Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Glad you arrived safely, Sylvia. I will take a peek on your page shortly. Have a fabulous time, Wee One. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Did and done Sylvia! How is the weather there? And in Glasgow? ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

"In "general" artists spend a lot of time and money to create a high sonic quality at their shows and there is no way to reproduce that through a phone from the audience. When we release a dvd of the live shows we record them on the highest quality cameras and using the best microphones made to reproduce the live experience. Where venues ask no photos Michael invites the audience to take them, but streaming video is not desirable. So please DO NOT take or post videos of Michael’s shows, if Michael’s wishes mean anything to you at all.

MB Team "

This was posted today on Michael's Facebook page. So we are not alowed to make videos. I can understand it and I have deleted my videos from Youtube. If Michael don't want it I will not post them. But I am happy that I made, the videos because so I was able to catch a small part from that night, from that emotions and I will always look at that videos with pleasure. I have made them with my mobile phone, which is not a very good one but the sound is not so bad and there are so many emotions there.

It was the third time I saw Michael on the stage and it was amazing. I saw Michael for the first and second time in Romania , my home country,in 2009, and now I was able to see Michael again in München, the city where I leave&study now. And every time was magical. The concert begun with tho of my  favourite songs Go the Distance &  To love somebody. Then Prayer,Ain't No Mountain High Enough, Said I Love You, But I Lied, You Don't Know Me, How Am I Supposed To Live without You all these songs made my night. And than the magical moment "When A Man Loves A Woman" when I was only one meter away from Michael. It was like a dream. And then Time, Love And Tenderness, I love this song!

All the evening I sang with Michael and I had fun. At the end I bought me the book with the Autograph from Michael. Yes,Michael is the Soul of it all. The soul of our lives. When I heard Michael first? Good question :) I grow up with Michael's music. It's part of my life, the soul of it all :) . My parents are huge fans from Michael too so I was able to listen to Michael's song since my first days(21 years ago) .

What a beautiful dream, the chance to be there and listen to this great songs, Michael only 1 meter away from me, my first Autograph from Michael.

Thank you Michael and I'm looking forward to your next concert in München!

Sorry for my english, my german is very good but I tried to write in english, so that everybody can understand it.

Hi Oana,

so great reading you review, thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts. Interesting that you grew up on MB and still like him LOL. You'll find many stories here where mothers or aunts - like me - have to face that there are kids who are able to resist MB and almost hate him for being raised on his music. When I went for the concert in Essen I stayed with my sister, because she lives there. My eldest nephew kept teasing me (friendly!). Maybe I should have asked him why his hair is as long as MB's once was ... LOL. My other nephew and nice were so nice to hide rolling their eyes ... LOL. 

I won't delete the videos I posted on youtube unless I'm asked to, but I won't add any anymore. Good night, Oana, liebe Grüße, Astrid.

Hi Astrid, 

very happy about your comment! I am happy that you enjoyed my interview. Michael is part of my life, and when I hear all this songs a lot of memories come in my mind. 

Beste Grüße,

Oana :)

I think it's Ona. Loved your review&thanks for the setlist you wrote. Visually, I couldn't tell you but to me, the youtube videos from folks' phones sounded awesome to me but we do need to respect Michael's wishes but keep them (those you have) for yourself & welcome to the forum.

Thank you for all Robin! I will keep the videos for myself and I am very happy that I took them. I respect Michael's decision, and I understand it too. He want the best Quality possible for the videos, and this can't be obtained with a mobile phone. But this videos remembers me of the great evening and I will always enjoy them.

Thank you for your review, Oana, and so happy for you that you had a wonderful time and made a new MB memory. The autographed book is a treasured memory keepsake and happy you have that:). Thanks for sharing :).

Kathy T. :)

Thank you Kathy. The book is great and with Michael's autograph too is simply amazing! 

Hallo Oana, thanks very much for sharing your feelings about your concert. Of course, we have to respect Michael’s wishes and feelings about video quality, but I appreciate that you made a point of saying that to you, the video quality is not perfect, but the emotions attached to them still give you much pleasure.  I’m so glad to hear it was so special for you Oana... :D You were also very fortunate to have been brought up on Michael’s music. I have 4 kids and 2 of them enjoy Michael, but the 2 others don’t, though they were all raised on his music. Sweetie, your English is very understandable and it’s very much appreciated that you took the time and care for all of us, thank you!   Take care Oana and thanks again. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thank you so much Sylvie. I am very thankful to my parents that I was able to hear Michael's songs since I was child. As I said, Michael is part of my life. It's impossible to have perfect videos with the mobile phone, but these videos are very important for me because they bring me back to that evening. Hugs, Oana :D 

Hi again Oana, to me, picture quality is meaningless because I'm blind, like Robin R. We've enjoyed videos no matter what they look like or even if they're posted sideways! lol I know you'll treasure them Oana. I'm sorry you've deleted them, but I enjoyed listening to them, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D


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