The town where I live is running a competition to win money and mentoring and support to have your design/invention/idea  produced and get into the shops for sale etc.. and my design has been put through to the video voting round.


Now I really really need your votes to help me win..


Basicaly, my design is a cushioned, fullly collapsible shopping basket that is safely and comfortably secured onto the lap of the wheelchair user so that they can independantly and comfortably continue their shopping.

My design is FULLY PATENTED and the prototype really works. I am now using it on a regular basis and it has really been a God send) It is called 'The Lappy Shopper'


Please ask your friends, family and work colleagues to vote for me. It would be fantastic if this design were to be availalble for the wheelchair users around the world.


I thank you in advance for all of your help and will let you know how it all goes and whether I am chosen or not. 




Love Jennifer XXXX

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Congratulations on a great idea, Jennifer! I hope you win!

Anna :o)
Jennifer I would like to say what a grand and unique idea and a very good idea
I know a few people who would find good use for this and you are very clever to have thought of it
Done well girl!!!! :)
You most surely have my vote
Love Dianna xxx
Hi, Jenn
Great invention !!! Tell me everytime
while you're busier
everything fall, always happen, good luck !!!
Take care
What a Fab idea Jennifer! My girlfriend is in a wheelchair (she had polio as a child), and I'm sure she would be interested in something like this.

Will vote for it!

Hello Jennifer,

what a great idea !!! I have just voted for you on the internet, I hope it helps you and the future users as well !!!
What a courage to present your idea to the 6 "tie-gentleman".

Best regards from snowy Prague


Jennifer just watched your video and gave you my vote. You are a doll and a genius! Love your clever invention... Good luck to you.

All the best,
I would like to thank you all so very, very much for voting for my design in the Launchpad Harlow competition.

Now I can happily report that..............I WON!!!!! Yaaaay!!!

I will find out this week what happens about the next section of the competition and whether this means I'm in the semi or quarted final.

Whatever does happen, wont actually take place until after Christmas which I'm really pleased about as I'm really busy at the monent.

So thank you once again from the bottom of my heart for all of your votes. I may need to ask you to vote for me again.

Love Jennifer XXX
Just let us know Jennifer :)
Love Dianna xxx
I've just been told that I'm definately through to the final which is being held on January 13th 2011.

I've got to prepare a business plan and sort out a few others things and it will be a board room scenario where they sit round a large table like the apprentice and the 'Alan Sugar' figure will fire a whole bunch of questions at me!! Doh!!

I'm going to need to write up a business plan *gulp* and get a few other facts and figures together aswell, but hopefully they will be writing to me with more details of what is required.

Am I nervous, worried frightend? Yes, all of the affore mentioned apply right now!! Ha ha!!

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Love Jennifer XX


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