Ok ,so i was wondering .What is your favorite movie.It can be whatever genre .Be interesting to see what everyones is .


Mine would be anything with Sylvester Stallone .I also love Brian Dennehy especially in true movies  xx

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Hi Sharon, great topic! It’s hard to pick just one because of genres and different periods of your life when you loved them. Well, I’d say my favorite movie is “Grease” because it has so many memories attached to it. I love musicals: anything from Mario Lanza and Elvis movies, to “Chitty Chitty Bang bang”, to “Dreamgirls” to “Phantom of the opera”. I love silly movies like the “Austin Powers” trilogy and the “Hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy”, love the initial “Star Wars” trilogy but also movies with human stories and life lessons like “It’s a wonderful life”, “Mr Destiny” with Michael Caine that’s in the same vein, loved “The pursuit of happiness” with Will Smith and Harrison Ford movies like “Witness” and “Regarding Henry”. Adored the movie “Ray” with Jamie Fox and “The soloist” with Jamie also. I do enjoy some mindless teen movies that I watch with my kids and sweet romcoms like “The holliday” with Jude Law and “51st dates” with Adam Sandler, which really surprised me because I’m really not an Adam Sandler fan. Funny enough, I also enjoy baseball movies like “Field of dreams” and “*61”, because of the heartwarming fuzzy community feeling they leave you with. And my favorite romantic movie of all-time, I think is “Somewhere in time” with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. So much for picking just one! Lol What about you Sharon, what else besides Sly movies do you enjoy? Just curious. Thanks again for the topic and sorry I took so much space!  Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hi Slyvie.I love all old movies .Love James cagney especially Angels with dirty faces and Yankee doodl dandee.Love to watch thrillers and action movies.My partner Derm says i should have been a guy because im not your typical woman ,lol.I do like weepies though ,Love Imitation of life ,who will love my children and the champ ,cry my eyes out to those movies ,ha.xx
Hey Sharon, nothing wrong with enjoying a little action! I’ve enjoyed some of the old Bond movies too. I really loved the first 3 “Rocky” movies myself and love the old classics too. In the 70’s, I loved the old Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill movies. Guess it’s whatever suits your mood. Thanks for your response, take care Sharon. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
You got me here LOL
I just said to 2 of my daughters "what would ne my favourite" and they said"I don't know you really don't have one" and they are so right!
Can I pick Phantom of the opera I know it is a musical.
I have bought alot of old movies I have Casablana (haven't watched it yet bought it years ago LOL), Gone with the wind (Watched about 1/2 of it couldn't sit still long enough to finish it LOL!) Little women (Loved that one) Seven brides for seven brothers (another good one) there was some old ones I always enjoyed hope I get the names right 3 coins in the fountain, eighty steps to jonah (saw this when I was just a child)
Loved all dance movies the black and white mistrels was a great show, anything with Fred astaire I enjoyed but I was very young when I watched these LOL

My favourite TV series NOW is Stargate Atlantis though but I like NCIS, SVU,Desperate housewives,

But sad to say I really haven't a favourite movie LOL!

Love Dianna xxx
Hi Dianna, it’s okay not having an absolute favorite: at least you gave us an idea of what you like and we get to know you a little better! You have to watch “Casablanca” Dianna! I don’t know if you enjoy movie commentaries, but the commentary with Roger Ebert (pardon spelling) on that is fabulous! I’m a movie commentary junkie, especially for old movies, when they describe why they chose this specific lighting for effect, in the age of black and white and no CG effects, for instance. The first commentary on “The ghost and Mrs Muir” with Edward Mulhare was fantastic for me, because it described everything so vividly. I really enjoyed Gerard Butler’s acting in “Phantom” but not his singing. Oh Dianna, “Seven brides for seven brothers” was one of the sweetest movies I’ve ever seen! Have you ever come across the “That’s entertainment” series? They were 3 movie documentaries on dance movies, hosted by Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. I can’t appreciate the visuals any more but they’re nicely descriptive too. Thanks for sharing Dianna, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hey Janniche, just out of curiosity, which Tom Cruise video are you missing? Just curious. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hey Janniche, wow, I frankly don't know if you'd ever find "Losin' it", I think "All the right moves" might be easier to find and I've never heard of "Night and day" so I'd say you're a true blue Tom Cruise fan! lol I would check Amazon though, because I actually think you'd have abetter chance of finding "Endless love", maybe on VHS or something. I enjoyed that movie with Brooke Shields, a very long time ago and "Jade", is my eldest daughter's middle name... :) I know you're not a huge fan of Amazon or EBay sellers sweetie but if you check feedback, I think that would be your best bet. Good luck Janniche, hope you're doing well, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hmm, favourite film eh?

I'm not really one for watching films, but one that I do love is 'Carmen Jones'. which is the operetta version of Georges Bizet 1943 Broadway opera production of 'Carmen'.

Carmen Jones was adapted into a film and directed by Otto Preminger in 1954. It starred Harry Belafonte and Dorothy Dandridge.

It's feisty, fast moving funny and sad and most of all, it has the most beautiful songs.

Great topic Sharon.

Love Jennifer XX
Thank you Jennifer I have been looking for the name of this movie for simply ages I have never seen it but I want to and Now I have the name I can look for it!

I thinkDesperate housewives starts on the 26th September when does it start for you?
Love Dianna xxx
OOh, I'm not sure when Desperate Housewives starts here, I cant seem to find that out.

Carmen jones is available on dvd on ebay.com


You are going to love it....I promise.

Love Jennifer XX
Thanks Jennifer will have a look over here on ebay first though
I have no doubt I will love it I really do thank you for giving me the name of it.

As for desperate housewives imdb does have it listed for 26th September woohoo
Love Dianna xxx

I love the movies of PATRICK SWAYZE, KEVIN COSTNER, HUGH GRANT, COLIN FIRFH, most of Richard Gere (Preatty woman), most of Leonardo di Caprio, most of Tom Cruise and the TV serieS: MIAMI VICE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, MCLEODS DAUGHTERS.

Silvy XX


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