2010 Concert Tour Reviews-Please share your reviews with us here!

Hi everyone, I thought it might be nice to have a thread for everyone to post their concert reviews in again like we've done in the past. It's such fun hearing about all the shows and everyone's experiences and see their photos. 


Anyone attending, please post your review.  Its exciting that Michael and his band are hitting the road again and traveling the world!


I hope you all don't mind I started this thread for concert reviews.  I'm looking forward to reading about everyone's experiences!



Robin :)


P.S.  Update-Nov, 2010-I wish them well and cannot wait to see the show again in 2011!!! MB totally rocked it at NJ PAC 11/3/2010!!! Thanks Michael!!!!!


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Hi Robin, I had a fabulous time at Michael,s Bristol concert, he gave 200% as always.
He sang most of his hits plus I Hope it,s too Late from the new album which I love.
He also did Sweet Home Chicago, love him on guitar!! This was awesome. He also did some Sinatra and Vintage plus Nessun Dorma.
Michael is looking really well at the moment and seemed to enjoy himself as much as the fans did.
My only regret is I didn,t get to hold his hand this time. ROLL ON NEXT UK TOUR!!!!!

Sandra xx
Thanks for sharing your review Sandra. Sounds MB is still on a roll giving amazing performances each night!! I am glad he's still doing Sweet Home Chicago..maybe that will stay from now on. Hope so!!

THanks again!!
Robin in MD :)
ALWAYS next time Sandra!!!!
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Sandra, where's there's life, there's hope for a hand shake or to meet him.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
Sandra had you met Michael before&if not, have you hadthe opportunity to hold or shake his hand at any concerts? i hope so. I have on both counts.

Robin tnhe boltonnut from L. A. CA

If you feel like it, could you add me on the friends list? You don't have to if you'd rather not.
Enjoy Sandra. :D

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA
I enjoyed every second of it Robin, can,t wait til the next tour!!!!!

I hear you Sandra. i can't wait until next year. Hope he comes to the L. A. area&Vegas.

Some areas in L. A. County I can't get to as one needs a vehicle&they're not ready for me on the road het. :D

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

I wish there was a computer car&if there was, it's too hightly technical&bucks. :D
Thanks to Kate, Jody, Sandra, Louise and Joanna for your reviews!

Happy Birthday 40th Joanna, I did the same this summer, I went to M.B.'s concert in Italy as a present of my 40th birthday!

greetings from the cold Switzerland, today minus 7, from my photo you can see the snow.

Silvy XX

Michaels next stop on his UK tour is in Brighton, UK at the Brighton Dome.. Anyone attending along with Helen please post your reviews!!!

Stay safe in the weather too everyone traveling to see Michael!!!
Robin in MD:)
I'm oh! so! sorry to hear Michael's concert was cancelled due to illness. He needs to take care of himself. He's running himself ragged.

I understand the disappointment the fans are feeling.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

On the positive, I know yawl don't want to har this but you'll have it to look forward to. :D
Brrrrrrrrr....Silvy!! Janniche from Norway would love this photo. She might think it is a warm day there...lol
Kathy and LAFD Bob


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