There is a great article about Michael in the Kentucky Today's Woman magazine about Michael.  Check page 63 on this link:

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This is a just a note to express my complete surprise and heartfelt 'thank you'  that my Arts  Insider: His Time, Love & Tenderness (Today's Woman magazine) interview with Mr. Bolton was liked enough to be posted on his site. As I never receive any feedback about my celebrity interviews one way or another I was very touched to read the positive opinions about the piece. The posting also came at a time in my life when things are very stressful on the homefront, and the remarks felt like 'hugs' of encouragement.

Dear Mrs. Patton,
thank you so much for your posting. I am very astonished that you never receive any feedback for you articles, which must be quite frustrating, I suppose. If that would be true to other authors too, I no longer wonder about these endless articles about Michael - and other celebrities too - which - from my perspective - lack of mind, heart and soul, and so often even of true facts too. So your appreciative article is in many ways "outstanding" and therefore so welcomed here.
My heartfelt gratitude for your courage to write differently .
With best wishes for "peace at your homefront"
Astrid Kretschmann/Germany

Hello there Gioia,


Thank you right back at you for coming on here to say a thank you to us.


Naturally, as Michael Bolton fans we are always ready to read any article and I've got to tell you that it makes a very pleasant change to be able to read one that was as balanced as yours and one that not only mentions his music, but also talks about his charity Foundation.


You also avoided mentioning his hair which is gratefully appreciated by us all!! Ha Ha!! You have no idea how frustrating it is to read articles where all the writer wants to ask is about 'the haircut' and what happenned to his mane after? etc..


As you witnessed for yourself, Michael is a wonderful compassionate man who is driven by his family, his music and by his fans. We know how important our role is in his musical pathway. He asks our oppinions and usually acts on them.


I hope that you will be able to experience many more interviews with Michael and get to know more about the man who we all love and who's music has steered us through many an unhappy and tragic event and brought us together into some great times too. I know we would all enjoy reading them.


I hope that your stressful times have passed now and that your situations on the homefront are more settled.


Take care and once again, sincerest thanks for swinging by.


Love Jennifer XX 


Hi and welcome Gioia, it is always nice to hear something positive about Michael

I live in Australia and we don't hear alot about MIchael over here so it's ALWAYS nice to read a nice article about a man I have respected for over 21 years as an artist and a human.

And it really was lovely NOT to read about his hair :)


And if you need hugs then here are some from across the seas {{{{{Gioia}}}}} and I hope things are less stressful for you soon

Love Dianna xxx


Thank you so much for your touching and insightful article on Michael Bolton!  We all appreciate it so much, you listened to him and chose to write about what he is inside and how he feels about what is so important to him besides his music: the women in his life (mother and three daughters) and abuse of all women. 
Almost all other articles about Michael focus on his music, but they say the same thing over and over.  And like others have said here, they always make such a big issue out of his hair.  Why did he cut it, is it true it was auctioned off?  That was back in 1997, old news and really not important.
I am surprised you say you never receive feedback about your articles, you have a gift for writing.  But then again the general public usually doesn't say anything good, they only like to complain about things.
We all give you "hugs" and wish you well.
from the Jersey Shore

Hello Gioia,


You're very welcome. The compliments are more than deserved. A great article and I enjoyed it immensely!

Warm greetings,

Nicolette from Holland.


Hi Gail, I've tried sweetie but I can't retrieve it. Would it be possible to copy it? I'd really appreciate it, it sounds wonderful! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Are you looking for the article Sylvie?  Gail posted it on the previous page darling.


If this is not what you meant, sorry for poking my nose in.


Love Jennifer XX



Ah, my goodness Jen, I'm sorry: I hadn't noticed the name of the writer of the article and completely forgot where it came from, thank you! As Gilda Radner's character on SNL used to say: never mind! :D Take care Jen and Gioia, thank you for writing such a nice article and the best of luck to you sweetie, God bless. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Thanks for posting this wonderful article, so unique and not the same old stuff we read over and over!
from the Jersey Shore

Many thanks for your kind words I wrote before, I never get any feedback from my celebrity interviews one way or another. FYI: It never even occurred to me to ask about MB having cut off his signature long locks!!!!! (LOL) Not only is it terribly 'old news' but also rather Teen Beat magazine in subject- don't you think? My interview goal is to ask the kind of questions that will ultimately entertain/enlighten/educate the reader. I try to ask probing questions, although on a 'soul' level- not the 'who are you dating?' 'let's talk about your looks' 'how was rehab? 'what was it like in jail? 'what was it like to work with i.e.George Clooney!!' kind. Ultimately I believe it's very important to bring back down to earth and humanize these iconic stars, as their mammoth fame can get in the way of people seeing them as 'real' people  too.

Warm regards,


Hi Gioia,


Firstly can I thank Gail for posting the link to this article and also to a friend here who gave me the "heads up" of its existence and I am so glad she did as it was indeed a beautiful article to read and so refreshing to follow his thoughts on something that is so precious to him for, too often, it is the subject by which he raises funds for his Charities i.e. golf tournaments etc. that carry the coverage and not the end result of his endeavours in being able to see one of his dearest dreams continue, in its very worthwhile progress, to aid and assist those in a far less generous position than he NOW finds himself.  Thank you Gioia !


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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