Well as you have seen posted in other threads, Michael is recording and working on his next CD.  I found this yesterday and thought you would enjoy.  Any findings or info you find on the new CD...please post it here..thanks!


http://www.countryweekly.com/rascal_flatts_and_michael_bolton/news/... - The story below...click on the link for a picture:


New Country Mashup: Rascal Flatts?

published: March 1, 2011   |   author: Brad Schmitt


You know the Rascal Flatts boys have been collaborating with Justin Beiber.

Now it seems the mega-country group is going with, uh, the opposite demographic.

Jay DeMarcus of Rascal Flatts put up a picture of his group with Michael Bolton.

Jay tweets that they’re all writing a new song for Michael’s new album.

Won’t Justin be jealous?

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Hi Anna, Sylvia and everybody else,

something I posted on the other thread:


Hi Sylvia,

I already suspected that, so this morning I had a research on her and I must admit, that I have done her wrong. When I first heard about Michael's Christmas duet with her I was shocked, maybe a little embarassed, because I put her in a musical corner my grandparents would have listened to. Although she started there and still has her audience there, she is crossing genres too. Nevertheless she is very, very successful in Germany. If you are interested, watch the following youtube links. 

BTW, she was born on 8/5/1984 in Siberia/Russia of German origins and her familiy settled in Germany by 1988. She is a trained Musical artist (singer and actress), but started her career on a musical TV show, which no pop or rock audience would never (admit LOL) to listen to. Singing with Michael again means a change in her profile and image. In that interview above she already mentioned, that she will stay the same, just if she would calm down her own audience.  

But, I really like her voice and her rendition of "The Rose" made me cry. Yet I am not too enthousiastic about HAISTLWY - but let's wait and hear.


The Power of Love (live):



The Rose (German, live)



We will Rock you (live, yes, Queen LOL)



What do you think about her?



Hi girls, Sylvia, thanks for copying the Facebook info here. Anna, thanks for letting us know it's now on this site too. Astrid, Gail has asked us to post here, if we had any further findings about the album, so we know where to go to find out anything about the new album. Thanks again for the Helene Fischer links, BTW! Take care all. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

This album is going to be so special!!!  I love all these duets!!!

Robin in MD :)

Yeah, it's gonna be hot! hot! hot! Did I say? it's gonna be Hot! Yep.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hey what's going on here??? I was certain to have copied my info!! Sorry



Hi Sylvia,

I already suspected that, so this morning I had a research on her and I must admit, that I have done her wrong. When I first heard about Michael's Christmas duet with her I was shocked, maybe a little embarassed, because I put her in a musical corner my grandparents would have listened to. Although she started there and still has her audience there, she is crossing genres too. Nevertheless she is very, very successful in Germany. If you are interested, watch the following youtube links. 

BTW, she was born on 8/5/1984 in Siberia/Russia of German origins and her familiy settled in Germany by 1988. She is a trained Musical artist (singer and actress), but started her career on a musical TV show, which no pop or rock audience would never (admit LOL) to listen to. Singing with Michael again means a change in her profile and image. In that interview above she already mentioned, that she will stay the same, just if she would calm down her own audience.  

But, I really like her voice and her rendition of "The Rose" made me cry. Yet I am not too enthousiastic about HAISTWY - but let's wait and hear.


The Power of Love (live):



The Rose (German, live)



We will Rock you (live, yes, Queen LOL)



What do you think about her?


Not bad at all. Perhaps I'm getting more excited. wow! Power of Love. Powerful song anyway.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Hi Astrid,


Sorry Astrid if you had posted about duet on "Gems" on other thread but I did not see announcement mentioned  and that was why I posted in this thread and Awards Ceremony thread as all I could see was the link to pictures from Photostream that Anna Mason had published in Facebook, as I too had published one in Favourite Photos of Michael as I am also subscribed to Photostream, and at same time I made mention of where and when taken and then also various links of extracts from the concert itself......actual announcement of duet going to be recorded for album was not made at concert but later by Michael himself on Facebook and was timed as being one hour before I saw and came over here and posted and that too is the announcement, which I believe, Anna is referring too. 


I apologise again Astrid, if you thought that in any way I was being disrespectful to you in making announcement as though I were first to do so - it most assuredly was not intended.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Hi Sylvia,

there is a little misunderstanding going on here LOL. I thought it was a good idea to copy my info from the other thread here too in case someone does not follow all threads and might have been interested about the duet with MB and Helene Fischer. Later I was embarassed to see, that I only posted my announcement and the info was missing! I still don't know how this did happen, because I know I copied the lines in here. Maybe I was too fast with the "add reply button" LOL! So I posted a second reply to make sure, that the info is available for everyone. I am really sorry, that I caused you trouble and confusion and I have to apologize !!!

I hope I could explain what I tried to do and how I messed up LOL. If not - here am I, always loving to communicate. Thanks for being a friend LOL


Hi Astrid,


Yes I see now what you mean -  comment is incomplete - you must have passed your "bug" onto your computer and it is doing funny things  !!!!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Ha, I knew it wasn't my fault LOL. Always good to blame somebody or something else LOL. Astrid

I thank everyone who brings things up here concerning Michael as I'm unable to follow everything&this is my favorite thread--but especially the concert one is.


Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hi everyone, I was listening to Michael this morning, daydreaming about the new album and trying to  put together all the info we have so far on it. I realized something: aside from “Love is everything”, Michael seems to have picked a “gem from each of his albums to do as a duet… I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but I found a pattern and formed a theory. I guess we’ll find out soon enough, but I wanted to share it with you all. Thanks for your time, take care. Hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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