Welcome everyone to the 2015 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Those of you attending some of the Florida concerts in January,  2015 may see the upcoming Dreamjobbing winner performing as a backup singer for Michael!!  Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2015 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2015!! Let the year long concert party begin!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Me too Lynn. Just up here we have bad weather that time of year...

Robin in MD :)

Funny I see that Sylvia has just posted one for Niagara Falls for Feb 13 and 14. Great to see 2 shows, love casinos- but dang!! Niagara Falls in February! I'll have to think hard on that one lol. My southern blood couldn't stand that cold! I think he has done Beau Rivage in either Feb or March so maybe it will come up soon.


Hoping something does come up nearer to you Lynn for think it could sure be tricky in February anywhere near Niagara although would be lovely for Valentine's Day .... make it a Valentine's weekend !!!??? lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Nice romantic weekend  :) :) . I have actually been to this place before, had front row seats 2 nights in a row but it was at the end of May-a WHOLE lot different from February. I'm really going to have to give it some thought tomorrow though before the tickets go on sale, seeing him 2 nights in a row is worth a little bit of chill :) And they have Jacuzzi suites to warm up in!!

Thanks for the heads up!


Oh, go for it Lynn for just think you will have Michael to warm you up the two nights as well apart from the Jacuzzi suites !!! lol  

Also, if weather too bad and you couldn't get maybe Michael and band wouldn't get either so show would be cancelled and you would get your money back .....  another way of looking at it and hopefully another reason to go for it for who knows what's round the corner !!! lol

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Super fantastic photos Sylvia !!. Thanks for posting them and to Hyunju for the find. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Adding another picture from Arena Theatre, Houston, on 5 November and this is an individual one that Fabian Lozano has shared and just to add that he did say it was a super show Michael put on.

Embedded image permalink

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Right on Lynn if you get to go to the show in Niagra Falls. I wish I could but, oh! well! Perhaps soon he'll come out west. For those going this year, have an awesome time & come out with reviews.

I really wish he would go to Vegas soon too girl cause I would be there in a heartbeat! They have been having some awesome low fares from here recently. We will  have a huge BB party!


It is incredible, this man does not get older. He still looks great.


Sylvia, I would like to pre-order Michael´s new CD but I would like to listen to the songs before.

Is there any chance on the internet?


Hi Ivana and nothing has been released yet and all we know are three song titles.   Michael is still in process of recording and he has still to let us know if he has decided on a final track list.  Sorry, no information !!! :(

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


This friend of mine lives in Syracuse so, I don't know how far she is from Niagra falls but I'll let her know. Hope she too can make it. Those going to these concerts this year & next year, I'll say it again, have an awesome time. :)


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