I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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This is pic of t shirts .xx
Cute shirt!! I was spelling the team wrong tho, it's two words..ooops!
Robin :)
Thanks for sharing this! I wish I could have figured out how to hear it ! But it was a great interview!!

Love Eileen xoxo

Sorry if this has been posted but these are clips when the partners first met. Michael and Chelsie are really cute...you get a look at Michael's tour bus too.

Thanks Gail

I want the bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Dianna xxx

LOL!!! "I am Michael"??? Hahahahah, I guess she knew your name!!!!! LOL

Thanks!!!!! And thanks for the wonderful CY interview... as Jennifer says, we live in hope!!!! Amazing upcoming projects... you only live once... the more the merrier!!!!!!
Thanks, Gail....great insight into some of MB's competition! I think this is going to be a 'tough' season as far as talent is concerned. There are several possibilities for who the winner might be. SO, we need to vote, vote, vote!!

Thanks Gail for sharing!!

Love Eileen xoxo
They look good
Thanks Gail
Love Dianna xxx
We can (not sure about outside the US) create and share our own Boltower team tshirts and designs: Check it out:



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