I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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For all the Spanish speakers fans of Michael. I have opened a new space at the website for the official newsletter in Spanish with all the info about Dancing with the stars. Click on the link to visit it. Thanks!!!

Para todos los fans de Michael de lengua española. He abierto una nueva sección en la página del boletin oficial en español con toda la información sobre Dancing with the stars. Pinchar en el link para visitarla. Gracias!!!

Great Pilar !
also look what fans of Rick Fox & Cheryl Burke have done on Facebook :

I was wondering if we should be doing the same for CHELSIE & MICHAEL ? That would be great, no ?
I think it would be a great idea if it could be done for MB and Chelsie too!!

Thanks Matthieu!
Robin :)
There's actually a new lady on here Nicole-Elizabeth and she sent me a link that she is doing for Michael and Chelsie on facebook
perhaps you can all help her work it all out
I haven't a facebook account
Hope you don't mind me posting it Nicole-Elizabeth
All the best Dianna xxx

Thanks Dianna, Maybe this can be the official one for MB on Facebook? See what happens. I'm a novice on there and joined only to support MB in this effort on Dancing With the Stars.

Robin :)
Thanks Dianna ,i joined and sent everyone an invite to join too .xx
Thanks Sharon for sending me an invite!! I joined too!!!

Love Eileen xoxo
Juliet Isnt it filmed in Los Angeles xx
Thanks Dianna!! :-D

I'm totally new to the DWTS world so everyone can help make the FB group a great thing from the start to the TOP!!!

That's cool Pilar!
Robin :)
ciao pilar e grazie . ben fatto . ciao cry
New tweet from Michael:

ChelsieKayH We have the Vienese waltz the first week, finished it today. On track and working hard.