Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Hi Sally, I didn't know anyone was even able to get a ticket to A City..OMG MB is sick again?????????? Oh no...We did notice on Wes night he drank alot of water, more than seemed usual...Oh man..how terrible for him....He should have cancelled way it sounds...If he cancels Bethesda that's fine, I just hope we get notice before the last minute with possible weather in the mix here. His health comes first so if he cancels that's fine, we can go another day...It sounds like he needs to cancel the show here and get better before the next one down in VA.. His flu must have come back on him somehow..Darn it!!!!!!!!   I feel so bad for him.  Those pictures don't look like he's sick, yes they could have fixed them to look like they do above.


Thanks for letting us know Sally..What a trooper he is to try to do the show feeling like he did..


Robin in MD :)

We went to the box office and were waiting for them to stop handing out the comps, to see if they would sell any. A very nice couple walked up and handed us 2 for free. He said they were given to him by someone they knew that worked there. I looked at the ticket and it said casino instead of a price. This nasty woman in the box office kept yelling that they would only sell tickets to diamond card rewards. But the other people there were selling to anyone. It didn't look like they had many to sell. We were in the front part of the back section and could see great. I hope to have pictures later, from my friend.

Thanks for posting Sally more of what happened in A City. I am so sorry for MB and for you all that went.. He  really tried to do the show despite feeling horrible..Yes he should have cancelled and taken care of himself.  Oh man...I've never seen him struggle that much to do a show and it had to be so hard to watch..:( Poor MB trying to still do his best despite feeling like crap.

That was nice of those folks to give you the tickets. I don't care for A City for these reasons, over the years when I still went we always had some problems with tix other than when we got them thru the fan club..Now I know more recently the fans had no problems online but now this year it was a big problem again..

I hope he cancels the show tomorrow here in Bethesda if he's this sick..He needs to take care of himself and give his body time to recover.  I don't know how he can recover in 2 days to do a concert and feel well enough to sing.  Gotta love him for not wanting to disappoint that audience last night.

Robin in MD :)

Hi Sally,

Lucky you, getting free tickets! I know Lee White went and did buy a ticket but I haven't heard any more from her about it. So sorry to hear he is still sick. Sounds like he probably shouldn't have done the show, but we know he hates to cancel especially if everyone is already there waiting for him. I heard he did cancel the Bethesda, MD show. (Sorry Robin (MD) but his health is what matters :)) Can't wait to see your photos!
Joy ;)


Good score Sally on your tix!! THIS is EXACTLY what I don't like about casinos. It seems no one in the front row barely even knows who MB is :/ We would all gladly pay the price for a front row seat. I suppose it is the result of gambling gone berserk. The casinos have to reward...not the high rollers...they are actually the high LOSERS! They have lost so much hoping to win and the casinos WANT them to come back and lose more again and so they make these losers feel "important" by giving them special color cards and free tix  Did I say I don't like this system???  LOL  And so it rolls :/  And yes....I WILL continue to buy my casino tix...GO MB!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Aw! Sally! Thanks girl. Gosh. he needs to take care of himself. I understand disappointments but yet, he has to take care of himself. He's not 16. He's .......... as we all know. Aw! Poor babe. Gosh. Once again, thanks Sally.

Now all pictures are in the gallery! I have provided my first album. Yes!!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

Thanks a million Petra for those lovely photos and congratulations on your first album...................LOL

Darn sorry to hear about Michael last night and would seem he hasn't

quite got rid of bug as much as he thought he had....that is trouble with

those little "bug***'s" they can creep back when least expected !!!

Obviously hoping all is well for tomorrow night Robin MD and that with his,

hopefully, day of rest today, he will be feeling much better but of course

these things cannot be helped as we all know.....keeping fingers

crossed !!! :)

Danke again Petra !!!!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


You are sooooo sweet! Thanks Sylvia!!!

Petra Christine (Germany)

By Jimeny Cricket....look at those sparkles!!! lol Cute Sylvia :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

LOL....Hi Kathy R....I was going to comment on Jimeny Cricket myself...great job !!:)). Good to see you here and hope all is well with you. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)
Good find Petra! Thank you.


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