Hi Gang,


This past Sunday, mom and I took a day trip to Phillipsburg, New Jersey.  We have taken many day trips with this bus company but this was a real Christmas treat!


First we stopped at the Phillipsburg Mall which is very nice.  Both mom and I picked up a few things, including a Christmas gifts for my brothers.  Santa was also at the mall, and it was cute to see him taking picutres with not just kids but also dogs!  We then stopped for lunch at a local Chinese all you can eat buffet, which was good.  After lunch we headed to the train station and got on the Polar Express.  Well let me tell you, these guys do a great job to make you feel like your in the animated movie!!  First we got "Gold Tickets" and the conductors came around to punch them.  The train was decorated with Christmas lights and Garland...very festive.  When the train started to move, we heard Tom Hanks yelling "All Aboard" and the music from the movie came on.  Then the Chefs came around with hot chocolate and cookies for everyone.  Once they were done serving, Santa and his elves showed up and we all got a bell attached to a red cord so you can wear it if you like.  There was lots of happy kids and picture taking all over.   After Santa, the ghost from the roof of the train showed up and also shooked hands and took pictures.  Another man came after with a banjo and we all sang Christmas songs together.  Since we were with a bus tour, we were in our own car.  When mom and I walked thru the cars to get to the gift shop, we saw many kids (and adults!) dressed in their pajama's and bath robes!!  Talk about getting into the spirit of things...LOL!!  There were many happy faces and that was wonderful to see.  We did not get anything at the gift shop, but I have my gold ticket and bell and I'm happy with that!!  :)


I wanted to share this with all of you, since we enjoyed it so much!!  It was like a day at Universal Studio's or at a Disney theme park.  It may be too late now, but for anyone who likes this movie and would like to take their kids, grandkids (or if you are a kid like me..LOL!) next year, here is their web site:   www.nyswths.org/polarexpress









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Helena that's sounds like you  and everybody on board had a fantasic time

Thanks for sharing with us.

Love Dianna xxx

Hi Helena, aww, that sounds adorable! Wish I'd live in that area and I would go! Oh I love that movie: we have the soundtrack and even got the DVD package with the train inside! Yeah, I'm a big kid too... :D Sounds like you and your mom had a great time! Thank you so much for sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Wow!! what a day you had!!


It sounds absolutely perfect and a day I'd love to partake in.


I dont know the film polar express, but it sounds like a fun film, Not sure if I like the idea of a ghost saying hello though? Ha Ha!!


Love Jennifer XXXX



Hi Jennifer, if you still have a bit of the wonder of childhood in you, I think you should see that movie. The whole concept of it has to do with believing, hense Josh Groban's song "Believe" in it. My youngest son used to run to me every time he heard it because it moved him so much, even when he was 8 or 9... It's very sweet and I'm a sucker for a sweet movie... Take care Jen. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sounds fab ,would love to take Dylan on that.

Jenn ,i think its on xmas day ,prob a couple of times ,lol .Keep an eye out for it ,its a lovely movie.xx

It was on TV last night (here in the states) on the ABC Family Channel.  Loved seeing it again!  I'm sure they will repeat it again....




Hya Sharon


Polar Express ITV 1:10pm Christmas day, you were correct. I'm going to watch that!! Sounds lovely and as I also love Josh Graban and 'Believe'......bonus all round!!!!


Thank you for telling me this. One thing, is it going to make me cry?


Love Jennifer XXX

Jenn ,it had the newest form of animation at the time that was made more realistic ,you will have it as one of your favs when you see it but as Juliet said you will have nice tears .xx

Oooh, I cant wait to see it now.


I have to keep a box of tissue by my chair in the front room and its amazing how many times I have to 'yawn' to make my eyes water to stifle a crying session.


I can cry at anything these days. I'm so emotional, its worrying.


Love Jennifer XX

Hi girls, Juliet, God bless you for enjoying Disney movies! Jen,  make no apologies for crying girl: better out than in I always say! There have been studies on how letting your emotions out can prevent some kinds of cancer… ha ha ha! Take care sweetie pie and enjoy the movie! Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hello Sylvie, Je suis très contente de lire que beaucoup de personnes aiment les films de Disney, en général, et Le Pôle Express en particulier !!! C'est très charmant, ce qu'elle a vécu, Helena !!! Il devrait y avoir beaucoup plus d'initiatives de ce genre dans les petites villes !!! Moi si, j'ai pleuré à certains passages... mes enfants aussi, mais pas les mêmes, la musique est tellement envoutante qu'on se laisse transporter dans ce monde sans problèmes !!!

Je traduis (tu me diras si c'est bon !! lol) : I'm very happy to learning that a lot of people like the movies of Disney in general, and The Pole Express in particular ! It's very sweety what she lived, Helena !!! It's lust be having more ideas of this in the small town !!! Me yes, i cried to some moments... my childs also, but at the same time, the music is enough amazing that we can go on this world withou problems !!!

Have a good start for this New Year !!! I'm very proud to be one of us !!!  Bye BD

Hi Bernadette,it's not perfect but you got your point across, ce n'est pas parfait mais tu te fais comprendre, bravo! I know you've discovered Josh Groban recently, did you know he sings the song "Believe" in the movie? Je sais que tu as découvert Josh Groban récemment, savais-tu que c'es lui qui chante la chanson "Believe"? I just love that song! Thanks for sharing Bernadette. J'adore cette chanson, merci de partager avec nous! Take care, fais attention à toi. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie du Canada :D


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