Have decided to start this thread to give Marie somewhere to place the collages that she designs and produces of Michael and generally only displays over in FB so that all those on here have opportunity to see her absolutely beautiful work as well as giving her a place where she can come into and place her collages herself without having to wonder if she is putting them in the right place.

From 12th June, 2014, combined a thread called "Bolton Art" with this one in order that forms of artistic licence with photos of Michael could be displayed in one place so people know where to come to to see the pictures and also where they can feel free to put their own and please, everyone, do feel free to post your very own "works of art".  



Sylvia on behalf of Marie.    Your wee Scottish friend and your, No.1 fan of Michael's, Czech friend.


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               Congratulations to Your great Anniversary
               thanks for Your great work

Diky Marie !!! :)   Terrific photo and have put link to FB event page on the Miscellany thread so that people can access from here.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


           best music for whole world



Thank you, Marie. I´m going with! Far, far away, where much sun shines!!!

Petra (Germany)

  Petra, welcome here on our music way


Terrific Marie, love it and take a look at sexy you in those leathers, wow......absolutely love the photoshop job, fantastic Marie !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


We want to go with you All on this trip:)! LOL!!!

Mary (meg's mom)!

    Mary (meg's mom)! 

    all are welcome to travel with the beloved Michael....

    ---- someday dreams come trueeeeeeeeeeeeee

    with love Marie from Prague


Tomorrow is Friday girls........European Lottery draw and I have my ticket......private concert, here we come Michael !!!! LOL

Love that photo of him Marie, lovely !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


     Sylvia,  I wish best time for You and Michael

     with love Marie

Thank you for the infomation, Sylvia. I cross my fingers! Faith moves mountains!!!

Petra (Germany)

Marie it is not just me that is going to have the private concert, you as well and everybody else is invited but the cost is on the European Lottery that I'm going to win tomorrow night....LOL    I don't half dream, don't I ???? LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.



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