I apologize if this come up twice..blame in on the technical difficulties I have been experiencing with my computer..I saw an item on Yahoo Trending that Michael is in negotiations to be on Dancing With The Stars! Can anyone confirm this? I hadn't seen that before, so if it is old stuff, I am sorry...its news to me, and I only hope it is true! How awesome that would be!

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Wow, I knew there was a reason I always loved chris Daughtry! Lol I don’t know if that’ll bring Michael more votes but in the meantime, I’d say we all did a pretty good job for the team! I was so glad to hear he was the first one safe! Let’s hear it for all those “older women” who love him! Lol Take care all. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Yes I know me too about Daughtry and yes let's do hear it all for us older women that love him!! WE have to stick up & support our MB man, lol!
Hi Cheval that's really nice isn't it :)
Good song I enjoyed it :)
Love Dianna xxx
Hi Robin,
I was super excited when Chris Daughtry said that!!! I was yelling at the TV.... YES!!!! I loved the little smile MB gave him. The show was great last night! Can't wait for next week : )
Me too! I was really happy to hear Daughtry say that! I even posted my gratitude on his website that I thought that was way cool that he said that. And yes MB's response was cute wasn't it? I am so proud of him! :)
I like this post!!!!! :)
Thanks Gail :)
Love Dianna xxx

Yeah Michael and Chelsie!!!!!
It's just so excitiing to see him on TV. They both performed beautifully!
Way to go, to all of the fans keeping Our Man On Top!

Hi, All
Yes, yes, yes!!! Michael did it. I knew he would. do, what nervous !!!
But Ï'm so glad they passed the cut, you'll see next week he's going to be
more relaxed. I can see the videos he looked great God !!! What would
I do without You Tube and all of you that share us the links ?
Thanks a lot !!!
Take care
Fantastic news Michael is dancing next week!!!! Yay!!!
Thank you for the photos Gail, they are fab, I've saved them hope that is ok?
Now for next week, can't wait!!

Love Deb xx
TMZ had a clip of the Situation on tonight, and Michael, gonna see if i can find it now and post.