New Year Resolutions for 2013......with a completely NEW slant !!!

Hi folks and as we are now into 2013 and I have managed to get into MB's (couldn't last night - problems with laptop) have decided, whilst the going is good, to get this thread kicked off for another year.

Sylvie and I still believe we should follow same pattern as for last year with us setting ourselves targets of what we hope to achieve each month and of course, any number of resolutions can be followed each month as well as any number being carried over into the following month where it may end up becoming something that we want to achieve throughout the year but the main thing is that, what we set ourselves, we attempt to achieve and we lend our support to each other in trying to reach our goals.

Please consider joining us for a little bit of seriousness but Sylvie and I hope too, a huge lot of laughs throughout the year because that is, without doubt, the #1 Resolution of this thread, to have, FUN !! :) 

We also believe that we should extend a very warm welcome to our very own "boss", Michael, for he has given us, so far, three of his own resolutions which he hopes to achieve this year and so we invite him to share with us on here how he is getting on achieving his goals and also, if he just wants a little bit of encouragement to keep going with his aims, we are here to support him and we want him to know that.   Also if he decides, at some point in time throughout the year, to set himself another goal he is more than welcome to share it with us on here and again, we will give him all the support he needs !! :)  Believe, more than appropriate to place Michael's 3 Resolutions on here along with pictures he sent and so here is the first........................


"New Year Resolution #1.  Spend lotsa time with Millie & Gwenny! MB" and the picture is a beautiful one of Michael standing at a patio door, at home in Westport, holding Amelia (Millie) in his arms and it was taken at same time as the beautiful one he sent of himself sitting at table working on book with Amelia dancing in background and in this one Michael is facing camera and he is holding Amelia, who is in profile, but the beautiful thing is she has a little back-pack strapped on and she has an arm up going across strap as though showing the world; "this is mine and your not getting it" or at least trying to keep it on her shoulder for it does look a little bitty big !! :)




"New Year Resolution #2.  Enjoy more golf with great buddies like Bruce & Dan. MB" and in this picture are the three of them along with, I believe MB's caddy, for it is an older picture and I am sure it is taken at one of the golf competitions and they are standing on one of the greens of the course.  I will check it out and find out exactly when taken once access into my files is a little bitty easier, safer and more guaranteed than of now !! LOL. 




Now for Resolution #3........

"New Years Resolution #3.  Keep the reciprocal inspiration going with amazing artists like Melanie!" and this picture is a beautiful one of a close up, from waist, of MB and Melanie Fiona and Michael's smile is one of the widest and happiest that he gives and equally too, so is Melanie' is a beautiful picture !! :)


Here is #4......"New Year Resolution #4 continue to revel in all the greats who paved the paths. MB" and in this picture Michael is, I believe, in the Motown Museum for there are a couple of pictures on the wall and you can see a couple and I think, one is of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell and the other is of The Temptations and am now changing that thought for sure as I believe now it is in fact of Quincey Jones.....could be totally wrong, nowt new there then....and Michael is standing looking up towards what I would imagine is another picture you cannot see and at his back you can see part of a piano and that is what makes me think it is the Museum and it is the piano that was originally used in a lot of the Motown recordings and which was restored last year.



 Now I believe we will have to wait for #5 and I am pretty certain there is going to be one and I wonder how many there could be in total.....7 ????? lol.    Must say that I do hope Michael isn't celebrating his 60th birthday this year by pulling a joke on us all with these resolutions date.....there have been 4 and we have another 56 days till the 26th February....56 + 4 = 60......coincidence ??????? LOL.    Obviously if anymore do appear I will place on here !!! :)

.........and #5 has just popped up and it is..............."New Years resolution #5 Dream bigger & bolder than ever!!" and the picture that goes along with is a wonderfully, stunningly, beautiful one and a view to get lost in anytime of the year !! :)    It is looking off into the horizon and is taken at sunset and you can see a little strip of land which is dark with palm trees on and there dark shadows creep up into the sunset and just before horizon is a strip of water and you are not half way up on the picture for the following section takes you onto the horizon where the sun is setting and what is captured there would stand alone as an absolutely beautiful picture for the sky is on fire and you can feel the heat, if any could be generated from it let alone the tremendous light shining out....I know I am letting my imagination run riot but I don't believe there would be many who wouldn't see something like that looking at something so beautiful.....and then the top half of the picture is of clouds appearing dark because of the sunset and they are of all various shapes and sizes with little whispy white ones too and in between them the brilliant blue sky shining through and in some respects it is like looking at day and night in the one picture for you have the brilliance of the sky above the clouds still bathed in sunshine with the land below entering night.  It is truly, truly gorgeous !! :)



We await #6 and I do not know how MB is going to top that one with the next photo !!! lol.

Hope you will all join in and more importantly, that you all enjoy this thread and cheers to you all for 2013 and may it prove to be one of the best years ever for us all with plenty of "Bolton Adventures" for us to share !! :)  


Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.







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 YES I do remember Dianna's getting ready and all for her first show stuff..Thanks, just trying to help, just my two cents.  I've seen photos over they years where the color thing is a problem.. Thanks for letting me join in the excitement!!!

Robin in MD:)

Sylvia, I have to say I do the same things here!!LOL Get my hair done  before the shows and make sure my nails aren't all broken off...believe me, it's not just you..You made me grin reading this!!LOL Trying to figure out what to wear etc...Many of my new tops come before concerts!!!!!!LOL We all do the same things probably anticipating the concerts. It's part of the fun!!!!   One time we saw MB after the MBC event in CT at the hotel and he hugged us all goodbye. Afterwards when MB was gone in the elevator my friend who always looks beautiful and take very good care of herself says to us--OMG I didn't wash my hair today and I hugged Michael Bolton!!LOL OMG we laughed and laughed...she was too funny..Her hair was perfect as usual...LOL

You aren't alone!!! Hope you don't mind my chiming in!!

Robin in MD:)

Hey Robin, no problem chiming in: the more the merrier! Maybe this'll be  our resolution from now on: to get Sylvia ready in time! lol Take care Robin. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

LOL at the lot of you and you know full well Sylvie I mean no disrespect by next statement but to get me ready to become a beauty queen....... I didn't know they held one for the blind  !!!!!! LOL    BTW girls I hate shopping for clothes  I do not have a bedroom full of shoes nor handbags;  in the morning I just grab the nearest thing and put it on and when the postman knocks I open the door and couldn't care less what I look does that give you an idea what you are dealing with ????????? ROFL


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Oh Sylvia, ROTFL no offense taken! Lol Ah come on girl: a little confidence!So if Kathy is taking care of the clothes, I’m thinking that you have time to work on your hair and if you decide on a hairstyle or get a cut, you even have time for it to grow back by concert time if you don't like it! :D I know intimately how you feel about your appearance, but maybe you can look at it as special pampering time and a belated birthday present to yourself. So you can look back at your pictures later and say: this was my pretty period! XD BTW, it’s not like you have to find an outfit tomorrow: take your time and have fun with it. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi girls and thanks a million for everything on here as well as the PM's and I will admit I am excited .....just trying to act blase and tone it all down because I am that darn scared apart from not being able to open my mouth when I and if, I meet him, I literally will faint !!!! LOL

Thanks too Sylvie for that link into Dianna's first concert that was a terrific read over breakfast.....thoroughly enjoyed it but think I am going to have to make up quite a few wee pictures to get on here for she certainly had some great ones and the animations that other people put in too were terrific and I especially love this you all think this could be me ????????????????????


Sylvie it is the animation of a little old lady dancing and she has on denims and a long sleeved cropped top and her hair is grey with the bun on top and a pair of granny round glasses on and she is thoroughly enjoying herself which, no matter what happens, I certainly intend to do !!!!! LOL.

To be totally honest and admit how excited I am I have already booked some of my hotels and too I have most definitely been thinking about colours and how they are seen in the light of day to the dark of night and especially how they can be captured on a a lot to think about and all these gifts he is going to get too ......hey, where is that suitcase ????? LOL

To show once again not really bothered.....cough, cough, cough Dianna had 35 days sleep when she started that thread I have 192 sleeps, two changes of clocks and a birthday in between but I'm not ticking them off on any me.........................


Picture is of a calendar page for May, 2014 where I have all the tour dates noted down and actually it is a great calendar and have made it my MB Tour Schedule Calendar for 2014 and I got it in from the Mother Teresa Children's Foundation about a couple of days before Michael announced tour dates....wonder if there is a significance in that ??????? lol.   WOW, do you think I might have Mother Teresa on my side (?)......think I might still need every saint in the universe on my side to actually meet Michael for KNOW I am definitely going to concerts but the meeting part still seems a little bit of a fantasy and if it actually comes true....WELL .....icing on the cake for sure !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


I´m Michael never met in person. I´ve never been to a concert.

I know I was going to faint!!!!

Sylvia, I hope you enjoy!

If you were to meet him, tell us all about! Please!!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Danke Petra for your kind wishes !!! :)   I will definitely be on with report about concerts and if I meet him you will get told all about.....except maybe if there were to be a little private moment, know what I mean ?????  LOL   An old lady can dream and wish  !!!!! LOL

Thanks Petra !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia,frankly, we’re having fun here, but I think it’s a good idea to get prepared, but the excitement will build up without our help, certainly from your birthday on. :D Sylvia Doughty, were you not the one who was coaching Pauline in the tour thread about building scenarios and “humanizing” the myth? Practice what you preach missy: he’s just a man! Lol Oh I’m glad you enjoyed the thread, we had so much fun with it. Lol love the animated picture! Littel old lady or not, the important thing is to have a good time, that’s what concerts are all about. Love your calendar and I would think that would be a good sign... :D I’m sure Mother Theresa will be on your side, as long as your intentions are pure... ;D As far as the meeting goes, I‘d like to plant an idea in your head. Remember when Michael was asked to write with Bob Dylan? He had prepared a few things because he didn’t want to miss this shot. So, 2 words for you: “one shot”, so make it count! Please understand that this isn’t meant to put pressure on you, it’s only meant to have you think it through: you have 192 days to do so. :D God bless you girl and have a great weekend. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

P.S.: Thanks for the descriptions!

LOL Sylvie and I believe Mother Teresa and I might have a few problems to iron out !!!!!!! LOL.   If I start noting down things to say to Michael from today......the tome will be going with me and I'll need a horse and cart for everything let alone a suitcase !!!!!  LOL.


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia, Those words of advise from Sylvie, are words to live by:)! I took the advice, and OMG he was so darned Nice:)! He listens to EVERY word you say....I mean it:)! I was Shocked!!! No pressure here!!! LMBO:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Mary and everyone and oh boy this is Tuesday not Monday........ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! :)      I definitely am starting to not know if coming or going and the sooner I have everything sorted out for May the better .....yesterday hotel I have booked got an e-mail from the handlers through the internet for the booking that my credit card hadn't been, heart failure, seizure; everything rolled into one and all I saw was "hacker" coming to do his dirty work.  My credit card expires next month and because booking for May, 2014 can't accept that credit card:   have booked two other hotels using same credit card and checked with them yesterday and everything absolutely fine and actually it was quite good having to phone them for, of course, mentioned I am getting ready for Michael next year and one girl I spoke to said she had wondered because she recognized dates as she is going too.  She wanted to know what on earth was taking me to the other length of the country to see him when they were venues far nearer me so I told her about the other 5......think you can imagine we had a good laugh !!!!! :)   Talking about concerts here is a little something I rustled up to let you see a tiny wee bit of each theatre Michael is playing in in the UK..........



What I have done Sylvie is made up a montage with the central picture being the official UK Tour Schedule with down either side pictures of the 10 venues split into 5 each side and along foot of each photo I have put in the name of the town/city where the venue is.  Some pictures I have taken off of Wiki but most I have captured off of Google Earth.


Now back to the mundane reason for this thread......oh, wait a minute.....need my wee cup of tea to revive me.....slurp, slurp, slurp.....oh, that feels better !!!!!! LOL.    Not a lot happening, once again, except I did go to the gym last week and am planning on heading there either today or tomorrow but didn't weight myself at weekend because I know I haven't lost anything but gave myself a good talking to at weekend especially when I tried on one little top I have which I really do want to wear to one of the concerts ......cough, cough.......managed to get it on, just, thought I was going to tear in two trying to get it back thinks, me, has to lose some starve !!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.   All I can say is it certainly is a darn good incentive !!!!! lol.  Will let you know next week if the "incentive" starts to work !!!!! lol


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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