Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Thank you, sylvie! :) If you want, I can send you the videos by email, if you give me your e-mail adress :) . Hugs, Oana

Hi again Oana, aww that's so very kind of you sweetie but that won't be necessary. I truly appreciate your generous offer though, thank you so much! :D Take good care Oana and have a wonderful weekend. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Hi Oana and Welcome!!! Thank you so much for your review!! Please don't worry about your english...we all LOVE to read what other fans feel and think at their MB concerts!! I am glad you took your own personal videos also because sooooo many MB fans don't have as many opportunities for lots of concerts compared to some other fans...particularly the American fans...as I am one. Posting the videos seems to be the real issue so I hope all us fans are respectful of Michael's wishes :) 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy,

Thank you! You are so lucky to have the chance to see Michael so often. :D We are looking forward to see Michael back in Germany, too.

Best wishes,


Dear MB Fans all over the world,

especially all my dear friends in Germany and France!

Are you awake or still sleeping? :-)

Perhaps it will be interesting for you here! 

I am happy to publish (finally) my review about Michael's performance in Munich which took place on 04/28/2014!

I hope you will enjoy these moments and my own pictures. It would be easier for me to express myself in my own language but I will try my best in the universal one! Sorry for the mistakes if you find some :-)

 But let it come to the ESSENTIAL!

Place: Circus Krone in Munich Germany

Duration:  7pm-10.30pm

Performers: Michael Bolton and band, Shelly Bonet as support band on the European Tour!

After the cancellation in Erlangen two days before we all feared in Munich with the thought that it could affect us as well but as we always say:


Just praying during two nights and keeping quiet :-)..until a little light of hope came in the morning ...no comment...

Happiness was high and each part of my body was shaking :-) When I arrived at the Circus Krone to pick up my ticket, it just was indescribably because I would attend my FIRST concert EVER and as usual the first time is always something VERY special....From the day on I bought my ticket til the concert, something great happened to my life that I would never have  expected at all....I just say THANK YOU ALL ...

but enough talk and welcome to the show: Michael's words!

At 6.30pm my ticket was handed to me!

At 7pm they opened the doors and we all proceed into the hall...how exciting! Just an short view into the empty arena, but not longer!

I got a seat on the 3rd row left from the stage at the edge. Fantastic! Thank Joe, you are the best *Smiley*...I used the waiting time to adjust my camera but I had a bad feeling with this one....Never give up !  The light conditions were so bad and they made me nervous but at least I was there to listen and enjoy Michael's music and not at a catwalk of German Next Topmodel :-) ...the hall got full and at 8pm the first music tones came to us. 

I think she is coming to Munich in November ??? I read something about it in the last past weeks! Great thing!

Shelly performed during ca. 45mn and she "heated up" the hall with her power voice and music. She remembered me a bit Anastacia...well I loved it!

At 9pm the stage was "made of"in order to welcome Michael and band. Lights went out and we could see the band standing there. Now we knew in few minutes or seconds Michael will perform ....We couldn't see him but from the darkness his voice came out and started with this opening song

Goosebumps for sure !

The public applauded screaming with enthusiasm..Amazing!

Please enjoy now the rest of the show with a few words


with expressive pictures remembering these beautiful moments.

I hope the setlist is correct ? :-)

I loved that song soooo much

One of my favorite picture 

Kelly and Amanda, incredible voices and artists.

Thank to the excellent musicians too!

The master piece with Kelly

When Michael came out of the darkness standing in the middle of the public behind us, it was absolutely a BIG sensation.

A light was shining on his face and while singing he shaked the hand with some from the public. It felt so good. On his way back to the stage, he came to the left side where I was standing and shaked my hand ..:-) 

After 1h30 hours, he finished the show with

They all say goodbye and went backstage but they came back for an encore song

Now the show is really over (tears) but it was so a wonderful evening we never forget but we are missing now!

I will finish my review and hope you enjoyed it....I wanted to give my album a touch of "melting pot" but it was not possible for me to build my review into it that s why I choosed this version.

I spent a LOT of time at my computer but I am happy about the result. :-) and you?

I wish all of you for the coming concerts in the UK now and further in USA to spend unforgettable moments as we did here in Germany. Michael Bolton doesn't come so often to Munich but I personally thank him very much for EVERYTHING.

See you soon 




Great review Christine! And I love the photos! Magical, amazing, a miracle. Thank you for sharing with us!!! 

P.S. I missed Nessun Dorma in München. But I had the pleasure to hear the song at the other 2 concerts in 2009. And it was amazing.

Thank you so much Oana...Ups I couldn't remember me about ND, too much emotions!...magical that s what I wanted to hear :-)



Coucou .

Je ne sais que te dire Christine ! C'est un grand voyage dans ce concert à Munich pour ceux qui n'y étaient pas . On a  l'impression d'y être . Beaucoup d'émotions  Photos merveilleuses . J'adore , Merci !! Bisous 

Coucou copine,

C'est comme si on était en concert hier soir :-))) merci merci de tes compliments, ne dis rien et savoure en douceur.....:-)

De très gros bisous vers Toulon,


Je regarde de nouveau et je peux te dire que c'est superbe, génial, émouvant!!!! . Je suis sincère et je peux t'affirmer que ton talent est énorme . Je sais que je ne suis pas la seule à le dire . 

Christine, thanks ever so much for your review. So, you got to shake his hand. I'm glad. I think I remember correctly that this was your 1st concert. Now. You're addicted. :)))))))

it was ;)


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