To those fans who use a screen reader like the jaws program.

It suddenly occurred to me when I was typing a post recently, whether your software is able to interpret all of the posts that are typed on here?


What I'm trying to ask is, if we use speech marks or inverted commas etc, can your program read those and are you able to read the posts ok? I sometimes type a word and then place it in inverted commas to emphasise or exaggerate its meaning.


I would hate to think that you are missing out on reading some posts because of the punctuation marks etc.


Is there a way of us posting that would make it easier for your software to translate?


I know that some people with epilepsy cant read a post if it has flashing items in it like flashing animations or signature avatars and just wondered if this was a simliar situation for you.


Please tell us if we can help or change the way we type.


I dont mean to sound condescending in this post, I genuinly dont, I am just concerned that you might be missing out on some posts.


Love Jennifer XX

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Hey Janniche, if I want to know how your name is pronounced, I’ll ask my daughter’s Norwegian boyfriend! Girl, I have no clue about the white box, obviously because I can’t see it, but I type : and then ), so technically, next to each other, it should be … Blame it on my Canadian keyboard! Lol You hadn’t spoken to Robin before because she’s just learning to get around the site and hasn’t been here very long, because she’s still recovering from hand surgery. Janniche, lay off the snuss girl, you said you were gonna quit a good while ago, maybe you’ll stop coughing! Lol By the way Robin, people often talk off topic here , but it doesn’t go in the off-topic discussion, it stays right here, just thought I’d let you know. Take care girls! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Oh, ok Sylvie. After a while, I saw my response here about the general discussion. Oops. My bad. Thanks Sylvie for explaining to Janniche about my hand. Ouch.

As I said, I had a cortisone shot yesterday&I truthfully don't think it worked. It still hurts. She said my hand shouldn't still be hurting. Oh! well! Good old arthritis. Yuck.
Janniche , Hope you feel better soon ! I have arthritis in my foot and knee and sometimes its so painful! I'm taking cortisone for it now. I hope your hand feels better soon! Hope it doesn't hurt to type!!!
Feel better soon!
Love Eileen xoxo
Hi again Janniche, are you kidding me? No, it's fun! Put all the hahaha's you need to put on girl, you're having fun! lol Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
See, if everyone had our speech programs&could hear the voice--not that it's Michael's (I wish), I could show you different sounds of JAWS but I won't. Only Sylvie can relate. It would looked garbled spelling to those if you who can see. It's all in fun. :)
Hi girls
I want also to aplogize for my English, sorry it's not perfect, sometime I write fast and maybe it's not clear what I want to say.
your SilvyXX
It doesn't matter how you write! you know me!

ciao baci/kisses

Silvy from Switzerland XX
yeah but Janniche, you're trying with English. Not bad at all, really. Shucks. I can't spean Norweegin at all so you're better off than me.
Yeah, I tend to write to fast&it may seem as if I'm speaking English incorrectly. Is there spell check on here? I don't think so. When I do regular email, I spell check.
Well JJ, now you know why I sign "Sylvie from Canada" and as long as it sounds right to Jaws, it doesn't matter to me if you misspell! lol Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Janniche, I sure can't write because I wrote speen for speak. Gees. We're not in an English or spelling class. It looks obvious to me that I'm messing up. I should stop. My hand's starting to hurt but I'm having oh! so! much fun.
Robin, does it make any difference to your jaws (short for job access with speech) or other screen reader programs if someone posts in capital letters?

I've been doing a little research into the readers, but cant find the answer to this question. I have found though, out that JAWS was originally released in 1989 by Ted Henter, a former motorcycle racer who lost his sight in a 1978 automobile accident. And thank goodness he did develop it!!

I didnt realise that you had to pay for the program though? I cant believe that the government authorities dont load it onto your pc for free! Thats terrible!!

Sorry, again, I dont mean to appear rude, when asking these questions, I am genuinly interested.

Love Jennifer XXX


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