Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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This is a neat article about a fan on a game show who was trying to win money to go to lunch with Michael in LA.  She is in the UK and Michael was in UK doing a talk show so they set up a lunch for her and Michael on the show!! Really cute:


Cute article Gail, thanks! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Gail and didn't realise you had been on here, no notifications again !!! lol  

Just a little addition that when Michael was on the Bradley Walsh show and introduced this girl to have dinner with Michael it wasn't apparent what it was all about therefore it fell a bit "limp" on the show.  Would have been far better if The Chase had come before The Late Show but of course things never that simple on TV, are they.....why get timing right ??? lol  I watched The Chase and saw her and heard saying all about Michael and about wanting to get the dinner with him in LA but I didn't associate it with the girl who had been on The Late Show to have "dinner" with Michael until I read the articles about it.... no connection made apparent.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Link into a set of pics of behind the scenes from Almost Cool Films video Michael did about American Greetings birthday card. There are not too many pics of Michael but here is one


Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


On travels on Twitter picked this up on Michael's audition for Black Sabbath:


Here is transcription:

Tony Iommi, on Michael Bolton’s Black Sabbath-audition

“Me and Geezer had to rethink the whole thing. We had a million tapes sent in from different singers and most of them were horrible. One of them was from Michael Bolton. I didn’t know him at the time. We had Michael come in and we had him sing ‘Heaven and Hell’, ‘War Pigs’, and ‘Neon Knights’. He was quite good, but he wasn’t exactly what we were looking for then. We dropped a bollock there, didn’t we? Michael Bolton! A little bit of a mistake.”

– Tony Iommi, in his auto-biography Iron Man: My Journey through Heaven and Hell with Black Sabbath

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Wow, pretty cool, thanks Sylvia! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hmm. Michael with Black Sabbith. I can't imagine that. I know he's a classic rocker (Michael that is) but wow! Cool though.

Thanks everyone for all articles.

Oh, I gotta say it. I got a 6-CD changer & love it. Putting multiple MB CD'S sounds good to me.

Michael just posted this to his facebook and the main page on this site:

Happy Mother's Day mom!! I celebrate you today and every day. You are with me everywhere and always. I love you! Your son, always, michael

There is a picture of Michael's mom, Helen, sitting at a table looking through pictures with a beautiful smile on her face.

Lovely photo of Ms. Helen.It's how I remember her back in the day. Michael posted a beautiful tribute to his mother. We had such fun chatting with her at the gala weekends back in the day. I treasure my photo with her. We all adored her. Thanks for posting here Gail.

Robin in MD :)

Thanks for the pic description Gail: happy mother's day sweetie! Take good care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada <3


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