Ok ,So having posted about this i was wondering what songs you would like to hear Michael sing in his concerts.I know we all love the hits but im sure there are songs that he hasnt sang live in a long time or ever.I love anything he sings and would be happy if he sang the phonebook but would be intersted to see what you all would like to hear live.My set list would include all the usual hits but i would love to hear some of these .






"That's What Love Is All About


You wouldnt know love


From now on


Back on my feet again


Stand up for love


Missing you now


The one thing


Soul of my soul




Make a long story longer


Best of love


We're not making love


A love so beautiful


I promise you


Once in a lifetime



Dance with me


Next lifetime


Till the end of forever



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Well girls, you know that Billy Joel song "Just the Way you are"...  Well if any man loves you or me, it is because of what we are...not just good looks, but charm, personality, being sincere and being able to work together.  Michael dates women who are in show business like him, I guess he feels like he doesn't have a choice.  He would not date a "Middle class" woman, in fear that she wants him for his money or because he's in show business and hangs out with others like him.  However, many of these women that are rich, probally have no substance to themselves, just good looks.  Some of them are also spoiled, nasty and think they are so special.  Only a handful of them are decent women.  Sylvia is also right....  Michael is a man and he has his faults too.  He is not perfect...(regardless that he is a good looking man) and he is also aging.   Eventually, he will find someone that he feels compatable with and have a future with her.  We women have to find our own path and man.  It may not be our destiny to be with someone like Michael, but there are lots of fish in the sea, and we single women will eventually catch our own fish.  Except for Sylvie who is married, how many of you would really think, that you would end up in a relationship with a famous musician?  It's a nice fantasy...but we have a better chance of hitting the lottery than dating or marrying a man like Michael.  So Robin, don't put yourself down.....I'm single and would love to have a boyfriend......but my guy does not have to be a famous celebrity.....that's for sure!!    :)



All of you are right. I do have the tendency to put myself down&I shouldn't. I just feel weird at my age&never married. Oh! well! Their loss. My gain, I guess. :D We have oh! so! much fun. I know I'd never be with Michael but it just is no harm for all of us to dream. I dream. :D Love it.


Where are the Floridians. Wow! The 3rd concert&no comments. :(


Boltonnut from L. A. CA


&Yeah, we all have baggage but Michael can hide his. I can't that's for sure. :(

Robin,  many times I feel sorry for myself too!  Remember I'm in my 40's and never married and have no kids.  Spent most of my life as a caregiver to my brother and then parents as they came down with health problems.  I've dated in the past, but never connected to "the right one".  It may be too late for me to have children, but there is always hope for me of meeting someone and having a future with him.  I'm not dead yet....that's for sure....LOL!!!  People of any age can fall in love and marry late in life, even senior's in their 60's and beyond!  Many disabled people have found a partner too.  Guess it's just a matter of looking in the right places and getting ourselves out there.  My mother always said to me.....Nobody knows you if you stay home....and she is right!  That's is why this year, I'm going to get out more!  I would like to make some new friends and also meet someone nice.  It's great having friends on the internet.....but everyone here lives far away and unfortually I can't hang out with any of you....sad as that is.  And how many times can I poke Sylvia on Facebook?  LOL!!!  She may get mad at me or something!!  I really wish some of you girls lived nearby....what fun we would have!!!  Oh well.....


Well Robin, Michael can hide his baggage since he has the money......plastic surgery is not cheap.  I'm not saying Michael has had any surgery, but he can if he wants to.  All we can do is dye our hair and do our nails......and I'm sure Michael dye's his hair too...LOL!!



Hi Helena, Hi Robin CA,


Oh Helena - I've only just come back in here and read everything after my post to Robin - what a beautiful way you have expressed your thoughts and can I be cheeky and say - mine too.  I sent Robin a PM after my last post because I believed I had been too flippant and I tried to express myself more clearly - you know what I wrote Robin and you also know that at the end I told you there was more I couldn't put into words - Helena has said them above in both her posts - but I told you that we are all unique and all beautiful, all in our separate, individual ways, we are all special and as Helena says if we could  all be together what a whale of a time we would have but, hey, don't we have a whale of time on here - look how we all get on ......some have met each other.....but the majority haven't....it is only through these words that we print here that we have become the friends we are and I, for one, know I have good friends here and that is why too I go on about thanking Michael for having this web site where we can communicate the way we do - it is wonderful! ....think if it was still the old form of "fan club" but, apart from that ....okay, I know  Robin, for you and Sylvie it would be different - your individual senses coming into play - but we have never seen each other ....again, some have, but the majority have never spoken to each other and yet we like each other ....that was what  I was trying to say by the "tomato" and Helena has said by the "bimbos".... it sure as hell ain't what is on the outside that counts but what is on the inside !


And Helena, you can poke me as often as you like - there is just one thing I have to tell you - I am going to damn well find out how to poke you first!   lol.


Sylvia.    Your wee Scottish friend.   

That's for sure!!  Looking forward to see you all!!



Oh Sylvia, I love to poke you...and it's all in good fun!!  Even thought I don't understand someone would add that into facebook, must think we are all kids or something..LOL!!


True, we girls have lots of laughs and support each other too.....  It's nice having friends here on this site...even if some of them are a bit nutty including myself....LOL!!!





Helena, don't poke Sylvia too hard in the ribs. :D


Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA


That hurts.

I love you guys. Yawl are just oh! so! Awesome! I love it because, you don't hold it on my being blind&you'd be surprised that people do. See, when walking with someone (a woman) for example, I hold on to the elbow as we call it: "sighted buide." Some people feel weird my holding on to them. Heck, some folks don't even wanna talk to me or even touch me. Their loss; my gain. Like I always say, "I can't change my blindness. Only they can, if they wish to, change their attitude." You all take me for who&what I am.&Helen, I've never married, or had children as you said, it's never too late for either of us. I wish we all had the bucks and could get together at a convention hall somewhere&meet up with one another. Fortunately, I've met Sylvie from Canada, Gail, Robin from Maryland&others as well&it's awesome&Helen, youmet Eileen&that's awesome&some BB'S across the pond have met up with one another--I've met Jude, Jody,&other British fans as well. I should stop rambling. hard on the hand but sometimes, I don't care. I just love all of you for taking me for who I am; not what I am. You're right Sylvie in Canada, I wouldn't see might grow old but he&I, we're still teens--at least I am. :D 

Hi Robin, I haven't met Eileen yet, only Juliet.  But Eileen and I are hoping to meet each other sometime this year....maybe when the girls are getting together in New York and Connecticut in June.  They are planning to see Michael's show and also spend time in New York.

Robin, I spent my whole life with my younger brother and I guess it became natural for me to love him regardless of his disabilites and that he was different.  It was hard, but my whole family worked together.  I haven't seen him for quiet a few weeks because the snow has buried my car and I really miss spending some time with him.  In some way, he is like the child I never had.  I have always been protective of him since we were kids when I knew he was different... and I feel the same way for anyone who is disabled.  I understand the family members, and their frustration too.  People like us who have difficulties, either because they or their love ones are disabled,  we all understand each other.  

Well, there is the convention coming up in September that Jennifer and Juliet are working on.  Are you ready for a trip to merry ole England?   LOL!!  I've been thinking about it!!  I wonder if the Wee One is going....maybe I can poke her in person...LOL!!!


I won't be able to go to England Sorry about that. helena, it's Helen that's in New York.


I understand your protection of your brother who's disabled as i have a brother who is. I hope you can get to see him soon. Darn that shit ****


Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA :D

I hear you Helena. Michael sure wouldn't go out with me. :D I know I shouldn't put myself down but I have more baggage than the average. Michael&I, we're still teens. :D It's all good. You guys are oh! so! neat! I'd love to meet everyone here on this group here. I may be meeting Kathy Rosario&her husband&I can't wait. I really can't. This other girl, Karen from SC, I'll be seeing her like i saw Missy when she was here in L. A. Anytime I have a chance to see BB'S, is ok with me. True. Just the way we are. It's not what we are. It's who we are for sure. i agree but I have that tendency to knock myself down&I shouldn't. I know I'm off topic here. :D



Well Robin, your night out to see Michael's concert sounds great!  Kathy is alot of fun too!!  You will have a great time!! 



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