2010 Concert Tour Reviews-Please share your reviews with us here!

Hi everyone, I thought it might be nice to have a thread for everyone to post their concert reviews in again like we've done in the past. It's such fun hearing about all the shows and everyone's experiences and see their photos. 


Anyone attending, please post your review.  Its exciting that Michael and his band are hitting the road again and traveling the world!


I hope you all don't mind I started this thread for concert reviews.  I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's experiences!



Robin :)


P.S.  Update-Nov, 2010-I wish them well and cannot wait to see the show again in 2011!!! MB totally rocked it at NJ PAC 11/3/2010!!! Thanks Michael!!!!!


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................and what about those Langham label face flannels?

Salt and pepper anyone? Eh Juliet??? Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

Love Jennifer XX
Robin, remember Michel's show in Indiana PA at the college there? it was October 19, 2003. Loved it. We had front row seats, went up to the stage&Chris gave me his guitar pick&Michael held my hand. I was visiting a pen pal of mine from that area. We started writing in 1963, started sending tapes to one another&now, we chat on voice chat lines. it took me 40 years to meet her. That trip was a 14-hour up&the same back. Travel&transferring on 4 Greyhound busses each way but it was doable. What was so cool besides the concert&seeing my friend was seeing other friends in various cities. So, yeah, college concerts can be awesome. :D

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CAR
YES I do remember that one Robin, we were there too! YUP! Not done many of those type venues but that was a nice one!!
Robin :)
Hi Robin.....I actually have participated in those "activities" as you mentioned above :) But I definitely stepped up my game with the cut out!! There were cut outs that were even bigger (2 to be exact) than the one that followed me out of the casino ;) There were 3 altogether. I think the casino actually made them soooo big figuring NO ONE would attempt such a caper. Oh my.....I guess they under estimated the Bolton fans. But I must admit, the other cutouts were so big that once it "fell" into your hands there was no way to get it home. Believe me.....I considered all possibities!! Like where to cut the poster for transport, etc. This was full blown covert action needed!!!

Happy fanning all!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
Hmmm, reminds me of a certain bottle that fell into my handbag last year!! Ha Ha Ha!!

Backstage, Michael asked for a drink of water and as he put it down, I whispered to Carol 'Psst, I'm having that!'

As I made my way out of the door in my wheelchair, I carefuly unpacked my bag and the bottle just sort of 'fell in?' somehow!!

I gave it to another fan the next morning as a gift and I believe she is growing another Michael Bolton for us from the DNA on the mouth of the bottle. I do know that she threatened her cleaners with the sack saying 'DO NOT THROW THAT BOTTLE AWAY!!!'

What are we like? I wonder what Michael would think of our escapades? He probably thinks that we all criminally insane!! I think he's right!!

Come on, anybody else got a story like this to tell? What Michael item walked out under your arm at a concert or fell into your bag?

Love Jennifer XX
Hysterical Jennifer and I KNOW for a fact I would have done the same thing!!! At a CD signing way back....I gave Michael my pen to sign with instead of the one he had been using that way I could keep it!!!

Criminally insane or raving genius'!!!!!! What is it they say?....there is a fine line between genius and insanity...hahahahaha As long as we all have smiles on our faces then they can lock us up smiling!!!

I am STILL smiling every time I enter my kitchen because there Michael sits waiting for me!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob
I know that we have guitar picks but not from Michael. My story involves finding Michael. I accuse my two friends of being Lucy and Ethel. I am Ricky trying to keep them straight. One time (I think Bossier City , LA.) my friend Cindy talked with the stage hand. She asked him what were the chances of us getting backstage. He said for us to wait after the concert. There was a group that was to see Michael. He said we might could get in with the group. I was a nervous wreck. Lucy and Ethel (Carol) were not. They blended right in. We even went behind the curtain on stage left. Well the man leading the group looked directly at us and said, "I see some unfamiliar faces". I hit the road running. I thought my two friends were with me. No Way. Cindy just turned her head. She figured it he saw her unfamiliar face that she would just turn around so he could not see it. Well Michael was sick that night and did not visit with anyone. I was kind of glad because I did not want a show down in Bossier City. We always have Great stories to tell. I always promise not to tell but do anyway.
Hey Jennifer, yeah, over the years a few posters and such have fallen into my purse, or pockets!! LONG< LONG time ago, in Connecticut, he had a toys for tots toy drive, that if you brought a gift, you got to meet Michael and shake his hand..inside a mall..well I took the gift but when we were in line, I saw a huge cutout of him really close to where the boxes of toys were..well, got up there to shake his hand, real cool itself, but I wanted more, so we (my husband and me) went walking around the mall in that area, of course to keep looking at Michael, and by the time the drive was over I ask the security guard what they were gonna do with the cutout..he said he didn't know and I ask if I could have it..he said well..well..not really, but I didn't want to give up so went back a little later, and same guy was there, he said back for the cut out and I said yes, he said he couldn't give it to me but if he wasn't looking and it was gone, nothing he could do...so my husband grabbed it and out we went, security guard laughing really loudly!!! Luckily we were pretty close to a door and got it to the car...It was about 6 ft tall and luckily folded into thirds!! I still have it inside my closet!! My husband said as long as he did not have to look at it, I could keep it!!!! That was so much fun back then, I was a little younger!!! I tried to get one when I was in Las Vegas a few years ago, but we were flying so did not have anywhere to put it, so I didn't try too hard, but I did end up with a large poster that trip....
When were you in Vegas, Kerie? Cool.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
LOL Kerie I was at Trumball Mall for the Toys for Tots thing too, MB had on the Said I Love You But I Lied suede type jacket!!LOL We didn't get any posters from the mall that day..Good going!LOL

I have a huge poster here from Vegas that another fan got signed and then they auctioned at the fan reception. I won the auction. It's a lovely poster of MB! I didn't get to go so that was a great to get at the fan reception auction that year!!LOL

A dear friend got me one of the 6 ft. cardboard displays of MB with long hair, denim shirt and jeans some years back, what a surprise!!. I still have him under the guest room bed!!

Fun times!!! We all think alot alike with getting momentos that will be tossed later most likely anyway!!
Robin :)
Exactly Robin!!!! We don't want to fill the landfills with such beauty!!! We are green machines for keeping Michael out of the landfills....LOL.... I LOVED the suede jacket he wore during the that CD promo.....remember the video???
ohhhhhh MY!!! I have the counter size poster of the one you mentioned in the jeans.....uh..hmmmm....that fit quite snug shall I say!!! Where is the ice bucket now???

Fun times indeed!

Kathy and LAFD Bob
LOL I have the smaller cut out in the jeans as well as the 6 ft one, it lives under the guest room bed but I have it still!!LOL


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