One of my favourite




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Sharing some photos that are new to me and if others have already seen then I hope you don't mind looking at twice !!! :)   I was directed to this site by a photo a girl posted on FB today which I hadn't seen and picked up these others.   Hope you enjoy !!! :)

First set are from 5th September, 1995 when Michael attended the launch of Heart Radio

Next set are from 17th May, 1993 when he attended the launch of Planet Hollywood restaurant in London:

He was with Nicolette at this launch and there is one photo of both of them but even though you cannot see her face I've chosen not to publish on here.

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend



thanks for posting so very wonderful pictures of Michael.

with love Marie

I've no problem with that photo, in fact, LOVE it !! :)  Thanks for sharing and what you should do is go into some of the programmes where you can crop it and really turn into a super photo.   Thanks Joo !!! :)

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Hi Marie and love the pic but how did you get that Motown umbrella in there ?????????????? LOL

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend



that's a idea, I like Michael under blue umbrella

With love Marie

My opinion is, that Michael is incredible photogenic.

But - on the other way - I am sorry, I have never loved the picture on the top of this web side.

I found another one which would be BRILLIANT:

What do you think about this picture?

Does not he look like a bridegroom waiting


Would imagine Ivana that eventually website might change same as it did with release of ANMHE which is where picture at top comes from because that is on the album and you might just get the picture you have chosen because that is from the photo shoot that was done for the new CD.   There is the pic from the photo shoot that has been used in the UK Tour Schedule poster and there is also another one which was given to Ticketmaster to use so might find either will be used on new album but definitely believe that is what is dependent if website changes again.  Would actually love to see it blue and silver, make such a difference from the gold and brown for that was lovely at beginning and still is attractive in a very classy way but a little bit of brightness would be welcome too.  

Hope you get your picture change Ivana and Michael is definitely the groom ..... all he needs is a white carnation in buttonhole and picture is complete BUT ...... whether he is waiting for you, or ME is the million dollar question ??????????????? LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend



you are a lucky woman as you - as a native speaker - can speak with him. It´s always difficult for us non native speakers, who have to "fight" not only with our nervs, but with the language too.

I have been taking English lessons for 3 years only to be able to speak with Michael one day. But frankly, I would not be able to breath while standing close to him :-)), far less to speak to him.

Best regards, Ivana

Been a long, long, long time since any activity on here but believe this latest photo of Michael just HAS to be posted and it is of him wearing special edition reading glasses from Eyebobs who are running a campain to raise funds for SU2C, Stand Up To Cancer, a charity co-founded by Katie Couric. Eyebobs campaign is called "Take A Stand".

Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend


Oh my Goooood !!

He looks so brillliant !!! I have not seen such a beautiful picture of Michael since months but this one ist just p-e-r-f-e-c-t !!!

Oh my Goooood !!

I love it.


Some pictures I found on the internet.
Have you ever seen them before?
