Dear Mr.Bolton 

       Hello my name is Kevin and sir i owe you a DEBT.  I will never be able to repay.

Please let me explain. My wife and i have 4 children our 2nd childs. name is Amanda,

she has been your biggest fan since before she was even born.

What i mean is this my wife and i was on our way to see the doctor. When she

was pregnant with Amanda. Because she (Amanda) had not moved in days.

My wife and I had already had 4 Miscarriages so we and the Doctor believed

that she was the 5th.But we stop at a Diner that my family goes to back home.

(Cincinnati,oh) My sister found out where we where going and Decided to play

your song (LOVE IS A WONDERFUL THING )That has been 22 years and she

has not stop moving to your music. So with that the only thing we can say is


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Hi Kevin and WELCOME to the website and thanks so much for coming in with such a personal and such a beautiful story and sharing with us....thank you !!! :)

Am so glad to hear Amanda still loves Michael's music and somehow, I definitely believe, becoming a fan in the womb, must qualify her as being one of Michael's youngest fans ever !!!!!! LOL.

Have got to say that I am so pleased, after you and your wife's heartbreaking experiences, with so many miscarriages, that you have got four beautiful pleased for you !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thank you so very much 



Hi Kevin and welcome to the forum. Thank you ever so much for sharing your heartwarming story with us. That’s the kind of story other fans have shared in a thread I’ve started:

I would love if you could share your story over there too. You might enjoy some of the stories posted there also. I have to ask: has your family and especially your daughter Amanda attended a Michael concert yet? I hope so. :D I’m really glad for you all that everything worked out and you were able to expand your family thanks to a little “Time love and tenderness”… :D Again, thanks so much for sharing Kevin, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

We have not yet attended a concert of Michael's but we are hoping to go to the one in Warren PA this Sunday

Hi Amanda and a warm WELCOME to you onto the forum....lovely to hear from you !!! :)    Do hope everything works out and you do get to the concert tomorrow night and if not hope it won't be too long before there is another one you can go to !!! :)   Obviously if you do go tomorrow hope you have a wonderful time and will consider coming onto 2014 Tour thread and telling us all about it.

Take care !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Amanda and welcome to the forum! To my knowledge, you and your dad are only the second father/daughter fan duo on here. :D Hope you all have a wonderful time at the concert, this should be a very special occasion. Feel free to come back on the forum afterwards, if you feel like sharing your experience. Thank you both for sharing, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Music is a Healing kind of medicine:)! And that my friend is a story that you will tell your Grand-children one day!!! OMG...What a story in deed...I am glad for you & your wife that everything fell into place like it did! God works is mysterious ways...this time he used our Michael:)! Thanks for sharing, I hope to hear a great review this week after this show!!!

Mary (meg's mom)!


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