Welcome everyone to the 2013 Tour Review Thread!!!!!!!  It is hard to believe another year is soon upon all of us and it should be a fantastic Michael Bolton year full of fun and adventures for Michael's fans around the world!

Feel free to post  your stories and pictures, any videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2013 starting in Jamaica in January.  There could be other events  too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert come on in and share your experience here. We also have shows scheduled in the USA for February and one is on MB’s birthday which will be extra special!! This should be a very exciting year for all of us with MB’s new book coming out as well as a new CD and possibly his TV show starting later in the year too? We never know with MB as he’s got so many things going on at once!!LOL   We can report here if there are any book signings as well if you all want to. Also, later in the year the Michael Bolton Charities will schedule their events to raise funds for the MBC.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 


Again welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)




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I dunno, the bugs were the topic of the night so who knows.LOL We could get a third one. I love it!!! :)  I'm so tired..I forgot to describe these for Sylvie and Robin R. I'm sorry ladies.  MB is standing center stage in his back suit and shirt and he has a black cell phone in his right hand and the other one in the left which has a pattern on it, he's looking into the audience with a grin on his face in one photo and looked to Brian to his right in the other. I took them close together in time.  The mic stand is in the way over parts of his face as I was sitting near center stage and he's standing directly behind his mic stand talking.   I hope this helps.

Robin in MD:)

P.S. The lighting was bad down front at this one, those pink lights messed up quite a few photos with the angle and the glare. I got some but quite a few were bad. Sometimes the outside venues aren't the best for that but I'll edit some and hope to get some up on the gallery tomorrow and over on FB...right now I'm too tired to think of doing all that but did get some of them on my laptop.  I have a second camera and I have not worked on those yet..I was trying a different one out I had gotten recently and kept using my old trusty one mostly till I learn the new one. So I did get pics, just was interesting with two cameras..I have a nice smile photo on the new one I want to get on here that came out good on the newer camera (well new to me, it's used but seems brand new).   But only way to learn is to practice...I enjoyed it all, this is a good kind of tired!!!! LOL


MB  is the BEST ARTIST anyone could be a fan of!!!!! He truly loves all of us fans!! No doubt about that!!!!!He poured his heart and soul into the show last night..My mom said to me after once again he gave it his all, he really puts everthing into it..She's so right!!!!

Robin in MD :)


Hi Robin,  thanks a lot for just thinking of describing! lol Get some rest girl and then we'll get ready for your review. Michael sure sounds like he's having a great time this leg of the tour. :D Thanks for the description, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Tioga Downs Concert, 9/1/2013   The concert of FIRSTS!!


Tioga Downs is a small casino complex  with a casino and horse racing facility (sulky races as we used to call it) and the concert was down on the gravel track and the rest of the seating in the big grandstand behind it. It’s kind of out to itself in the mountains just over the border from PA into NY State.  It was neat that you could eat lunch up in the buffet or watch out the glass sliding doors at the top of the grandstand and see the track so we could watch sound check and the crew hard at work all day before the show inside in the air conditioning.  Was nice to see some of MB’s staff earlier in the day and chat with them and I saw Drew coming up once and said hi to him.  Nice to see the familiar faces and catch up a little bit when we can. My trip was not as originally planned at all though this time.  Sadly my best travel buddy wasn’t able to go with me this time.  She had circumstances that kept her from going so two days before she decided she couldn’t make it so my mom filled in as my travel buddy on this one. She enjoys MB as you all know and she likes going to different places, but she was also sorry my Bolton Buddy could not go. It was a blast but I missed her at the same time.  Thankfully we have tickets for next year already to see MB and she won’t be missing those if I can help it!!LOL


We were very worried about weather for the past week as it kept getting worse for thunderstorms and rain. The day of the show was humid to some degree and mix of clouds and sun and as the sun set there were clouds around but nothing directly threatening. I saw clouds to the west and prayed it all stayed away as we were sitting there waiting. We had rain gear just in case and some others did too way it looked. Well MB’s wonderful magic worked as we had a pleasant evening with no rain and it got cooler too…The only thing was the BUGS!! These little white bugs that his lighting attracted, OMG they were all over flying everywhere…They became the joke of the night which made it much more fun, with MB using that as an excuse for joking around between songs any chance he got. LOL


We had 4th row seats on the left side of the center aisle. This is all flat with seats on a track and a lot of them were well past the stage. I was glad we had center. And luckily they were close to the stage so 4th row wasn’t very far back but my luck got better as the seats on the aisle in front of us 2nd and 3rd rows were empty by the time the lights went down so I moved up the 2nd row aisle seat and was able to stay the entire time.  The folks never showed up for those or the two behind me. Mom sat in our 4th row aisle seat and she loved it from there. She was not going to the stage she said!!LOL!   


The lights went down and MB came out and didn’t start with Soul Provider which I like better as the opening song, but was going to start with To Love Somebody and they had the stool and mic ready by the piano.

He came out and said Hello New York!! Are we in Tioga or Nichols (the name of the town). Must be a local joke.  Everyone laughed and then he had a few people yell out to him and he looked down and saw me and with a smile said into the mic HELLO ROBIN!!. I said Hello back and smiled back. That made for a great start to the evening!!!  He then said about taking all the photos you want and people strategically placed in the audience to say nice things to them, make all the noise you want etc…So then the guitar comes out and he starts with To Love Somebody and then goes into Doc of the Bay..After those two he tried to toss me the guitar pic but it flew past me somewhere.. Nice try MB! LOL  Then he started on the BUGS!!! Where are all these bugs coming from, they are all over. He was swatting at them and said he knows that one of them is determined to be his dessert!!! LOL (YUCK)


A lady gave him a yellow rose and he asked her if it would be a good bug swatter!!! He was kidding, he thanked her and put it on the piano. Then someone tossed up some purple bikini underwear and he picked them up and the lady told him to use them as a bug swatter!! Sooooo MB took them and swatted the air at the bugs like he was trying to kill them with the panties!!!!!!. HILARIOUS!! I have a pic of him doing it. He then tossed those to Jason, and he said a FIRST using them to swat bugs on stage and someone yelled out something else and he laughed but I didn’t catch the joke... LOL  After a few more songs, the bug thing came up again and he’s rockin out on Hope It’s Too Late, Said I  Loved You etc.

So someone handed him a CAN OF BUG REPELLANT!!! I don’t know who the gal was that did. He said well this is another FIRST! Bug Spray on stage and he stands there reading the can!!!! So he puts that on the piano with the flowers and Ryan gets it and sprays his hands, lower arms with it. Those buggers are really bad and MB commented there were like 50 of them on the piano and how they loved the piano!!! I don’t know how poor Brian stood it, they were all around his face..YUCK!!   At one point when Jason was over that way before he started to play he grabbed the bug spray and sprayed his front and up the back of his shirt and his arms quick with it! The band was loving that stuff..MB never touched it again but to read the can!!LOL


When MB got rockin on Sweet Home Chicago the place really lit up. The band was on fire and everyone was yelling and clapping along and singing.. He was wailing on that guitar like no tomorrow.  It was an awesome rocking out performance. I always love him playing guitar so that one is always a fav of mine at the shows!!!!So once he sang You Don’t Know Me I didn’t think we’d hear Jack Sparrow even tho the band did rehearse it and I was right, no Jack Sparrow even tho I called it out to him once and he smiled.   When he went off to change for the duets with Kelly and came back out he had the two cell phones in his hands. I remembered a post on Twitter about him tweeting on stage. I thought here he goes but why two phones? I did get two pics of him with the phones as I posted already and then he was taking pics of the audience with the first phone and then commented another FIRST on stage as he hit send and the Tweet has been sent and something about how amazing that is.. Poor MB bumped into the stools set up for them to sing when he was trying to get the audience photo!! LOL  Someone gave him flowers with a shirt that had a group saying on it, I forget now what but the lady also showed him her wrist that she had his autograph from years ago tattooed. She was a long time fan. He told her to take good care of it and thanked her!!LOL  He got lots of flowers and another time a lady gave them he said now there is no catch with these right, just flowers!! (Meaning not to be used to swat the bugs.) Everyone laughed!!!!At one point they were right up at his face and he said I think that one had a camera!!LOL  Kelly was swatting them off him once before they started singing.  They are in my photos some flying around. OMG the night of the annoying BUGS!!LOL


At one point I said we had them down here too, and he said oh you all have them too, we are sharing the pain!!LOL


People were up beside me all night in the aisle taking pics and the staff were nice but eventually asked them to go sit and one time MB asked how the pics were coming and did a big cheesy grin and then the guy by me said he got it!! MB was playing it up like that all night with the audience.  He was so quick with come-backs and jokes. I love that side of him and so glad again we are seeing more of that side on stage. It makes the shows much more fun.


The segment with Kelly was beautiful and I had a great view the whole time, just the darned lighting, bad pink and strong white lights that made a glare at times.  She was so pretty and the guys were whistling a lot to Kelly and they also were a loud but fun bunch calling out stuff to MB constantly between the songs. Some folks were dancing off to the sides down front and it was neat, MB loved it! He played off that energy a lot all night!! 

Mom loves The Prayer and she was thrilled she go to hear them sing that again and Nessun Dorma also brought the house down..We all gave them standing O’s!!!!  And of course Ain’t No Mountain really ROCKED, everyone was singing and clapping along and they had the place really jumping!!!!!! He had a very lively audience that loved that one and it made it like a big dance party up front.  Everyone was singing and clapping and rocking out..


Cameron did a lovely job once again with her solo and the rest of the band as well during the time waiting for MB to go out for WAMLAW.  He did  a short walk to the side aisle and went back up the side of the stage as no way to have steps in front. I was already up and standing at the stage and the gals by me in the front row were nice and they were going too. I told them the drill and that venue didn’t care they said as they went to another show there so up we all went to the stage!!!Right before that I ran into a gal I’ve known all the years I’ve been traveling from up that way and was fun seeing her at the stage, we were like HEY, and hugged!!LOL She got her spot to the right of center and I got mine to left as always in front of the piano!!!!! 


Well after the few of us that new the drill got there a huge swarm of people came up behind us.. OMG it was fun. Great crowd, MB was loving having  the fans now at the stage. Till he got back up there during the end of WAMLAW he had us all at the stage already waiting!!LOL When he started How Can We Be Lovers he had a big grin on his face looking down at all of us.. OMG he did put the mic down at me to sing like he does sometimes and I hope he really could not hear me but he smiled. He did that to a few others too as he tends to do during that one. Then he did lots and lots of hand holds with fans at the stage. He did get mine once too and smiled and winked!! That worked for me!!LOL  There was a cute little girl more center stage that her mom had up there. I have a pic of MB putting his finger to his face like she must have been and he asked if it was her first show. Mom must have said yes..He was giving her attention a lot too and she maybe was 5 years old..adorable.  He did TLT and then the encore for this one was Lean On Me and thankfully then the stool was brought out and he did Georgia for the last song. I was hoping we’d get Steel Bars but not this time…That’s ok he can sit a foot in front of me and sing any day of the week!!LOL He was so hot up there and had sweat running down his face.  He really did pour everything into the show. Georgia was amazing as always and then after that one it was over and they lined up for the bow. MB thanked everyone and looked down and said thank you Robin and pointed to me.. Sigh……another adventure was over. The shows seem to go faster and faster once they get started…What a fun time.. Mom watched all of it with us at the stage from her seat and said how MB was loving  the fans at the stage.  She enjoys seeing that interaction with the fans from her seat during the last part of the shows. She has gone enough times she knows she’s my purse holder and my camera and I go!!LOL  When we were leaving Cameron was up on the stage and she came over and said hello and I introduced mom to her and we told her how good she was that night and it was good seeing her. I have some pics of her I need to send her too.  She seems to like the pics if I can get some of her.  I do my best!!LOL  I got some of Jason and Ryan and also a good one of Drew which is hard to get with him so far back and the lighting but I have one I want to post of him.


We did get storms but not till like 2:00 a.m. or so in the morning and they woke us up but it was ok since we had a concert that was such fun and Mother Nature cooperated with us and the bad weather stayed away for us.


Thank you once again MB and band and everyone for another amazing concert adventure. This one will be remembered as the concert of the Firsts and the Bugs!! OMG!!LOL Till the next time…..


Robin in MD hoping to get some pics up in the gallery today too!!

Robin, thank you for an especially fun review, I really had a blast there with you, MB and the BUGS.....LOL.....

So glad you had a great time and were able to take your mom and share it with her. Hope things will get better for your friend too...

Thanks again and for the photos as well. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Thanks Kathy T.. I know it was alot about the bugs but they made the night so darned funny...I had to share all that..


I hope to have pics up later today..Working on it!!

Robin in MD :)


I have an album of photos in the gallery now from Tioga Downs.  I will have a few more to add soon to it.  I hope you all enjoy them. I enjoy taking them.

Robin in MD:)

Thanks Robin for a GREAT and buggy review!!!! LOL It is always something to add to add to a great concert indeed!!!! I rather have bugs than rain!!!! So glad the weather held out!! Fantastic that Michael said hi to you :)))) As I said in my review....MB always remembers his fans!!!! Very sweet of him to do that Robin :))) How did you concentrate with TWO cameras???? LOL I suppose your second one is a practice one for now. I understand about the lighting also!!! Just shoot and click or record and HOPE for the best...that is what I do!!! Thanks for a fun review and a rockin' crowd!!!!!!! Way to go Robin!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks a million Robin for a fantastic review, absolutely wonderful and I can actually feel those bugs biting !!! LOL  The girl with the bug spray and the panties was one in the same, I believe, for she tweeted MB about it and said she was glad to see her bug spray getting so well used and hoped it had done the trick and I could just see MB swatting the bugs with a pair of panties.....that is just so hilarious !!! lol

On the phones and the tweet I have to bring these over here now for as I said in my post about Michael's tweet from the stage that it was Nic who had put the idea in his head by tweeting him and below is the tweet she sent with MB's reply ..................................

Thanks Nic and thanks Sylvia for putting these tweets over here too!!  I have not been on Twitter yet today to see the lady tweet about the bug spray and the panties! LOL  She made his night much more funny and all of ours too.


Working on album #2 now for the Gallery.  I am doing the sets separately..Got some editing to do first.

Glad you enjoyed the review Sylvia..Fun times!!!!

Robin in MD:)

See, even them bugs enjoyed the show until they were swotted. Ouch. Oops. :)))) Seriously, I'm glad your mom enjoyed the show as well.

Thanks Nic, I am applauding!!!! :)) Hugs,

Kathy T. ;)


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