New Year Resolutions for 2014......with a completely NEW slant !!!

As Michael has supplied us with his Resolution for 2014 thought would get this thread underway and Michael's Resolution is.............. 

"My 2014 resolution is to spend more time in a state of gratitude for every moment I have and to especially show it for my family, friends & fans. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! LET'S MAKE IT GREAT!!"


........along with, I believe, a selfie which think has been taken whilst Michael has been out sightseeing in Galati, Romania.



Please feel free to pop in whenever you like to share with us your New Year Resolutions or, as Sylvie and I like to do, which is to set ourselves goals per month to try and achieve rather than the one for the whole year......a little bit of a variation on the theme and we have had fun doing it for over the past couple of years and hope 2014 proves to be as much fun and as they always say, the more the merrier, so please consider coming in and joining us.......everyone is more than welcome !!!! :)    BTW Sylvie and I also try to make it every Monday when we come in and compare notes but absolutely no restriction on when anyone prefers to come in....none whatsoever !!! :)

Believe the following, which Sylvie was sent, is more than appropriate to be placed on here and hope you all enjoy it !! :) 

The New Year       will suddenly appear on the horizon

The       Boarding on Flight 2014  Has been       announced.....
Your luggage       should only contain the best souvenirs from 2013
The bad and       sad moments should be left in the garbage....
The duration of       the flight will be 12 months.
The next       stop-overs will be :
Health,       Love, Joy, Harmony, Well-being and Peace
The Captain       offers you the following menu  Which will be served during       the flight :
A Cocktail of Friendship
A       Supreme of Health
A gratin of       prosperity
A Bowl of Excellent News
A Salad of Success
A Cake of       Happiness
All accompanied  By       burst of laughter
Wishing You and Yours  An enjoyable trip  On boardFlight       2014
May This Be Your Best Year Ever!!




Sylvie from Canada and Sylvia from Scotland.

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Hi Kellie, well I’m glad to hear your accident wasn’t more serious and hope your neck feels better soon. Hmm, the odds of Michael getting you a new Honda? Maybe that can happen during the next Honda promotion? :D Well you see Kellie, technically you can look at it this way: since you can’t use your car, you’ll need to walk more and you wanted to lose weight, right? You’ve sent a need into the universe and the universe responded... ;P But seriously sweetie, if the year started on the wrong foot, there’s nowhere to go but up! :D Good luck with everything Kellie, feel better soon. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thanks for the encouragement Sylvie and glad everything going okay with you !! :)

Sorry to hear about your accident Kellie and wow those pictures certainly do prove that that little Honda took a bit of a battering and just be careful with the whiplash and only because I have seen, done and worn the t-shirt all can seem fine at beginning and then few days to week after, boom in it comes.....don't mean to be doom and gloom but please be careful.   Hope it won't be too long till some of that snow clears away and at this precise moment in time I would rather have that than the blessed constant rain we are having for am sure the ducks here must even be sick of it !!! lol

Take care girls !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hello Kellie!

I hope you are soon healthy again.
The sign on your car is cool. I would have this also with pleasure.
I do not like the picture with the snow at all! I am a summer fan. We had up to now still no snow and I hope he also does not come any more. I wait longingly for the spring!
To you once again all the best, Kellie!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Ouch Kellie!!! I hope you are feeling ok today and that your car gets fixed soon also :))

Well...I won't discuss a diet at the BUT...I finally did get out in my yard today and trimmed back half of my rose bushes. It is cloudy and muggy here and quite warm. Strangest weather!!! At least I filled up an entire trash barrel with trimmed shrubbery!!! It was a toss up between walking or yard work. too muggy for walking up hills so I chose the yard. It has been hot here lately in January and I don't like it!! I LOVE walking in the cool crisp winter air. It feels like Hawaii or Florida here!!! I shouldn't complain but it just doesn't feel "right" :/ 

Have a good week ladies :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Kathy,

We are in single digits here, and the snow did blow last night! Poor kids will be making up snow days all summer!!! Sending you snow, just catch it:)! Try to stay cool!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Know exactly what you mean about strange weather for ours certainly is for it is that darn mild it is unbelievable and of course that is how we are getting so much rain;  wish it would turn cold and help the ground to dry and get plants in the right season....I have daffodils shooting up in a pot outside and my snowdrops have got their little white heads on them....crazy !!!!

Mary, that is not a bad idea for outfits for the concert, school uniforms, for pretty certain Michael would spot us then !!!!!!! ROFL  Actually right now I have tears rolling down my face for I am just recalling the navy blue regulation knickers/panties you used to have to wear and OMG if I get hold of a pair of them and throw them on the stage for Michael, oh boy, I can even imagine his face right now !!!!!!!! LMBO.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Sylvia you are making me laugh!!! Don't even think about doing such a thing!!! LOL

Mary that is way too cold for me!! I wouldn't be able to move!!! No thank snow for me :))

Stay safe ladies and warm and dry!!!!

It is about 75 here and some winds. We spend our time worrying about wildfires instead of storms. Always something!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

How about a pair of Brigitte Jones's Kathy ???????????????????????? LMBO

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Kathy, I think all of Us should send our snow to you need it to stop all of those ugly fires:(

We have enough to share!!!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all your kindness, sorry have been too busy looking for another vehicle to have been on here. Finally bought a used 2001 Chevy Blazer LT 4X4. Much bigger than the Honda so hopefully will be seen in this snowy weather we are still getting here. I like it so far especially because it has a CD player in it. The Honda didn't. So I have been crankin' Michael Bolton in it already. LOL  Still have to change my decorative plate over to it. Wouldn't want anyone to forget who I think I am! ;D

Have a Great Day!

Oh Sylvie so sorry about your concert, hopefully Michael will get better and return soon, keeping fingers crossed for you sweetie.


So glad to hear you have got transport sorted out Kellie and too that you can now listen to Michael whenever travelling.......that is definitely a must !!! lol.   I wouldn't know what to do if Michael's voice didn't come on at same time I switch on engine.....LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi all, well it's Monday again and we have to face the music. On my weekly goals, I must say I'm doing exceptionally well in organizing and flushing stuff off my computer and my home project is doing well too. The only thing I'm having trouble with is that darn reading: I can't sit still long enough! lol I know I'll have to set myself a time to get into the habit of doing it every day and just need to think about it. I hope everyone is doing well at their keeping up their own resolutions and/or goals, good luck to everyone. Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


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