Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Terry. Thanks ever so much for your review. My first virgin concert was 8/12/92&the reason I'm mentioning it is that it was before the computer days for me. Loved your review. You wrote it oh! so! well. Felt like I was there. I'm glad you got to meet Karen&Lynn. Sometimes pictures don't work like they should but nothing can take away the memories. Welcome to the forum.

Hi TM Sims and welcome to the forum. Just to let you know, no one cares about age here: there are fans ranging from teens to 60+ and we’re all timeless! :D You know, for a first time reviewer, you did this like a pro! :D Dumb question, but what took you so long to get to a concert? Just wondering. I’m glad for you that you found real concert  pros to share with. I think half the fun is just fan interaction.  Thank you so very much for your detailed review! BTW, I don’t know if Michael did anything different this time, but usually, the “Go the distance” intro is pre-recorded. It’s really nice to hear he sounded great after being sick enough to cancel some shows recently. Oh I hope he’s only pacing himself and hasn’t removed “Nessun dorma” from his setlist... Heehee, I’m surprised Karen and Lyn didn’t tell you that it’s usually standard procedure to rush the stage! Lol It does depend on the venue though. Glad to hear your very first concert was so much fun and so memorable. BTW, if you don’t mind my asking, what may we call you? TMSims seems a bit impersonal. I understand about privacy, but if you’d like to share a nickname, it would be more fun, I think. :D Well anyway, I hope you like it here, we’re a friendly bunch and if you have time to spare on here and need directions, there’s always someone around to help. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

I did hear no aria at the last show from Lynn.  Yeah I forgot to mention too that GTD is a recording in the very beginning of the show. If he came out singing Soul Provider he must be better. If he started with the guitar set, maybe he's not quite feeling 100%.. I dunno, just guessing here..LOL  TMSims thanks again for coming in and posting!!!

Robin in MD :)

T. M. Sims. I couldn't have said it any better than what Sylvie said in reference to your review. I will read it eventually. I know Karen & I've met Lynn & they're awesome people & welcome to the forum. It's not the amount of times one goes, it's the time one goes & it's better late than never, right. Seems to have been an awesome 1st concert for you. :)

Hey Terry, thanks very much for your response. Lol I see the MB magic is still working! ;D I was just curious and I know I ask a lot of questions, but that’s how we get to know each other. I’m sure everyone who had a late first concert has their special story. Robin started another thread about first time concert experiences, if you’d like to check it out:


I understand about GTD, how are we supposed to know the first time?  Well glad to hear you’re not shy and it’s great to virtually meet you Terry. :D Heehee, spoken like a true newly-addicted fan: first row next time! Music is a powerful thing and our Michael says his fans are the best. I keep saying he deserves the best! :D Take care sweetie and have a great week. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada

Hi T.M. Sims and welcome to the forum. Thank you so much for sharing your first MB concert moments with us and happy for you that you had a fantastic time and what fun to meet up with 2 other fans and hear about their MB adventures :).

Kathy T. :)

Welcome Terry!!! I see everyone has made you feel welcome as we all do here!! I come and go with my posting...lol So post when you can :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Terry and friends, Just wanted to come out and acknowledge my experience of last Thursdays' show 3/14 in Jacksonville Fla, as Terry TMSims, above has also given a wonderful and gracious review herself from the perspective of a virgin, lol. As any of you know me, I absolutely get so much pleasure of introducing all our past experiences to a newcomer, however, Terry is a researcher and huge fan of MB, there was little she did not already know. On with the show, Lynn, our dear Georgia peach, and I set out on Thursday, for Jacksonville, I flew from Charlotte, NC to meet her at ATL, then onto JAX. We arrived in JAX and onto our hotel the Hyatt, only to be greeted by our own JP Delaire, he was in his usual self, if you've ever had the experience to see him the day after, love that man, he sure enjoys his life. Oh, and what do you know, all the tour buses were parked snuggly near by. Got the chance to run into Cameron at the gym in the hotel and we wished her well on her baby nugget "Girl", and how she will be missed. We spent the rest of Thursday getting familiar with the area, most of you know what I mean. Later in the day, we met up with our newbie, Terry. What a delight to meet up with an amazing lady and beautiful soul. We all just clicked like BBs do, meeting up at yet another show, as if she had traveled and experienced all along. So, Friday morning day of the show, there had been a drawing on the Florida Theater website, that we previously signed up for tickets and backstage passes. They were to announce the five winners on their FB page with names, First names only and they would contact you by email by noon. While having breakfast, I'm getting text from friends back home and Lynn checking the FB page, all at once, Karen, your name is on the list of five! I then, go into my panic mode, and for those of you who know me personally, it's not a so pleasant mode, I immediately crawl into my "No, I can't do it" mode, and immediately thinking there are too many Karens out there, then, "ok, Lynn and Terry are going BS, I can wait till next time" MODE. These two girls, are making phone calls to the venue, trying to find out Karen WHO. Of course, I can't get emails, while out of town, something about passwords, IOS compatibility, whatever excuse I could come up with etc.... SO, next, I get a call from Vincent from the Florida Theater, to inform me that unfortunately there was indeed another Karen who had won the tickets and bs passes. To my surprise, "Oh, No! You've got to be kidding me, Michael doesn't want to meet me tonight?". This is one call I'm sure Vincent did not want to make, he offered that there were still tickets,ie seats available. I told him, Oh no, darling, I have a great ticket agent, Lynn, whom got us two front row seats, on the end, Left side". He laughed, and saId, there you go, you won't miss a thing. To my dismay, it was the backstage passes, that were the challenge, hehe. For about two hours there, in that mode, I worked up such an anxiety, that the rest of day was a piece of cake. Friday night, we walked a block away to our venue, got our seats, oh, and notice some green tape on the carpet aisle, Left Side. What do you know? Michael came out, right on time. our two seats, to the right of us, we're two young local girls, who had been to previous shows, probably 10 yrs previous, they were in for a delight. An older gentleman sat next to them, and held some conversations with the girls teasing them at their excitement before the show. The emcee came out shortly before the show, giving the history of the theater, etc.. stated a few celebrities that had been there, including Elvis, which Ryan had previously posted on his FB.. The older gentleman had leaned in and asked if that was Michael Bolton, they laughed and told me, this guy thought that he was MB. MBs intro was his Go the Distance Recording, he walked out and said hello to the crowd and said Hi to the gentleman. So I knew he knew him from prob earlier in the day, while Michael had been golfing. MB did his usual songs, did an awesome job, his voice was definitely stronger than the previous week. Mid way thru the show, our gentleman, had stated he had been to many shows, and has played golf with him, as well. Just so happened, I recognized the woman standing next to him, happens that she was a very dear MB BB from my MBC charity days, June, that I had seen in Conn, Vegas, etc.. I was so excited to see her again, and was able to talk with after the show. Robin, she looked the same, very well, I remembered her swag to MBs songs after all these yrs, and in his video from the Canada show way back when. Apparently I was right, and her husband, our gentleman was his golf buddy. I took a few videos during the show, which I vowed many years ago, not to do again, and just enjoy the show,, however, last wks one video turned out so well, I thought I'd try again. I have them, I love them, but still, tech challenged. Haha, I have the Prayer, and SILYBIL, and I will quickly try to get them on here, or to somebody else to post. Michael came out for his WAMLAW, as promised on the Left Side, of the audience and had nowhere else to go but thru the two feet in front of me, Us, on the front row to get back to the center steps to stage center. THAT my friends, was my M&G. I handed him my single rose, no interference, and he graciously acknowledged a few times, a thankyou, thru out the show. I softly hinted to Nessun Dorma, reluctantly, per his voice, he nodded as if to say, he may not be ready, however, he did not sing it. Everything else he sang was so so strong, his encore was Georgia and very clear and strong and beautiful. of course, I went thru that mode of sadness, as to, will this me my retirement to traveling again, when will I see MB again, and his enjoying his "Back Nine". Love this man, and what he represents to all of of Fans, and the Joy he has given to me personally. Love you all here, old and new, and I hope the friendships he has brought to all of us together here, keeps climbing thru and thru. UNTIL next time, lol. Love Karen. Ps,, Sylvie, there was no rushing the stage in this venue at all. It was very small, but huge grandeur with regal ceilings and gorgeous balcony. The police nazis were definitely present. My dear Robin Rehder, I always enjoy our cellcerts girl, you are on my mind always at a MB experience, love you!

Hey Karen, GREAT Review lady... I am glad you got to give MB your rose and he went right past you all. June had seats close to you and I wondered if you did see her to chat. Sounds like you did!LOL Nice to catch up with BB's from back the good ol CT Gala days!!! She's moved down there now so she will be attending shows more down that way.  Her husband Joe played golf at the MBC Charity events in the past for a few years.  They usually paired him with the band guys!! fun times back in the day...

Sounds like it was a fantastic night for all of you!!! So glad to hear it!! Bummer no aria, his voice may not be up to that yet!!!

Nice that you were able to cellcert Robin R. again.  I know she treasures those calls from you Karen..

Thanks for your fun review!!!  I felt like I was there with you as he walked past!!! :)

Robin in MD :)

I love to do cellcert songs too but with me being on the west coast after 9, Oops, it's after midnight&hate to wake a BB up. I remember Joe played Golf in the MBC events. So awesome. Well, I'm writing too much. I'll never learn. But, I'll be back. :) those going to the show in Fort Meyers, enjoy&come back with reviews. Man, he's all over Florida. Remember that Judine lived in Clearwater, I do believe?

Oh thanks a million for that review Karen, absolutely wonderful and so, so pleased you had such a great time both at the concert and your days spent in Florida !! :)   Can't wait to see your videos if as good as your last one.....looking forward to but you take your time, we'll all be here waiting !!! lol

Thanks again Karen !! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Karen, GREAT review!!  I felt as if I was there and I could see ya now in the" panic mode" just with the possibly of going backstage LOL!!  Glad you got to see some from the Gala days, those were some really good times.  I still don't see you retiring from traveling!! It is way too much fun LOL!! You have to share his back nine with all of us!!!!

I am glad he went right past you also...kindof a nice surprise....



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