Hi everyone,


I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I’ve been reading since the beginning of this forum, many discussions started by fans who simply wanted to share their joy of being a Michael Bolton fan. We have threads to share concert reviews, some to share news, videos etc, but not exactly what I have in mind. I would like for this thread not to be about meeting Michael, but about MB related moments in our daily lives, that anyone can take part in. I’m sure we all have tons of fun stories about how the existence of our Michael made us smile today.


For example: I remember once working on the computer and being stressed out to finish a job, then I took a break and turned on the radio, SILYBIL was on and I felt like I’d been given a big hug! Also, I remember once reading on one of the old message boards, someone had gone to a thrift shop and found an MB T-shirt and it made her day! Another story of mine has to do with my husband driving with “The one thing” on, stopping at a light and the guy in the next car asked him who that was and said this was great music! Your anecdotes can also be about how you've converted a "non believer" or your child’s discovery of Michael and sometimes we have as many stories as we have kids! Anyway, I guess I’d like this thread to be kind of a Michael Bolton  “Vegetable soup for the soul”. :D I have a few stories in my own life like these and even started my own personal document  a while back and I thought: why not share our stories together? So there you go MB fans: share away! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

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I remember her bringing that up to MB on Oprah too!!LOL I don't hear MB in the stores here anymore, the one chain that did play him was SuperFresh and that store closed in my local area..  I always enjoyed hearing MB and singing along to myself in the store..Not sure about the buying more food tho..LOL


Robin in MD:)

Oh! Robin. I remember SuperFresh. They know what's right playing MB'S music. :)

LOL Robin Rehder.. Yes they do!

Robin in MD :)

Well Ladies and Gents,

I have a smile today because of Michael, I have just purchased my ticket to the Ohio Lancaster Festival Event for July 20th, so will hope to see some of you other fans there as well!

A funny little story to share, while living in Florida I attended a CD signing and when standing in line the guy in front of me asked me to take a picture of him with Michael. So I said sure. Michael looked up at me and said "Oh professional photographer now eh?" I told him "no but I am getting better at taking pictures of that gorgeous smile of yours"  he started cracking up. Now if he see's me with a camera he tries to strike a funny pose! LOL

Loving all the stories and hope to share more soon!


What town in Ohio, kelly? Awesome about the CD signing you went to&the story of the picture taking. Awesome.

Hi Robin,

Michael is performing in Lancaster Ohio, at the University. Wendel Concert Stage. It is an outdoor event. Lancaster Festival is going on

and you should check it out @ www.Lancasterfestival.org  there is a lot going on that week.

I have purchased a table seat in row G-J somewhere. But there is lawn seating as well.

I will try to do a review afterwards, but you all know I don't do well at remembering a whole lot. I get too excited.

Have a Great Day!


Never heard of Lancaster OH but then, folks may not have heard of Lancaster CA but we should be on the tour list, right? :))))

And Lancaster, PA!!LOL  Love going there to see MB.

Robin in MD :) just had to put that in!!!! :)

Yep. I've been to Lancaster PA but not to see MB.

Hi Kellie, heehee cute story, thanks for sharing! Wow, lucky you going to see/hear Michael in 3 weeks, have a fabulous time Kellie and we'll all look forward to your review! Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hi Sylvie,

Thank you for your kind wishes, I received my ticket yesterday in the mail and found out there is a table decorating contest here's the info.

2013 Table Decorating Contest Rules

1. Tables are 8' long and 2'6" wide. A plastic cover is furnished.

2. Decorations must be set-up by 6:30 pm.

3. Your decorations must fit on the table and there is no height limit. However, anything over 12" high must be removed by 7:45 pm.

4. Judging will occur between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. Prizes are ticket gift certificates for the 2013 Lancaster Festival. The prizes must be redeemed at the Festival Ticket Office and are not valid at a ticket gate. The prizes are: 1st Place $25; 2nd Place $15; 3rd Place $10. Winners will be announced at the concert intermission.

Decorating Theme: July 20 - The Heart of it All,  and July 27 - Ohio Idol

They really didn't give me much time to create or let others know to send me anything but I will try to come up with something if any of you have ideas they are greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful day!


P.S. My table is at H- 40 for anyone interested, that may be going, and would like to meet.

I wish you well with the decorating Kelly. Have fun, of course. 11 days to go. :)


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