

I just found out about this forum a couple of days ago and thought I would check it out.

My name is Audrey (just finding out there's another one here named Audrey), but you can call me Doxia (one of a various number of nicknames given to me by my friends and family).

I've been a fan of Michael's since 1991.  His music is incredible.

I'm also a big jazz fan as well.  Some of my favorites include: Kurt Elling, Spencer Day, Brian Bromberg, Michael Lington, Euge Groove, Brian Culbertson & Joe Bagale.

Just wanted to drop by and say hello.

Audrey C (Doxia)
aka The Quiet One.

Doxia (Audrey C)
aka The Quiet One
Jazz fan.
(40 and loving it)
Fan of Jazz music since 1986
Fan of Michael since 1991
His music still moves me

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With regard to where to post on here, this is how I think of it. (this is my personal oppinion only, but feel free to use it as a rough guide if you wish)

On the main page there are five topic headings that mainly concern us (there are two others entitled not recieving mail and note about the aol browser).

These headings are-

General chat- so anything Michael related, including, new members posting for the first time to say hello, interviews, where've you've spotted him, meet and greet chat, etc..etc..

Tours gigs and announcements- So anything related to concerts, reviews, excited chat about upcoming concerts, new dates being added, tickets for sale (must be conducted via private messages) etc..

Music-- so chat about Michaels new releases, old songs, dvd's, which song you like etc..

Photos- so photos you want to share, photos you've found on the net..etc..

Off topic-- anything that either has nothing to do with Michael i.e book club, personal stuff, sharing stuff about your life like poems, drawings, songs etc and your other interests or new members saying hello etc..

Have a good look around the site and you'll soon get used to it, but mainly, sit back, relax and enjoy the site and try not to worry about posting in the wrong place, you'll soon find your feet and will see how others are posting.

I hope this helps you.

Love Jennifer XXXX
HI Diane and welcome to the new forum
Just take the time have a look around and when you find something that interest you or you have an opinion by all means join in and have some fun
You will find we are here for the same reason the love of music and the wonders of Michael Bolton:)
Love Dianna xxx

Hello Audrey, I recognise you from the old forum....so 'Hello'.

You are the writer arent you?

Glad you found this site, you'll ove it once you've found your way around.

I've posted a thread giving hints and tips on using this forum and I belive it appears as a sticky at the top of each heading.

This site is so much better than the other one and is far more interactive with videos, our own photo albums, lyrics etc.. and we can even have our own 'wall' to post private messages and music players etc..

Welcome again.

Love Jennifer XX
Dear Audrey, Jen is right about what she saids about this forum. We have had a few before this one lol and lucky we always had fun with eachother and become very good friends with some off the fans over here,
The one thing I am missing lol is that there is still no chat with Michele with us all. Beside you can win a phonecall with him somewere else lol.

I hope you have a great time in here and enjoy it as much as we all do.
lots of love Jacqueline


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