One of my favourite




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Hi Sylvia,


what a beautiful arrangement. Hm, there seems to be space for more ...

Sleep well



Fully dressed, yet I still like it



Hi Astrid,


Thank you and I am sure I will find a space for that somewhere - I agree with you, fully clothed - goooooooorgeous- especially with the tie - adds that little bit of perfection!    Thank you very much indeed !!!!


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Wow!! Sylvia, you certainly have a lot of Michael photos in your house!!


I bet your visitors think that he's your nephew when they visit??


I only have one photo of Michael on display in my house and my social worker once asked if he was my husband!! Ha Ha!!


Love Jennifer XX

Of course you said yes Jennifer!!!! Too funny!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Jennifer,


Counted them yesterday as I was dusting - I have 20 framed photos....but I also have 18 of family : 1 of me with friends : 1 of Orrin : 4 of my cats and one digital photo frame which is invariably showing a picture of Michael and there is still room for more, I am just getting sick of dusting them all now.   I could get away with him being one of my nephews as I have four - two are now 49 and next one nearest to that will be 48 in July, so I suppose in some of his recent ones he could look about 49, he probably is about 49 in some when I think of it !!   OMG what a gorgeous looking nephew I have - I have just realized !!!!  lol.   You never said Jennifer which photo it is you have framed on display in your house ?????


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Sylvia,

I am a little late tonight/this morning :-)

Hi Astrid....Looks like the SILYBIL jacket....yummy :)

KAthy and LAFD Bob

Good morning Janniche,

maybe I can convert you ... :-)

Yet I like him with his hair short too. Long or short - nothing in between.


Concerning the photo you posted below: It is from the same photo session and I own it too. The natural look really suits him I think, but there is one sweater too much .-))

Have a nice day


VERY HANDSOME!!!! Thanks Astrid :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

You are a fast worker Wee One!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thank you Joy,

I have not seen them yet either. Do you know this one?

Great pictures!!!  Thanks for sharing!!




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