Hi Everybody

Seems the other thread got left behind so here's a new one

I have 35 more sleeps

All the best

Dianna xxx

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It's getting closer Dianna!! I am so excited for you..I can't wai to hear all about it!!!
Yes it's getting closer
I can't wait to go!!!!!!!!!!

I wish you a wonderful time Dianna! We want a full report of course!!!!! LOL
Robin it will probably go though like a blur.
I remember after seeing Celine it was all the anticipation leading up to it.
Working out everything the concert was great but it seem to start and then finished so quickly it's hard to desrcibe and than it was back to the real world.
So I hope I can just relax enjoy and really see everything and not wishing I had done something different.
Love Dianna xxx

Hi Dianna,
I know exactly what you mean about not being able to describe a concert, I once took a note pad and a pen, and never wrote a thing on it.
I was asked to dance in a spotlight that night! So my only recolection was my shattered nerves. LOL
I know that you will have a wonderful time seeing Michael for the first time! Hey remember this, we all wish we were there with you too!

Hi kellie,
so happy to see you made it here.
I will have a look at a siggy for you at the moment I have Caitlyn and she takes up most of my time
But will have a go in a few days
Wouldn't it be great if we all could be there
Gosh that would blow Michael's mind and probably mine too lol
Love dianna xxx
hi dianna i bet you are counting the days down i wish you the very best .i know you will be totally blown away when the music starts and you see michael walk out on that stage you will go goose pimples all over .seeing michael on a screen and to see him live in the flesh in front of you is totally mind blowing , and believe me it dont matter how many times you have been . it is the same at every concert even if it is within a couple of days of each one ,well for me it is anyway lol

Hi Helen,
I am rather excited I hope I don't burst into tears or something stupid.
I hoping there will be more in Australia now he is once again doing concerts worldwide.
Love Dianna xxx

I dont suppose you've heard 'anything' have you?

I wonder if its worth doing it again? You never know, sometimes these things dont reach the party concerned?

Go on I dare you!! If you dont, 'do it' again, you may regret it if it didnt get there first time round. Huh?? Know what I mean??

Love Jennifer XXX
Hi Kellie,
Maybe this for a siggy
Love Dianna xxx

Hi Dianna,
I love it! Now I have to figure out how to put it here.
You know me, that can take awhile. LOL
This is one of my favorite pics of him near the beach.
Thanks again Dianna!
Obiviously I didn't do it right. OH well.
Okay Kellie when you right click and save the picture to your computer (remember where you put it)
When you press reply to this at the end there is a picture of a camera click that and than you have to press BROWSE to find it on your computer than press ADD it will take a few seconds to upload and than just prss Add reply when your finished your post.
But the thing is Kellie you have to do this everytime you post in a thread if you want to of cause.
Love Dianna
Glad you liked it.


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