Welcome everyone to the 2017 Tour Review Thread!   The upcoming year is going to be exciting with concerts scheduled already for 2017!!  MB has some USA shows starting off the year in January and more shows through early April so far and I’m sure many more to come around the globe as the year unfolds!  Also exciting for 2017 is the February 10th release of Songs of Cinema and I am betting a few more songs from the CD will make it in the tour setlist!  Woo Hoo!  This is the best time to be a fan with MB’s concerts and we may have a Michael Bolton Charities event later in the year, we never know. Michael has multiple projects in the works and he is good at keeping us guessing. I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2017 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past.  

Let the year long concert party begin and I wish concerts for all of you in 2017!! I know many fans are on other social media sites but I do hope we can continue with the exciting tour reviews here in 2017!  You all make the thread fun.  

Happy Concert Time again in 2017!!

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Hope everything okay with your journey Astrid and you are home safe !!! :)  It was so, so lovely to finally meet you and get chance for a chat, albeit a short one and lovely too to meet the other girls, Martina, Christine and Ivana and hope in 2018 we might just be able to meet again somewhere in Germany, hope so !!! :)  I'm still working on review for Denmark let alone Bremen and what a tale to tell from Denmark ..... one crazy Bolton Adventure with at least a hour and a half just to find the car again, OH, the things you do for Mr. Bolton !!!!! LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Those going to the shows on the 2nd&4th in Italy, travel safely, have fun, & please come back with reviews.

Looking forward to your reviews Sylvia.. I know some of us Bolton fans have done some crazy things traveling, and I've said for many years ONLY FOR MB would we do this or that..YEP.. We all can relate!! LOL

Robin in MD :)

Unfortunately my English has not improved yet. So I do not write a report about the two great concerts in Denmark and Bremen. I hope on Sylvia.

But I have set up photos that you can look at.

Svendborg - Denmark:


Bremen - Germany:


Best regards from Berlin


Danke so sehr, sehr viel Katrin, dank !!! :)   They are ALL beautiful and I will try to do our two concerts justice in my reviews but, as you know, so much happened and so, so much FUN happened so to get in right order and not miss anything out is taking time but I am getting there !!! LOL  

Firstly, I want to share a little story in connection with the Bremen show which, by getting this account of what happened out of the road, will make writing about this part of the wonderful Bolton Adventure that much easier as will not have to digress to explain what am talking about. Here goes folks to explain something wonderful and magical that happened in Bremen. 

Firstly, because I was going abroad for first time for a million years (since 1989) and first time obviously seeing Michael abroad I put in a request to purchase a M&G for Bremen show as had intended to purchase through Pledge Music but when went in to do so discovered Michael's page was closed. At that point thought, "if you don't ask you don't get" and so, put in a request explaining what had intended to do and why I was wanting to do and was more than fortunate, my request was granted with my being asked to make my donation directly to MBC rather than through Pledge Music.

Little bit of history which led up to what occurred and it goes back to Poole concert in UK.  When I had my Pledge Music M&G in Poole with Michael, part of that was never fulfilled because series of events took place, i.e. a request for me to send information to someone by e-mail, which I had done, but unfortunately e-mail account to which I had directed it was not checked. When I arrived in Svendborg for Langelands Festival concert I met the person concerned and they asked me why I had never sent an e-mail to them. I explained I had and they went, "oh, oh !!!" Unknown to me they found my e-mail and then discussed the situation with someone and because of "mistake" it was agreed that I be given two VIP passes to give to friends for Bremen concert. I was also given two free tickets but unfortunately there was no one who I could give them to. I received this information about decision in the afternoon of day of Bremen concert. Knowing there was four of us going together to concert, although one was sitting in another area, we were all staying at same hotel and had been together since Friday night and spent the whole of Saturday together sightseeing in Bremen and I thought, how on earth do I decide which two get and who doesn't. I couldn't make that decision and so a little plot formed in my mind, surprise, surprise !!!! lol I sent an e-mail back obviously thanking profusely for decision which had been made to give me the two and asking if it was possible for one more. As you can imagine I was on tenterhooks waiting for reply which never came. I hadn't said anything to the girls about the passes but just before we went to the theatre I told them and explained that I hadn't received an answer back but knew I could see the person concerned and would do so. When got to theatre I made contact with the person and explained situation and was given another pass. Needless to say I was delighted and relieved and the girls were over the moon.

Hope you will appreciate how and why wanted that little part of the Bolton Adventure separated from review which obviously will include actual M&G story because in some respects it was a little adventure all on its own. As have said still working on Langelands review and will get round to Bremen one day but all I will say just now is I had a BLAST and those concerts will live with me forever .... whole trip was beyond magical.

Now back to Denmark review !!!! LOL

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


Oh wow Sylvia!!
So glad it was worked out for all the ladies to go who were with you...Pledge VIP confusion..so sorry to hear that..You did see MB in Upton..What was missed? We had a bit of
confusion before ours but it got sorted and all was beyond amazing. Only sharing to say yours not only one where communication got wires crossed...we got help too and all was beyond awesome for us and sounds like yours too in Germany.. Woo Hoo! I hope the other gals will post also.

Take your time and enjoy the Bolton cloud!!!!

Robin in MD :)

Just to say Robin what happened, or didn't happen, was nothing earth shattering and really nothing to bother about and I knew it would eventually get sorted out as new was going to Bremen show with opportunity, I hoped, to speak to person concerned which happened.  Just to say it was nothing to do with Pledge Music and if you could call it a "mistake" it wasn't on their part but on Michael's team and that was why when he was told he agreed backstage passes and tickets. For me it wasn't even a big enough thing to take to the "boss" (if you like) but they work as such a close unit and complete team that he was told but I didn't know of his involvement until I read e-mail telling me about decision.  As I said nothing to it and nothing to go on about or talk about in relation to it but had to mention as it was part of the story of how we got so many backstage passes.

Sylvia   Your wee Scottish friend


I am glad it all worked out for you and the otber ladies!!

Yes MB and his team are a close group and are wonderful.

Robin in MD :)

Hi Sylvia, wow, I'm glad everything worked out for you all and God bless you for following through with tying up loose ends: I know you made everybody really happy! Thanks so much for sharing and we'll look forward to your reviews. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hallo Katrin, it's really nice to know you've had a great time at your concerts. Thanks for sharing and posting sweetie. Take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D

Hi Katrin

Thank you for sharing these pictures, so pleased you had the time of your lives at the concerts and with each other. Always nice to hear about the fan experiences on Bolton adventures, nice to hear a great time was had by all...

Ann from Newcastle

Hi Katrin :) I understand about the language skills because I have ZERO!! So HAPPY you had a GREAT time with Sylvia and her kindness....which is never ending!! Thankfully laughing is universal in the language of JOY!! No skills needed! Just as I told Petra...I can only imagine your faces when Sylvia told you that you would be meeting Michael!! Woohoo!! What a Bolton Adventure!! So so wonderful. Hopefully Silvy will be able to attend the concerts in Germany next year and translate once again :) I need to go look at your pics now but wanted to say hi first :) Thanks again for posting and enjoy your great memories!! No one is ever the same after meeting the WeeOne....lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob


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