is what I have.  They will also be listed on the main page but I will try to remember to bring them over here.  As always, check your local listings for times and stations but most will be NBC.  Times will vary:


Monday, January 28th
-Good Day NY 9:20am

WednesdayJanuary 30th 
-Today Show and performance



Thursday, January 31st (this is actually at 12:30 a.m. EST so definitely check listings on this one)
-Jimmy Fallon 

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bonjour Kathryn,

I am very happy for you that you received the book, and I wish you a wonderful weekend

je suis tres heureuse pour vous,que vous ayez reçu le livre, et je vous souhaite de passer un merveilleux week end

groses bises


Thank you, Katia, so happy to have the the book!!
Hope your had a good weekend. I am a bit under the weather but hope getting better so my weekend was resting alot.

Kathy T. :-)

Oh! I know! I won't be able to go to Reno either. Oh! well! & for those going, reviews, please?

So glad you got your book Kathy T ......it is lovely to see that signature on it, isn't it ???? :)

You must remember to go onto the Book Review thread and give us your thoughts on it once you have read it.....that thread has been quiet of late but I am sure there are plenty of people out there who have read the book so come on in and tell us what you thought of it !!!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,

Yep, love that signature but still hope for my personalized book someday, one step at a time you know. I read the unsigned copy when I first got it. When I feel better I will try to get you a review over there on that thread. It is a fantastic journey and very rewarding one MB has had and great for we fans that we were born in his era to be touched by his fabulous songwriting, voice and personality.


Kathy T. :-)
Hi Robin R.,

You will have a great time at your 2 upcoming concerts to make up for not going to Reno. I am looking forward to your MB adventures once again and they are not that far off either, girl.


Katht T. :-)

Hi Kathy,

So glad it worked out for you girl! Enjoy!! And as you are reading just keep thinking, he actually held this book!!



Hi Joy, and thanks for that perk, you are so correct!! I already had the unsigned copy I pre-ordered from B&N I read right after I received it but hoped to get to St. Louis for the signing but could not get off work back then to go. Glad you popped in, I will reread this one now ;-).


Kathy T. :-)

Kathy T.,

Glad to hear you got your book and many thanks to Joy! Good on you to contribute, albeit not able to attend. I didn't get an invite yet?

Have fun ready the book. Let us know what you think. I thought it was quite good, all lot of things I didn't know...


Hi Kellie,

I am sitting here at work with MB right next to me, the unsigned book that is, LOL..... I read my unsigned copy when it first arrived and plan to give a few as Christmas gifts. (Thanks again, Joy). I sent out cds of OAWLY to my grandkids mother's this morning for Mother's Day and their birthdays, both of them next week. I can't wait to hear their reactions at this cd, such a favorite of mine too, hope it will be for them. MBs journey is fascinating and what he has given us through his songwriting, music and incredible voice is very special. Glad you enjoyed your book Kelly and hope yours gets signed. Hugs,

Kathy T. :-)

Hi Kathy T.,

Those lady's are sure to have a fantastic Mother's Day and Birthday, OAWLY is one of my favorites too. That is a great gift and Christmas presents also. My Mom got my copy for me for Christmas. Like you Kathy she is pretty special too!

Hope you and all had a wonderful Mother's Day!


The book sure is an awesome gift for presents to folks. You know girls. It's not the amount of times one goes; it's the times one goes, right? If I won a lotto, heheheheh, I'd do the whole USA tour. :))))


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