American Idol 2012-2013 (Season #11 & Season #12)

AMERICAN IDOL 2012 & 2013

Welcome anyone watching Idol who would like to talk about it.

We are continuing this discussion with the current season #12

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Hi everyone,

I think enough of us are watching American Idol (AI) to make this thread worthwhile. So I am taking Sylvie from Canada's suggestion to move it from New Tour Reviews 2011 and give it it's own thread here in Off Topic. Since tonight starts the top 11 voting, it's getting interesting and a good time to start talking about it.

I have been a fan since it started 10 years ago. Hard to believe it's been on that long, not many TV shows last that long. So to anyone watching: "who is your favorite?"


from the Jersey Shore


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Hey Mary, Joy started this new discussion about other reality talent shows recently, check it out:

It's in the "off topic" section also. Nothing about "The voice" yet, but I'm sure they're awaiting your 2 cents! :D Take care sweetie. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi Mary,

Yes, as Sylvie says look for my NEW thread! I kind of started watching The Voice last season. Only saw a few episodes. I like it too. The one I really liked I think came in 2nd place......Michele Chamuel. She was so different and unique! I  am hoping she does well, I would buy her CD's. 


Hey Joy, I found that site...I just clicked on the above area that our Sylvie the solver me there:)! Thanks both of you!

Have a Fun Day!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hey Joy, Have you been watching Idol this year? It's starting out pretty good....I like all 3 of the judges:)! It's on tonite:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

I keep forgetting to tune in. Will catch up soon on AI :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Mary, I completely missed the first show but enjoyed the other 2. I do like Harry, but I miss Randy. I've learned not to get too attached to people who audition for the first time, but enjoying the show, I appreciate that there's less chit-chat when it comes to make a decision though, it's refreshing. I'll keep watching. Take care ladies. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi all,

I haven't been watching. I just keep forgetting it's on. Has the voting part started yet? That's when I really want to start watching anyway, when things get serious. But I hear they aren't making fun of the singers that much like before, and they don't even have that many horrible obvious bad singers on. I guess they are trying to change things up a bit, and get better. I read the X Factor got cancelled after 3 seasons. 



Hi Joy, the voting hasn't started yet: they're not even down to the 3 separate groups yet. They were just doing the horrid group round this past week. We'll keep you posted sweetie. Personally, I'm extremely glad they're not showing the really bad singers and I personally gave up on the "X Factor" on the second season. I couldn't take any more of the tween screaming, seriously... So yeah, it's better I think to wait until the top 24 or top 12, so you don't have much time to get attached to singers who will be sent home momentarily. We'll keep you posted Joy, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thanks Sylvie, I will keep checking here. I don't watch much TV and am busy working & babysitting on my days off. I love figure skating so am trying to watch at least that on the Winter Olympics. So yes, when the voting begins, let me know!


Joy ;)


Hey Joy, This Harry is pretty darned good, he tells them what they need to know, and he's Funny & cute, too....LOL..Then there's Keith....I love his accent...he's a great singer and a Great guitar player, been to a few of his concerts....he's Awesome...then there's J-Lo...she is just soooo sweet...and doesn't want to hurt any feelings, so she just is Nice altogether:)! I really like the way they are doing things, there is No reason to hurt peoples feelings! There is one contestant from here in Louisville, Ky. she's still in it! No "Daughtry's" though...LOL:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!


Hi, thanks for the update on the judges! I had read about who they were this season already, I just haven't watched it yet.

I think I will start to when the voting starts....

Joy ;)


Hey Joy, just to let you know, voting starts next week with the top 30: girls Tuesday, boys Wednesday and results Thursday. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada


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