I've had a few fans ask if they can send me their Christmas cards for Michael this year.  I will be glad to forward them on. Please PM me for the address.  You can also send your cards to Michael threw his charity address as well.  That address would be:

Michael Bolton

c/o Michael Bolton Charities

P.O. Box 936

Branford, CT 06405


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Hey Gail'

I guess this means that you're really gonna be busy this year!

Bless you & the other nice women who help keep Michaels

club running so smoothly, Y'all truly make it look effortlessly!

I would greatly appreciate your address to send Christmas

cards for you both! If there is ever a need for some more help,

please feel free to call on me as well!

Thank you so very much,

Tammie Jones Knight                                                  PS ... my neighbor & very dear friend Nita & I

                                                                                               both have birthdays in Feb.. hers is the

                                                                                               4th & mine is the 28th... Michael will be

                                                                                               in Biloxi on the 20th... that will be our

                                                                                               Birthday presents to each other... Is

                                                                                               there anyway we could possibly get

                                                                                               a chance for a meet & greet with

                                                                                               Michael? Just thought I'd ask!

                                                                                              Thank you again,


Thanks again Gail !! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


When is the deadline for the cards Gail? I'll be in touch!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Gail. I will be sending you my card for Michael very soon. I still have your address from last year. Thanks once again for doing this for us fans.

Sandra UK

I've gotten a number of cards for Michael. Those I have received I have PM'd. Are there anymore cards on the way?  If not, I'm going to be sending it on in the next few days.  Thanks, Gail

Hi Gail, I would love to but I live in the UK. Am I still able to or no?


Corinne, I will need to mail the package from here by Wednesday to get to Michael in time but you may want to send your card through his charity at the address above and that way it will cut off the time it takes to get to me and then to Michael.  Thanks!  Gail


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